Section 25. Interstate bridge commission  

Latest version.
  • The commissioner of transportation
      or  his  duly  authorized representative shall constitute the interstate
      bridge commission.  Such commission shall, together with a similar board
      or commission from the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, constitute a  joint
      commission to acquire the rights, franchises and property of the several
      bridge  corporations, municipal corporations, companies, partnerships or
      individuals owning or operating toll bridges and including the bridge at
      Pond Eddy in the town of Lumberland, Sullivan county, owned by said town
      across the Delaware  river  between  the  state  of  New  York  and  the
      commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania,  except  such  as  are owned by steam or
      electric railroads or railways and  used  exclusively  for  railroad  or
      railway  purposes. Such acquisition shall be either by purchase or to be
      had and effected by this state  and  the  commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania
      under  and  by virtue of their respective rights of eminent domain, this
      state to pay one-half of the cost of the said bridges  and  one-half  of
      the  cost  of acquiring them, and the other half of the cost of the said
      bridges and one-half of the cost of acquiring them to  be  paid  by  the
      commonwealth  of Pennsylvania, or in lieu thereof, in proportion between
      the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the  counties  and  municipalities
      thereof as the latter state may by appropriate legislation determine.