Section 28-112.7.1. Fees for the testing, approval, inspection and use of power-operated cranes, derricks and cableways  

Latest version.
  • The owner of any crane or  derrick shall renew the certificate of operation each year.
                                  Table 28-112.7.1
      Equipment Type      Initial Fee           Renewal         Comments
                                                Fee for
                                                of Operation
      Prototype approval  $2500 when                            Additional
      of one              testing has                           configurations
      configuration of    been monitored                        shall be
      a mobile crane.     and certified                         subject to
      One configuration   by a competent                        the same
      shall be comprised  individual or                         fees as
      of the crane with   group, other                          the original
      a main boom, one    than the                              configuration.
      fixed jib and       manufacturer,
      one set of          acceptable to the
      counterweights.     commissioner;
                          $4000 when, in
                          lieu of monitoring
                          and certification of
                          tests, the commissioner
                          shall require design
                          calculations for
                          such items as the
                          commissioner deems
                          necessary to
                          supplement the tests.
      Amendment to a      One-half the original
      configuration.      configuration fee.
      Prototype approval  $4000.
      of a mobile crane
      with a hydraulic
      Certificate of      $500.                 $250            The boom length
      approval for                              annually.       as herein
      mobile crane with                                         specified shall
      a boom less than                                          include the
      two hundred feet                                          jibs and any
      in length; fee                                            other
      also includes                                             extensions
      initial certifi-                                          to the boom.
      cate of operation.
      Certificate of      $1000.                $250            The boom
      approval for                              annually.       length as
      mobile crane                                              as herein
      with a boom                                               specified shall
      two hundred                                               include the jibs
      feet or more                                              and any other
      in length, but                                            extensions to
      less than three                                           the boom.
      hundred feet in
      length; fee also
      includes initial
      certificate of
      Certificate of      $2000.                $400            The boom
      approval for                              annually.       length as
      mobile crane                                              herein specified
      with a boom                                               shall include the
      three hundred                                             jibs and any
      feet or more                                              other extensions
      in length but                                             to the boom.
      less than four
      hundred feet in
      length; fee
      also includes
      initial certificate
      of operation.
      Certificate of      $3000.                $400            The boom
      approval for                              annually.       length as
      mobile                                                    herein specified
      crane with                                                shall include
      a boom                                                    the jibs
      four hundred                                              and any other
      feet or more                                              extensions
      in length; fee                                            to the boom.
      also includes
      initial certificate
      of operation.
      Certificate of      $3000.                 $400
      approval for                              annually.
      climber and tower
      cranes and
      regardless of
      length; fee also
      includes initial
      certificate of
      Certificate of      $1000.                $250
      approval for                              annually.
      all other cranes;
      fee also includes
      initial certificate
      of operation.
      Certificate of      $300.                 $200            The boom
      approval required                         annually.       length as
      for a mobile                                              herein
      crane with a                                              specified
      boom not                                                  shall include
      exceeding                                                 the jibs and
      fifty feet in                                             any other
      length with a                                             extensions
      maximum                                                   to the boom.
      rated capacity not
      exceeding three tons;
      fee also includes
      initial certificate
      of operation.
      New certificate     The fee shall be
      of approval,        the full fee
      when the boom       required for
      or extension        testing a new
      thereof is          crane or derrick,
      replaced or         with a boom or
      altered.            extension of
                          the same size and
                          design as the
                          replacement boom or
                          extension thereof.
      Review only of      $100.
      engineering cal-
      culations for mobile
      crane with a boom
      exceeding 250 feet
      to be erected by a
      licensed master or
      special rigger, for
      which a certificate
      of on-site inspection
      is not required
      under this code or
      rules of the department.
      On-site inspection  $250 on normal
      of up to three      working days;
      models of mobile    $750 on other
      cranes with boom,   than normal
      including jibs      working days,
      and other ex-       upon written
      tensions to the     request of
      boom two hundred    the applicant.
      fifty feet or
      more in length,
      or derrick.
      All other on-site   $150.
      inspections of cranes.
      Amendment to an     $100.
      application for
      certificate of
      on-site inspection.
      Application for     $100.
      waiver of on-site
      inspection of mobile
      crane or derrick.