Section 498. Interjurisdictional pre-arranged for-hire vehicle operation

Latest version.
  • 1.
      Definitions:  When  used in this section, the following terms shall have
      the following meanings:
        a. "Driver's license" shall mean a license issued  by  the  department
      pursuant  to article nineteen of this chapter or by a similar regulatory
      agency of another state.
        b. "Licensing jurisdiction" shall mean a city with a population of one
      million or more, or a county within New York state  contiguous  to  such
      city,  that  requires  the  issuance of a license, permit, registration,
      certification or other approval  for  a  vehicle  to  perform  the  pre-
      arranged  pick  up  or  drop  off  of  one  or  more  passengers in such
      jurisdiction for compensation.
        c. "Pre-arranged for-hire vehicle" shall mean a motor  vehicle,  other
      than  a bus, that is used in the business of transporting passengers for
      compensation on a pre-arranged basis,  and  operated  in  such  business
      under  a  license or permit issued by a licensing jurisdiction. The term
      "pre-arranged for-hire vehicle"  shall  apply  to  vehicles  as  defined
      herein  regardless  of any other provision of local law or rule defining
      or describing such vehicles by any other terms  such  as  livery,  black
      car, or luxury limousine.
        d.  "Pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle  license"  shall  mean a license,
      permit, registration,  certification  or  other  approval  issued  by  a
      licensing  jurisdiction  to the owner of a pre-arranged for-hire vehicle
      for  the  purpose   of   providing   pre-arranged   transportation   for
        e.  "Pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle  driver's  license"  shall mean a
      license, permit or other approval to  operate  a  pre-arranged  for-hire
      vehicle issued by a licensing jurisdiction.
        f.  "Serious criminal offense" shall mean a conviction of (i) a felony
      involving the use of a motor vehicle except a  felony  as  described  in
      subparagraph   (ii)   of   this   paragraph;  (ii)  a  felony  involving
      manufacturing, distributing or dispensing a drug as defined  in  section
      one  hundred  fourteen-a  of this chapter or possession of any such drug
      with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense such drug in which  a
      motor  vehicle  was used; (iii) a violation of subdivision one or two of
      section six hundred of  this  chapter;  (iv)  operating  a  pre-arranged
      for-hire  vehicle  when, as a result of prior violations committed while
      operating a pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle,  the  driver's  license  is
      revoked,  suspended,  or  canceled;  (v)  causing a fatality through the
      negligent operation of a pre-arranged for-hire  vehicle,  including  but
      not  limited  to  the  crimes  of  vehicular  manslaughter or criminally
      negligent homicide; (vi) homicide;  and  (vii)  a  felony  for  assault,
      sexual offenses, kidnapping, or burglary.
        2. Reciprocity. a. A pre-arranged for-hire vehicle that is licensed to
      provide  pre-arranged  transportation  for  compensation  by a licensing
      jurisdiction  meeting  the  standards  and  requirements  set  forth  in
      subdivisions  three, four and six of this section shall be authorized to
      pick up passengers in such jurisdiction for drop  off  within  the  same
      jurisdiction,  to  pick  up passengers in another licensing jurisdiction
      for  drop  off  within  the  licensing   jurisdiction   licensing   such
      pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle,  to  drop  off  passengers  in  another
      licensing  jurisdiction  who  were  picked  up  within   the   licensing
      jurisdiction  licensing  such  pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle,  and  to
      transit other licensing jurisdictions. No other  licensing  jurisdiction
      may  require  a  pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle  providing pre-arranged
      transportation for  compensation,  which  is  licensed  by  a  licensing
      jurisdiction  meeting  the  standards  and  requirements  set  forth  in
      subdivisions three, four and six of this section, to also be licensed by
      such other licensing jurisdiction or to pay  any  pre-arranged  for-hire
      vehicle  license  fee  in  order  to  be  allowed to pick up or drop off
      passengers  within  or  to  transit  such  jurisdiction.   A   licensing
      jurisdiction  meeting  the  standards  and  requirements  set  forth  in
      subdivisions three, four and six of this section shall  provide  written
      confirmation   thereof  to  other  licensing  jurisdictions,  containing
      information sufficient to establish  that  such  licensing  jurisdiction
      meets all such standards and requirements, and which shall be verifiable
      by  such  other licensing jurisdictions. Such written confirmation shall
      be resubmitted to such other licensing jurisdictions every three years.
