Section 4. Legislative printing  

Latest version.
  • 1.  The  legislative  printing shall be
      further divided into two sub-parts to be known as  legislative  printing
      for the legislature and legislative printing for the executive.
        2.  Legislative printing for the legislature shall include, but not be
      limited to or restricted to the printing, publication and binding of the
        (a) bills of the legislature;
        (b) amended bills of the legislature;
        (c) journals;
        (d) session laws;
        (e) state of New York legislative digest; and
        (f) other legislative documents as may be ordered by  the  legislature
      through the commissioner.
        Prior  to  the  advertisement  for  bids for any of the foregoing, the
      commissioner shall give timely written notice to the temporary president
      of the senate and the speaker of the assembly or a legislative  employee
      designated  by  them,  apprising  them  of  the date of such prospective
      advertisement and the date by which he must be in receipt of their joint
      requirements of the terms, conditions and specifications to be contained
      in the bid specifications and  any  contract  let  thereon.  Such  joint
      requirements  may be developed in consultation with the commissioner and
      reliance upon his expert advice.
        3. Legislative printing for the executive shall include,  but  not  be
      limited  or  restricted  to the printing, publication and binding of the
        (a) bills of appropriation in support of government submitted  by  the
        (b) executive budget;
        (c) messages from the governor; and
        (d) other documents as may be included in the bid proposal.
        The   commissioner   shall   prescribe   the   terms,  conditions  and
      specifications to  be  contained  in  the  bid  specifications  and  any
      contract let thereon for the legislative printing for the executive.
        4.  The contract for legislative printing may provide for the printing
      of additional copies of bills for sale to persons,  firms,  corporations
      or associations requesting the same. Such price shall not exceed the per
      page  price  fixed  for  additional copies ordered by the legislature by
      resolution for its own use.
        5.  In  consultation  with  the   missing   and   exploited   children
      clearinghouse,  the temporary president of the senate and speaker of the
      assembly  shall  prescribe  procedures  in  which   printing   including
      stationery, newsletters and other written or electronic printings may be
      used  to  assist in the location of missing children in conformance with
      the guidelines prescribed in section eight hundred thirty-seven-f of the
      executive law.