Section 22-211. Registration required for seafood delivery business  

Latest version.
  • a. It
      shall be unlawful to conduct a seafood delivery business in  the  fulton
      fish  market  distribution  area  without  having  first registered such
      business with the commissioner and obtained a registration  number  from
      the  commissioner.  A  registration  application shall be submitted by a
      seafood delivery business upon a form  prescribed  by  the  commissioner
      containing  such  information  as the commissioner shall require by rule
      and shall be signed by all  the  principals  of  such  seafood  delivery
      business. The market manager may require that seafood deliverers affix a
      sticker  or  decal containing such registration number to their delivery
      vehicles. A seafood delivery registration number  or  sticker  or  decal
      shall not be transferable.
        b. (i) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, the commissioner
      may,  when  there  is reasonable cause to believe that any or all of the
      principals, employees  or  agents  of  a  seafood  deliverer  lack  good
      character,  honesty  and  integrity,  require  that  any  or all of such
      principals  be  fingerprinted  and  provide  to  the  commissioner   the
      information  set  forth  in  subdivision  a  of  section  22-216 of this
      chapter, and may, after notice and the opportunity to be  heard,  refuse
      to  register  such  seafood  deliverer  for  the  reasons  set  forth in
      subdivision b of such section.
        (ii) If at any time  subsequent  to  the  registration  of  a  seafood
      deliverer,  the commissioner has reasonable cause to believe that any or
      all of the principals, employees or agents of a seafood deliverer  lacks
      good character, honesty and integrity, the commissioner may require that
      any  or  all  of  such  principals  be  fingerprinted  and  provide  the
      background information required by subdivision a of  section  22-216  of
      this  chapter  and  may, after notice and the opportunity for a hearing,
      revoke the registration of such seafood deliverer for  the  reasons  set
      forth in subdivision b of such section.