        b.  A  pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle   licensed   by   a   licensing
      jurisdiction  not  meeting  the  standards and requirements set forth in
      subdivisions three, four and six of this section shall be authorized  to
      pick  up  and/or drop off passengers in any other licensing jurisdiction
      only (i) pursuant to the  terms  of  a  separate  written  agreement  or
      memorandum   of   understanding  entered  into  between  such  licensing
      jurisdictions  or  (ii)  if  the  owner  of  such  vehicle   obtains   a
      pre-arranged   for-hire   vehicle  license  from  such  other  licensing
        c. Where pre-arranged transportation is  provided  by  a  pre-arranged
      for-hire  vehicle  licensed  by  a  licensing  jurisdiction  meeting the
      standards and requirements set forth in subdivisions three, four and six
      of this section and such transportation begins with the pick up  or  the
      drop  off of a passenger outside of such jurisdiction, such pre-arranged
      for-hire vehicle  shall  be  authorized  to  temporarily  discharge  and
      subsequently  pick  up such passenger outside the licensing jurisdiction
      during   the   course    of    such    transportation,    provided    no
      intra-jurisdictional  transportation  is  provided  at  that time to any
      other person who is  not  covered  by  the  pre-arranged  transportation
        3.  Standards  for  pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle  transportation. A
      licensing jurisdiction shall be deemed to comply with the provisions  of
      this subdivision if the following conditions are met:
        a.   The   licensing  jurisdiction  requires  the  suspension  of  the
      pre-arranged for-hire vehicle license of a pre-arranged for-hire vehicle
      owner, or the  pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle  driver's  license  of  a
      driver, against whom there is an outstanding judgment or an unpaid civil
      penalty  owed for a violation of this chapter relating to traffic in any
      other licensing jurisdiction meeting the standards and  requirements  of
      this  subdivision  and  subdivisions  four and six of this section, or a
      violation  of  regulations   promulgated   by   such   other   licensing
      jurisdiction  duplicating  or  incorporating  by  reference  any  of the
      provisions of this chapter, until such judgment  is  satisfied  or  such
      civil penalty is paid.
        b. The licensing jurisdiction requires that each pre-arranged for-hire
      vehicle   it  licenses  shall  display  evidence  of  a  current,  valid
      pre-arranged for-hire vehicle license affixed to  the  windshield  in  a
      form and manner that may be further specified by the regulations of such
        c.  The licensing jurisdiction requires the owner of each pre-arranged
      for-hire vehicle it licenses to maintain, for purposes of  insurance  or
      other  financial  security,  coverage  in a specified amount per person,
      payable for those expenses specified in paragraphs one, two and three of
      subsection (a) of section five thousand one hundred two of the insurance
      law, and coverage in specified amounts of minimum and maximum  liability
      for  bodily  injury  and death, as said terms are defined in subdivision
      one of section three hundred seventy of this chapter.
        d. The licensing jurisdiction requires (i) each pre-arranged  for-hire
      vehicle it licenses to be inspected no less frequently than every twelve
      months  by  an  official inspection station licensed pursuant to section
      three hundred three of this chapter, or, if  the  pre-arranged  for-hire
      vehicle  is  registered  in another state, by the agency responsible for
      vehicle registration  and  inspection  in  that  state,  and  (ii)  each
      pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle  to  display  a valid inspection sticker
      indicating the date of the last inspection and/or the  expiration  date,
      if such stickers are issued by the state of registration.
