Section 592. Determination of unit of production values  

Latest version.
  • 1. (a) The state
      board shall annually develop one or more economic profiles for  gas  and
      one  or  more  economic profiles for oil for use in the determination of
      unit of production values. The establishment of more than  one  economic
      profile for either gas or oil shall be based upon common factors such as
      geologic formation, geographic region, economic and cost characteristics
      of  such  profiles  and  such other criteria as the state board may deem
        (b) At least forty-five days prior to the  tentative  roll  date  each
      year,  the  state  board  shall establish a tentative unit of production
      value for each economic profile and shall provide to  appropriate  local
      officials  and  industry representatives notice of the tentative unit of
      production values. The board shall conduct at least one  public  hearing
      to receive comments on the tentative unit of production values. At least
      fifteen  days  prior  to  the tentative roll date, the state board shall
      certify to each assessor appropriate unit of production values  for  use
      in the assessment of oil and gas economic units.
        (c)  Unit  of  production  values  shall  be based upon the average of
      typical income, expense and operating data for five consecutive calendar
      years beginning with the sixth calendar year preceding the year in which
      the unit of production values are to be certified.  In determining  unit
      of  production  values,  the state board shall use a discounted net cash
      flow approach in which gross income shall be reduced by  the  following:
      operating  expenses;  landowner  royalty payments, which the state board
      shall deem to  be  the  value  of  one-eighth  of  the  economic  unit's
      production;  and  other  costs,  if  any,  such  as  overriding  royalty
      interests not retained by the owners of the working interest, additional
      capital investment required, depletion and depreciation. In  determining
      the  unit  of  production  values,  the  minimum  discount rate or rates
      applied by the state board shall be the sum of (1) the  average  of  the
      discount rates established by the United States federal reserve board on
      the first business day of each month for each of the five calendar years
      upon  which the economic profiles are based and that precede the year in
      which the unit of production values are to  be  certified,  plus  (2)  a
      seventeen and one-half percent factor to account for risk, nonliquidity,
      management,  real  property  taxes, intangible drilling costs and income
        2. For the purpose of developing  economic  profiles  and  determining
      discounted  net  cash  flow,  the  state  board may require producers to
      submit statements of income and expenses related to the  economic  units
      for    five consecutive calendar years beginning with the sixth calendar
      year preceding the year in which the unit of production values are to be
      certified. Such statements of  income  and  expenses  shall  consist  of
      information  usually  kept  in  the  ordinary  course  of business. This
      subdivision is not applicable to producers of one  thousand  barrels  of
      oil or two hundred million cubic feet of gas per year or less.
        3. The state board shall promulgate rules establishing the methodology
      for determining unit of production values pursuant to subdivision one of
      this  section.  Such  rules  shall include a description of the economic
      data to be compiled, the method for their compilation and a  delineation
      of  the  process to be followed in applying the discounted net cash flow
      methodology. Such rules shall provide that, subject to the  availability
      of  suitable  economic  data,  the  establishment  of unit of production
      values  shall  take  into  account  and  reflect  varying  economic  and
      operating conditions and characteristics.