Section 1168. Certificate of sale as evidence  

Latest version.
  • 1. The certificate of sale or
      any   other   written  instrument  representing  a  tax  lien  shall  be
      presumptive evidence in all courts in all proceedings by and against the
      purchaser and his or her representatives,  heirs  and  assigns,  of  the
      truth  of  the  statements therein, of the title of the purchaser to the
      property therein described, and of the regularity and  validity  of  all
      proceedings had in reference to the taxes or other legal charges for the
      non-payment of which the tax lien was sold and the sale thereof.
        2.  After  two  years  from  the issuance of such certificate or other
      written instrument, no evidence shall be  admissible  in  any  court  to
      rebut  such  presumption  unless  the holder thereof shall have procured
      such certificate of sale or such other written instrument  by  fraud  or
      had previous knowledge that it was fraudulently made or procured.