Section 99-M. Attica state employee victims' fund  

Latest version.
  • 1. Establishment of
      fund.   (a) There is hereby established in  the  joint  custody  of  the
      commissioner of taxation and finance and the state comptroller a special
      fund  to  be  known  as  the  "Attica  state employee victims' fund" for
      payment to the state employee victims of the September, nineteen hundred
      seventy-one Attica correctional facility inmate uprising and retaking.
        (b) Such account shall consist of monies transferred from the  general
      fund.  An  annual  transfer  of  two million dollars will be made on and
      after September first but not later than March  thirty-first,  beginning
      with  the  two  thousand  five--two  thousand  six state fiscal year and
      ending with the two thousand ten--two thousand eleven state fiscal year,
      for a total of twelve million dollars ($12,000,000).
        (c) Moneys of such fund shall be distributed pursuant to this  section
      to  the  state employee victims and survivors of deceased state employee
      victims as recompense for the pain, suffering  and  torment  endured  by
      those victims during the course of the uprising and retaking.
        2.  Class  of eligible employee claimants, their estates or survivors.
      (a) For the purposes of this section, the term "distributee" shall  have
      the  same meaning as that encompassed in the rules of distribution of an
      intestate estate as codified at section 4-1.1 of the estates, powers and
      trusts law.
        (b) The following individuals are eligible for payment from the Attica
      state employee victims' fund: (i) Distributees of any correction officer
      or state civilian employee who died as a result  of  injuries  sustained
      during  the uprising or retaking of Attica correctional facility between
      September ninth and September thirteenth, nineteen hundred seventy-one;
        (ii) Any current  or  former  correction  officer  or  state  civilian
      employee,  so  employed as of the dates of the uprising or retaking, who
      was physically attacked, held hostage or detained by inmates during  the
      Attica  riot between the dates September ninth and September thirteenth,
      nineteen hundred seventy-one, even if released prior to the retaking  of
      Attica  correctional  facility  by state forces on September thirteenth,
      nineteen hundred seventy-one, or the  distributees  of  said  correction
      officer or state civilian employee, should they be now deceased; and
        (iii)  Any  current  or  former  correction  officer or state civilian
      employee, so employed as of the dates of the uprising  or  retaking,  or
      any  current or former New York state police employee, so employed as of
      the dates of the uprising or retaking, who was shot during the  retaking
      of Attica correctional facility by state forces on September thirteenth,
      nineteen  hundred  seventy-one,  or  the  distributees of said employee,
      should said employee be now deceased.
        (c) Any person who would otherwise qualify as a member  of  the  class
      shall  be excluded if, prior to the effective date of this section, they
      shall have been granted judgment in a civil suit in the New  York  state
      court  of claims or received payment as settlement of a civil suit filed
      in the New York state court of claims against  the  state  of  New  York
      based upon facts arising out of the Attica prison uprising.
        3.   Claim  procedure.  It  is  recognized  that  approximately  fifty
      employees, or their estates or survivors, comprise the class of eligible
      claimants.  A payment plan for the Attica state employee  victims'  fund
      shall be developed and administered as follows:
        (a)  An  individual  or  entity  ("administrator"),  appointed  by the
      governor in consultation with the temporary president of the senate, the
      speaker of the assembly,  and  representatives  of  eligible  claimants,
      shall  develop  the  compensation payment plan. Such administrator shall
      not be entitled to salary or remuneration for his/her services; however,
      reasonable  expenses  directly  connected  to   the   conduct   of   the
      administrator's   duties   shall  be  paid  through  the  department  of
      correctional services.
        (b)  The  administrator shall receive from each claimant an accounting
      of the injuries suffered by the state employee victim during the  course
      of the Attica riots. The administrator shall determine and promulgate to
      potential  claimants through the department of correctional services the
      means and dates by which said accountings of injuries shall be submitted
      and determined. To  the  extent  any  inconsistency  or  discrepancy  in
      accounts  of injuries suffered is identified, the administrator may rely
      upon the assistance of the report, research, and documentation regarding
      the Attica riots compiled by the Attica task force created in  March  of
      two thousand one.
        (c)  Upon  receipt and review of all accountings of injuries suffered,
      the administrator shall  place  each  identified  state-employee  victim
      (living  or  deceased)  into  one  of  an  appropriate  number  of broad
      subclasses to be identified by the administrator, such subclasses to  be
      defined  according  to the nature and severity of the injuries suffered.
      Each  identified  state-employee  victim,  or   the   group   of   their
      distributees  as identified pursuant to subdivision two of this section,
      within a subclass shall receive the identical monetary  award,  provided
      however, that an offset against the award of fifty-five thousand dollars
      ($55,000)  shall be made for the survivors of any employee killed during
      the Attica riot, if such survivor or survivors previously opted for  and
      did receive the sum of fifty-five thousand dollars ($55,000) pursuant to
      the  appropriation  in  part O of chapter fifty-seven of the laws of two
        (d) Total payments made under the plan shall be twelve million dollars
      ($12,000,000). Upon final completion of  the  payment  plan  and  annual
      payment schedule, the administrator shall certify to the comptroller, no
      later than March thirty-first, two thousand six, the payments to be made
      from the Attica state employee victims' fund.
        4.  Exemption. All payments received pursuant to this section, whether
      by judgment or compromise and  settlement,  shall  be  exempt  from  all
        * NB Repealed July 1, 2011