        e.  The  licensing  jurisdiction  provides,  by  means  of a dedicated
      telephone line or  read-only  access  to  an  electronic  database,  the
      following  information  to other jurisdictions meeting the standards and
      requirements set forth in this subdivision and subdivisions four and six
      of this section: the name of  the  holder  of  a  pre-arranged  for-hire
      vehicle  license;  the  vehicle  identification  number  of  a  licensed
      pre-arranged for-hire vehicle; the date first licensed;  the  date  such
      licenses  were  most recently renewed; and all violations issued to each
      licensee and the disposition of each such  violation.  Such  information
      obtained  by a licensing jurisdiction from other licensing jurisdictions
      shall be used  solely  for  the  enforcement  of  laws  and  regulations
      applicable  to  the  provision  of  transportation for compensation on a
      pre-arranged basis.
        f. The licensing jurisdiction requires that  a  pre-arranged  for-hire
      vehicle  be  driven  only  by  the holder of a driver's license which is
      valid to operate such motor vehicle in this state.
        g. The licensing jurisdiction requires that  a  pre-arranged  for-hire
      vehicle  be driven only by the holder of a pre-arranged for-hire vehicle
      driver's license.
        h. The licensing jurisdiction requires that  a  pre-arranged  for-hire
      vehicle driver display his or her pre-arranged for-hire vehicle driver's
      license  in  such  vehicle  in a manner clearly visible to passengers or
      have such license readily available to produce upon  the  request  of  a
      passenger or law enforcement personnel.
        i.   The  licensing  jurisdiction  requires  that  a  record  of  each
      interjurisdictional trip be entered prior to the  commencement  of  such
      trip in a log maintained and kept readily accessible in the vehicle in a
      form and manner prescribed by the licensing jurisdiction and produced at
      the  request  of  any police officer or peace officer acting pursuant to
      his or her special duties or other enforcement personnel  authorized  by
      such  jurisdiction.  Such  record  shall be kept for a period of no less
      than one year after such trip. Failure to produce such a log  maintained
      in the manner prescribed by such jurisdiction when requested by a police
      officer  or other enforcement personnel shall be presumptive evidence of
      illegal interjurisdictional operation.
        j. The licensing jurisdiction requires that the owner  of  each  motor
      vehicle licensed as a pre-arranged for-hire vehicle hold a valid vehicle
      registration  for  such  vehicle  issued  by  the department for which a
      registration fee has been paid pursuant to  schedule  C  of  subdivision
      seven  of  section  four hundred one of this title, or, in the case of a
      non-resident of this state, a vehicle registration issued by  the  state
      of residence.
        k.  No  owner of a vehicle licensed as a pre-arranged for-hire vehicle
      by a licensing jurisdiction meeting the standards  and  requirements  of
      this  subdivision  and  subdivisions four and six of this section or any
      person or business engaged in the for-hire transportation of  passengers
      by motor vehicle that is affiliated with such licensee shall do business
      within   any   jurisdiction   in   which  it  seeks  to  operate  on  an
      interjurisdictional basis. "Do business" shall mean having  a  place  of
      business  or  telephone number in such jurisdiction relating to for-hire
      transportation of passengers by motor vehicle.
        4.   Standards  for  drivers  of  pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicles.  A
      licensing jurisdiction shall be deemed to comply with the provisions  of
      this subdivision if it requires the following as conditions of licensure
      of pre-arranged for-hire vehicle drivers:
        a.  The  pre-arranged for-hire vehicle driver is fingerprinted and his
      or her criminal history obtained from the department of criminal justice
        b. The licensing jurisdiction adopts criteria  pursuant  to  which  an
      applicant  for  a  new or renewal pre-arranged for-hire vehicle driver's
      license shall be denied, and a pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle  driver's
      license  shall be suspended or revoked, upon conviction of the applicant
      or licensee for a serious criminal offense, subject to applicable  laws,
      including,  but not limited to, article twenty-three-A of the correction
        c.  The  licensing  jurisdiction  provides  by  regulation   for   the
      continuing  review  of the driving record of every pre-arranged for-hire
      vehicle driver licensed by such jurisdiction, as reflected in the number
      and type of convictions accumulated on the driver's  license  issued  to
      such  driver. Such regulation shall provide for the mandatory suspension
      for a thirty-day period of  a  pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle  driver's
      license  upon  the  accumulation  of  a  specified  number  and  type of
      conviction on such person's  driver's  license  within  a  fifteen-month
      period,  and the mandatory revocation of a pre-arranged for-hire vehicle
      driver's license upon  the  accumulation  of  an  additional  number  of
      convictions  of  a  specified  number and type on such person's driver's
      license within a fifteen-month period.
