Section 324. Free passes, cards or badges  

Latest version.
  • A corporation or association
      licensed to conduct pari-mutuel betting on harness horse  races  run  at
      its  racetrack  shall  not  issue free passes, cards or badges except to
      persons hereafter described: officers and employees of  the  corporation
      or  association  conducting  the  race  meeting,  members,  officers and
      employees of the state racing and wagering  board,  members  of  harness
      racing  associations  of  other  states  and  foreign  countries, public
      officers engaged in the performance of their  duties,  persons  actually
      employed  and  accredited  by the press to attend such meetings, owners,
      stable managers, trainers, drivers, concessionaires  and  other  persons
      whose  actual  duties  require  their  presence  at  such racetrack. The
      issuance of free passes, cards or badges shall be under  the  rules  and
      regulations  of  the  state  racing and wagering board and a list of all
      persons to whom free passes, cards or badges are issued shall  be  filed
      with the state racing and wagering board.