Section 294. Certificate of incorporation  

Latest version.
  • 1.  A  certificate  of
      incorporation for a church, society, or committee, to which this article
      is applicable shall be executed and acknowledged  by  the  trustees  who
      sign the resolution for incorporation.
        The said certificate of incorporation shall contain the following:
        (a) the name by which the proposed corporation shall be known.
        (b)  the  number  of  trustees thereof; the names and addresses of the
      persons elected as trustees; and the term of office for which they  were
      respectively elected.
        (c)  the  name of county, town, city or village in which the principal
      place of worship or office is or is intended to be located.
        (d) the purpose and intent for which said corporation is  created,  to
      be set forth as follows:
        "The purpose and intent of this corporation is to maintain, propagate,
      practice  and forever perpetuate religious worship, services, sacraments
      and teaching in full accordance and unity  with  the  doctrine,  ritual,
      canon law, faith, practice, discipline, and traditions and usages of the
      Orthodox  Greek Catholic (Eastern Orthodox) Church; and for the carrying
      out of said purpose  and  intent,  to  form  and  maintain  a  religious
      organization   or   church   adherent   and  obedient  to  the  Orthodox
      ecclesiastical jurisdiction and authority, and to the Orthodox hierarch,
      bishop  or  administrator,  selected  by  the   members   applying   for
      incorporation,  and  certified  by  the  Orthodox Greek Catholic Primary
      Jurisdictions in America, through the secretariat thereof, as  canonical
      and  appropriate  for  the  Orthodox communicant members comprising this
        (e) In the certificate of incorporation of societies or organizations,
      other than parishes, special purposes, additional to the above,  may  be
      set forth.
        2. On filing such certificate in the office of the county clerk of the
      county in which the place of worship or office of such corporation is or
      is  intended to be located, such church, society or committee shall be a
      corporation by the name  stated  in  the  certificate  and  the  persons
      therein  declared  to  be trustees of such corporation shall be trustees
      until their successors are elected.