        d. The  licensing  jurisdiction  requires  that  an  applicant  for  a
      pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle driver's license submit to drug testing,
      and that licensed pre-arranged for-hire vehicle drivers be  required  to
      submit  to  additional drug testing upon each application for renewal of
      such  person's  pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle  driver's  license,  and
      additional  drug  testing  such  that each licensee shall submit to such
      drug testing no less often than once each year; and that  any  applicant
      who  tests  positive for drugs or intoxicating liquors shall be denied a
      pre-arranged for-hire vehicle driver's  license,  and  the  pre-arranged
      for-hire vehicle driver's license of any licensee who tests positive for
      drugs  or  intoxicating  liquors  shall  be  revoked after notice and an
      opportunity to be heard. Such drug  test  shall  be  administered  by  a
      person  or  entity  holding the requisite permit from the New York state
      department of health. Individual test results and  any  related  medical
      information  about  such  applicant  or  licensee shall be confidential,
      shall not be disclosed except to the applicant or licensee or his or her
      representative, and shall not be entered or received as evidence at  any
      civil,  criminal  or  administrative  trial, hearing or proceeding other
      than an administrative trial, hearing or proceeding for  the  denial  or
      revocation  of the pre-arranged for-hire vehicle driver's license as set
      forth in this paragraph. No person, other than an applicant or  licensee
      who  is  the subject of such records to whom such records are disclosed,
      may redisclose such records.
        e. The licensing jurisdiction requires that every individual  applying
      for  a  pre-arranged for-hire vehicle driver's license must submit proof
      of completion of a state-approved defensive driving course no more  than
      six  months prior to the date of application. The licensing jurisdiction
      shall further  require  that  any  individual  renewing  a  pre-arranged
      for-hire  vehicle  driver's license must submit proof of completion of a
      state-approved defensive driving course no more than three  years  prior
      to the date of the renewal application.
        5.  On-street  inspections. The enforcement authorities of a licensing
      jurisdiction  meeting  the  standards  and  requirements  set  forth  in
      subdivisions  three,  four and six of this section may conduct on-street
      inspections of all vehicles operating as pre-arranged for-hire  vehicles
      within  such  jurisdiction. A pre-arranged for-hire vehicle owner may be
      ordered by such licensing jurisdiction to repair or replace such vehicle
      where it appears that it no longer meets the  reasonable  standards  for
      safe  operation  prescribed  by  regulations  of such jurisdiction. Upon
      failure of the pre-arranged for-hire vehicle owner to comply  with  such
      an  order within ten days after service thereof, the recognition of such
      owner's pre-arranged for-hire vehicle license shall be suspended by  the
      licensing  jurisdiction.  Provided, however, that this subdivision shall
      not  impair  such  authority  to  conduct   on-street   inspections   of
      pre-arranged for-hire vehicles as may otherwise exist.
        6.  Notification.  A  licensing jurisdiction meeting the standards and
      requirements set forth in this subdivision and  subdivisions  three  and
      four  of this section shall, upon both the issuance and disposition of a
      summons issued in such jurisdiction to a pre-arranged  for-hire  vehicle
      licensed in another jurisdiction, notify such other jurisdiction of such
      issuance and disposition.