Section 68. Changing number of trustees  

Latest version.
  • An incorporated church to which
      this article is applicable, may, at an annual corporate meeting,  change
      the  number  of  its  trustees  to  three,  six,  nine, twelve, fifteen,
      eighteen, twenty-one or twenty-four, and classify them so that the terms
      of one-third expire each year. No such change shall affect the terms  of
      the  trustees  then  in  office, and if the change reduces the number of
      trustees it shall not take effect until the  number  of  trustees  whose
      terms of office continue for one or more years after an annual election,
      is less than the number determined upon. Whenever the number of trustees
      so holding over is less than the number so determined on, trustees shall
      be  elected  in addition to those so holding over sufficient to make the
      number of  trustees  for  the  ensuing  year  equal  to  the  number  so
      determined on.  The trustees so elected up to and including one-third of
      the  number  so  determined  on,  shall  be elected for three years, the
      remainder up to and including one-third of the number so  determined  on
      for two years and the remainder for one year.