Section 17-1714. Establishment and maintenance of hospitals  

Latest version.
  • l. For the
      purpose of enabling such villages  to  procure  federal  aid  under  the
      provisions  of the national industrial recovery act in the establishment
      of hospitals, the board of trustees of any village which has been or may
      hereafter be incorporated to embrace the entire territory of a town, and
      which is adjacent to a city or town in which a hospital is maintained by
      a duly incorporated membership  corporation,  may  acquire  by  gift  or
      purchase  title  to  lands  in  such  city or town in trust for hospital
      purposes. If such land is to be acquired by gift, the acquisition  shall
      be  subject to a permissive referendum or if such land is to be acquired
      by purchase, the acquisition shall be subject to a permissive referendum
      if it is to be paid from taxes levied for the fiscal year in which  such
      expenditure  is made.  The board may construct and maintain on such land
      suitable buildings and equip the same for hospital  purposes  and,  from
      time  to  time,  enter  into one or more agreements with such membership
      hospital corporation for the control and  operation  thereof,  and  such
      board  of  trustees  may  accept  on  such terms as the president of the
      United States shall prescribe, any grants made by him  pursuant  to  the
      provisions  of  the  said national industrial recovery act in aid of the
      establishment of the said hospital.
        2. There shall be  levied  and  assessed  annually  upon  the  taxable
      property  in  the  said  village  in  the manner prescribed by law a sum
      sufficient to defray the cost of the operation and  maintenance  of  the
      said  hospital  in  each  year, as estimated by the board of trustees of
      such village.
        3. Hospital corporations duly incorporated under the provisions of the
      membership corporation law are hereby empowered to dedicate,  grant  and
      release  to  any  such  village  lands for said purposes, upon terms and
      conditions to be approved by its board of governors, and to  enter  into
      agreements  with  the  board  of  trustees  of  any such village for the
      control, operation and maintenance of any hospital or  hospitals  to  be
      constructed as hereinbefore provided.