Section 28-112.7.3. Other inspection fees  

Latest version.
  • Table 28-112.7.3
      Inspection Type           Initial Fee            Renewal    Comments
      Curb cut, private         $3 for each linear
      dwelling.                 foot including splay.
      Curb cut, other.          $6 for each linear
                                foot including splay.
      Marquee inspection.       $15 annually for
                                each one hundred
                                square feet or
                                fraction thereof.
      Place of assembly         $100 each inspection,
      inspection, including     each place of
      following a violation.    assembly.
      Search inspection of      $20 for each floor   A basement or a
      a building with a         for the first        cellar shall
      frontage of twenty-five   three floors;        count as a floor.
      feet or less and a        $10 for each
      depth of one hundred      additional floor;    Where both a
      feet or less.             $100 minimum total.  basement and a
                                                     cellar exist,
      [] Additional fee for     Increase above fee   the cellar shall
      building with frontage    by 40% for each      not count as a
      exceeding twenty-five     floor for each       floor in comput-
      feet.                     additional twenty-   ing fee.
                                five feet or
                                fraction thereof.
      [] Additional fee for     Increase above fee
      building with depth       by 25% for each floor
      exceeding one hundred     for each additional
      feet.                     twenty-five feet or
                                fraction thereof.