Section 31. Participation by public or quasi-public organizations  

Latest version.
  • a. Any
      public or quasi-public organization created wholly or partly or deriving
      its powers by the  legislature  of  the  state  and  which  organization
      employs  persons engaged in service to the public or any state agency as
      defined in section fifty-three-a of the state finance law,  or  the  New
      York  state association of town superintendents of highways, inc. or any
      school board association, by resolution legally adopted by its governing
      body and approved by the comptroller, may elect to have its officers and
      employees become eligible  to  participate  in  the  retirement  system.
      Acceptance  of  the  officers  and  employees  of  such  an employer for
      membership  in  the  retirement  system  shall  be  optional  with   the
      comptroller. If he shall approve their participation, such organization,
      except  as  specifically provided in this article to the contrary, shall
      thereafter be treated as a participating employer.   Any  election  made
      pursuant  to  this  subdivision  by  a school board association shall be
      applicable to current employees of such association.
        b. The officers and employees of such organization shall  be  credited
      with  such  periods  of  prior  service  as  shall be certified by their
      employer for service rendered to it, or its predecessor, or  the  state,
      or  in any other capacity approved by such employer and the comptroller.
      Service for such employer after  the  date  on  which  it  commences  to
      participate  in  the  retirement  system  and  on  account of which such
      employer pays contributions shall be considered as  member  service.  An
      officer  or  employee  of  such  employer  who,  as of the date he is so
      approved for membership in the retirement system, is  already  a  member
      thereof,  shall not have his total credit reduced by such approval.  Any
      reserve held on account of any such officer or employee in  the  pension
      accumulation  fund  shall  be  used  as an offset against the deficiency
      contribution payable thereafter by such  employer  on  account  of  such
      officer  or  employee for any prior service credit and any such previous
      credit. Except as otherwise provided in  this  article,  an  officer  or
      employee of such employer who, by reason of this service, is a member of
      any  other  governmental retirement system shall not participate in this
      retirement system on that part of his compensation so covered. The  term
      "governmental  retirement  system",  as  used in this subdivision, shall
      include any retirement system wholly or partly maintained by this state,
      by  a  municipality  of  this  state,  by  another  state  or  political
      subdivision  thereof, by the United States government, or by any foreign
      country or political subdivision thereof.
        c. An agreement, made by such an employer pursuant to this section, to
      contribute  on  account  of  its  officers  and   employees   shall   be
      irrevocable.  In  the  event  that  such employer for any reason becomes
      financially unable to make the contributions required on account of  its
      officers  and  employees,  it  shall  be  deemed  to  be  in  default. A
      certificate to such effect thereupon shall be sent by the comptroller to
      the employer and to the state superintendent of insurance. Every  member
      of  the  retirement  system,  who  was  an  officer  or employee of such
      employer at the time of default, upon demand  made  within  ninety  days
      thereafter,  shall  be  entitled  to  discontinue  his membership in the
      retirement system and to a refund of his accumulated  contributions.  As
      of a date ninety days following the date of such certificate of default,
      the  actuary  of  the  retirement  system, by actuarial valuation, shall
      determine the amount of the reserves held  on  account  of  each  active
      member  and  pensioner  of  such  employer. He shall credit to each such
      member and pensioner the amount of reserve so held. In the event such an
      active member does  not  discontinue  his  membership  and  thus  become
      entitled  to the refund of his accumulated contributions, the reserve so
      credited, together with the  amount  of  his  accumulated  contributions
      shall be used to provide for him a paid up deferred annuity beginning at
      age sixty. The reserve of each pensioner shall be used in providing such
      part  of his existing pension as the reserve so held will provide, which
      pension,  together with his annuity, shall thereafter be payable to him.
      The rights and privileges of both active members and pensioners of  such
      employer  shall  thereupon  terminate  except  as  to the payment of the
      deferred annuities so provided for the previous active members  and  the
      annuities   and  the  pensions,  or  parts  thereof,  provided  for  the
        d. Notwithstanding anything to the  contrary,  the  retirement  system
      shall not be liable for the payment of any pensions or other benefits on
      account  of  the officers, employees or pensioners of any employer under
      this section, for which reserves have not been previously  created  from
      funds contributed by such employer or its officers or employees for such
      benefits.  This  provision  shall  not  apply  to any municipality which
      elected to participate in the retirement  system  under  former  section
      seventy-five-a  of  this  law  prior  to  July  first,  nineteen hundred
        e. 1. Any public organization  not  participating  in  the  retirement
      system  prior  to October first, nineteen hundred fifty-three, and which
      has not provided  old-age  and  survivors  insurance  coverage  for  its
      employees,  may,  at the time of making election to participate, exclude
      from eligibility for membership in the retirement system such  class  or
      classes  of  offices or positions for which membership in the retirement
      system is not made mandatory by this article, as the public organization
      may specify in the resolution adopted pursuant to subdivision a of  this
      section. Participation by any such public organization which may exclude
      from  eligibility  for membership any class or classes of its offices or
      positions shall not become  effective  until  such  public  organization
      shall  have  entered  into an agreement to provide old-age and survivors
      insurance coverage for such class or classes of offices or positions  in
      the manner and to the extent provided by article three of this chapter.
        2.  Any  public  organization  participating  in the retirement system
      prior to October  first,  nineteen  hundred  fifty-three,  may,  by  the
      adoption of a resolution in the manner provided in subdivision a of this
      section  and  filed  with  the comptroller prior to the time such public
      organization  makes  an  agreement  to  provide  old-age  and  survivors
      insurance  coverage for its employees, elect to exclude from eligibility
      for membership in the retirement system any class or classes of  offices
      or  positions  for which membership in the retirement system is not made
      mandatory by this article. Public notice of the proposed adoption of any
      such resolution shall be given  at  least  three  months  prior  to  the
      adoption thereof. Officers and employees holding offices or positions in
      any  such  excluded  class  or  classes, however, who are members of the
      retirement system at the time of the filing  of  such  resolution  shall
      continue  to  be  members  of  the  retirement  system.  Such resolution
      providing for such exclusion from eligibility for membership  shall  not
      become  effective,  however,  until  such public organization shall have
      entered into an agreement to provide  old-age  and  survivors  insurance
      coverage  for  the  class or classes of offices or positions so excluded
      from eligibility for membership in the retirement system in  the  manner
      and to the extent provided by article three of this chapter.
        3.  The  power to exclude employees from eligibility for membership in
      the retirement system pursuant to paragraph one or paragraph two of this
      subdivision  e  shall  terminate  on  the  day  after  the  modification
      extending  the  old-age  and  survivors insurance system to any position
      covered  by  such  system  and  held  by  an  employee  of  a  political
      subdivision of the state (exclusive of one in a policeman's or firemen's
      position) is executed.