Section 24. Budget bills  

Latest version.
  • 1. The budget submitted annually by the governor
      shall be simultaneously accompanied by a bill or bills for all  proposed
      appropriations  and  reappropriations  and  for the proposed measures of
      taxation or other legislation, if any, recommended therein.  Such  bills
      shall be submitted by the governor and shall be known as budget bills.
        (a)  For all non-federal state operations appropriations, such bill or
      bills shall only contain itemized  appropriations  and  shall  be  made,
      where  practicable,  by  agency  and  within  each agency by program and
      within each program  at  the  following  level  of  detail  and  in  the
      following order:
        (i)  by  fund  type,  which  at  a minimum shall include general fund,
      special revenue-other funds, capital projects funds,  and  debt  service
        (ii)  for  personal  service  appropriations,  separate appropriations
      shall be made for regular personal service, temporary personal  service,
      and holiday and overtime pay;
        (iii)  for nonpersonal service appropriations, separate appropriations
      shall be made for supplies and materials, travel, contractual  services,
      equipment, and fringe benefits, as appropriate.
        (b) Any appropriation for temporary assistance for needy families, the
      environmental protection fund, and the medical assistance program, shall
      only  contain  itemized appropriations which shall not be in the form of
      lump sum appropriations, provided, however,  for  the  purposes  of  the
      medical  assistance  program,  itemized  appropriations shall consist of
      categories-of-service  with   separate   appropriations   for   hospital
      inpatient, hospital outpatient and emergency room, clinic, nursing home,
      other  long-term  care,  managed care, pharmacy, dental, transportation,
      and other non-institutional services.
        2. (a) On or after January first,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-four,  no
      budget   bill  submitted  by  the  governor  may  include  any  proposed
      appropriation or reappropriation for any capital project  which  is  not
      included  in  the capital plan presented as part of the budget submitted
      pursuant  to  section  twenty-two  of  this   article.   Each   proposed
      appropriation  or  reappropriation  for a capital project shall bear the
      capital plan project reference number  or  numbers  to  which  it  shall
      pertain,  and  shall  be  classified  into  the  same  category  as  the
      associated capital project or projects  have  been  classified  in  such
      capital  plan.  Reappropriations  of appropriations effective for fiscal
      years beginning prior to April first, nineteen hundred  eighty-four  may
      be  presented  by  the categories of appropriation contained in the bill
      originally enacting such appropriation.
        (b) On or after January first,  two  thousand  ten,  any  budget  bill
      submitted  by  the governor containing a proposed appropriation from the
      dedicated highway and bridge trust fund shall be itemized  to  show  the
      following information for each such appropriation:
        (i)  each  amount  appropriated  from the dedicated highway and bridge
      trust fund for capital purposes;
        (ii) the amount of each such appropriation to  be  used  for  personal
      service expenses; and
        (iii)   the   amount  of  each  such  appropriation  to  be  used  for
      non-personal service expenses.
        3. Any appropriation for maintenance undistributed shall be  shown  as
      apportioned among the items covered to the extent practicable.
        4.  Any  appropriation added to such budget bills, pursuant to section
      four of article seven of the constitution, shall only  contain  itemized
      appropriations   which   shall   not   be   in  the  form  of  lump  sum
      appropriations, and provided further  that  for  all  non-federal  state
      operations  appropriations,  such  bill  or  bills  shall  only  contain
      itemized appropriations and shall be made, where practicable, by agency,
      and within each agency  by  program  and  within  each  program  at  the
      following level of detail and in the following order:
        (a)  by  fund  type,  which  at  a minimum shall include general fund,
      special revenue-other funds, capital projects  funds  and  debt  service
        (b) for personal service appropriations, separate appropriations shall
      be  made  for  regular personal service, temporary personal service, and
      holiday and overtime pay;
        (c) for nonpersonal service  appropriations,  separate  appropriations
      shall  be made for supplies and materials, travel, contractual services,
      equipment and fringe benefits, as appropriate.
        5. Any appropriation added pursuant to section four of  article  seven
      of  the  constitution  without  designating a grantee shall be allocated
      only pursuant to a plan setting forth an itemized list of grantees  with
      the  amount  to  be  received by each, or the methodology for allocating
      such appropriation. Such plan shall be subject to the  approval  of  the
      chair  of  the  senate finance committee, the chair of the assembly ways
      and means committee, and the director  of  the  budget,  and  thereafter
      shall be included in a concurrent resolution calling for the expenditure
      of  such monies, which resolution must be approved by a majority vote of
      all members elected to each house upon a roll call vote.