Section 1016. Simulcasting of out-of-state thoroughbred races 1  

Latest version.
  • The
      provisions of this  section  shall  govern  the  simulcasting  of  races
      conducted  at thoroughbred tracks located in another state or country on
      any day during which a franchised corporation is not conducting  a  race
      meeting in Saratoga county at Saratoga thoroughbred racetrack until June
      thirtieth,  two thousand ten. Every off-track betting corporation branch
      office and every  simulcasting  facility  licensed  in  accordance  with
      section  one  thousand  seven that have entered into a written agreement
      with such facility's representative horsemen's organization as  approved
      by  the  board,  one thousand eight or one thousand nine of this article
      shall be authorized to accept wagers  and  display  the  live  full-card
      simulcast signal of thoroughbred tracks (which may include quarter horse
      or mixed meetings provided that all such wagering on such races shall be
      construed  to be thoroughbred races) located in another state or foreign
      country, subject to the following provisions; provided, however, no such
      written agreement shall be required of a franchised corporation licensed
      in accordance with section one thousand seven of this article:
        a. Each  off-track  betting  branch  office  accepting  wagers  on  an
      out-of-state  track  shall  accept  wagers  on races run at all in-state
      thoroughbred tracks which  are  conducting  racing  programs  and  every
      simulcasting  facility licensed in accordance with sections one thousand
      eight and one thousand nine of this article which  is  accepting  wagers
      and  displaying  the  simulcast  signal from an out-of-state track shall
      similarly accept  wagers  and  display  the  signal  from  all  in-state
      thoroughbred tracks conducting racing programs.
        b.  Any  facility  authorized  to accept wagers on out-of-state tracks
      shall distribute all sums deposited  in  any  pari-mutuel  pool  to  the
      holders  of winning tickets therein, provided such tickets are presented
      for payment prior to April first of the year following the year of their
      purchase less eighteen  per  centum  of  the  total  deposits  in  pools
      resulting  from  regular  bets,  less twenty-one per centum of the total
      deposits in pools resulting from  multiple  bets,  less  twenty-six  per
      centum  of  the  total deposits in pools resulting from exotic bets, and
      less twenty-seven per centum of the total deposits  in  pools  resulting
      from  super  exotic  bets,  plus  the  breaks  as defined in section two
      hundred thirty-six of this chapter except that the retention  rates  and
      breaks shall be as prescribed by another state or country if such wagers
      are  combined  with  those  in  the  other  state or country pursuant to
      section nine hundred five of this chapter.
        (1) Of the sums so retained, the applicable  tax  rates  shall  be  as
      governed  by  clauses (A) and (B) of subparagraphs three, four, five and
      six of this paragraph  plus  fifty  percent  of  the  breaks;  provided,
      however,  fifty  percent  of  the breaks accruing from off-track betting
      corporations licensed in accordance with section one thousand  eight  of
      this  article  and  from  simulcast theaters licensed in accordance with
      section one thousand  nine  of  this  article,  shall  be  paid  to  the
      agriculture  and  New York State horse breeding and development fund and
      to the thoroughbred breeding and development fund,  the  total  of  such
      payments to be apportioned fifty per centum to each such fund.
        (2)  (A)  Of  the  sums so retained, one-half of one per centum of all
      wagers shall be paid to the New York  State  thoroughbred  breeding  and
      development  fund, except that of the sums so retained on such wagers at
      licensed harness tracks, one-half of one per centum shall be paid to the
      agricultural and New York State horse breeding and development fund.
        (B) Any harness racing or association or corporation  or  thoroughbred
      racing  corporation authorized pursuant to this section shall pay to the
      racing and wagering board as a  regulatory  fee,  which  fee  is  hereby
      levied,  fifty  hundredths of one percent of the total daily pari-mutuel
        (3)   Distribution  of  wagers  placed  on  the  initial  out-of-state
      thoroughbred track at facilities licensed in  accordance  with  sections
      one thousand eight and one thousand nine of this article.
        (A)  Of  the sums so retained on days when a franchised corporation is
      not conducting a race meeting within the state and a thoroughbred racing
      corporation is conducting a race meeting
                                          Regular   Multiple   Exotic   exotic
                                          bets      bets       bets     bets
      State Tax                           1.50      1.50       1.50     1.50
      Thoroughbred Racing
      corporation                         0.50      0.50       0.50     0.50
      Thoroughbred Racing
      corporation payments to purses      1.50      2.00       1.50     2.00
      Franchised corporation              0.50      0.50       0.50     0.50
      Franchised corporation
      payments to purses                  2.00      2.00       2.50     4.00
        (B) Of the sums so retained on days when a franchised  corporation  is
      conducting a race meeting within the state
                                          Regular   Multiple   Exotic   exotic
                                          bets      bets       bets     bets
      State Tax                           1.00      1.00       1.00     1.00
      Thoroughbred Racing
      corporation                         0.50      0.50       0.50     0.00
      Thoroughbred Racing
      corporation payments to purses      0.50      0.50       0.50     0.50
      Franchised corporation              2.00      1.50       1.50     2.00
      Franchised corporation
      payments to purses                  2.00      3.00       3.00     5.00
        (C)  Payments  to purses as required under clauses (A) and (B) of this
      subparagraph shall be paid to the thoroughbred racing corporation to  be
      used exclusively for the purpose of increasing purses, including stakes,
      premiums and prizes.
        (4)   Distribution   of  wagers  placed  on  other  than  the  initial
      out-of-state thoroughbred track at  facilities  licensed  in  accordance
      with sections one thousand eight and one thousand nine of this article.
        (A)  Of  the sums so retained on days when a franchised corporation is
      not conducting a race meeting within the state and a thoroughbred racing
      corporation is conducting a race meeting
                                          Regular   Multiple   Exotic   exotic
                                          bets      bets       bets     bets
      State Tax                           1.00      1.00       1.00     1.00
      Thoroughbred Racing                 2.00      2.00       2.00     2.50
      corporation payments to purses
      Franchised corporation              1.00      1.00       1.00     1.00
      Franchised corporation
      payments to purses                  2.00      2.00       2.50     4.00
        (B)  Of  the sums so retained on days when a franchised corporation is
      conducting a race meeting within the state
                                          Regular   Multiple   Exotic   exotic
                                          bets      bets       bets     bets
      State Tax                           0.50      0.50       0.50     0.50
      Thoroughbred racing                 0.50      0.25       0.50     0.50
      Thoroughbred racing                 0.50      0.25       0.50     0.50
      corporation payments to purses
      Franchised corporation              2.25      2.25       2.00     2.50
      Franchised corporation
      payments to purses                  2.25      3.25       3.00     4.50
        (C) Payments to purses as required under clauses (A) and (B)  of  this
      subparagraph  shall be paid to the thoroughbred racing corporation or to
      the franchised corporation to be used exclusively  for  the  purpose  of
      increasing purses, including stakes, premiums and prizes.
        (D)  On  days when no thoroughbred track is conducting a race meeting,
      facilities licensed in accordance with sections one thousand  eight  and
      one thousand nine of this article are authorized to accept the simulcast
      signal   from  more  than  two  out-of-state  thoroughbred  tracks.  The
      distribution of wagers on such out-of-state thoroughbred track or tracks
      shall be in accordance with clause (B) of this subparagraph.
        (5)  Distribution  of  wagers  placed  on  the  initial   out-of-state
      thoroughbred track at facilities licensed in accordance with section one
      thousand seven of this article.
        (A)  Of  the sums so retained on days when a franchised corporation is
      not conducting a race meeting within the state and a thoroughbred racing
      corporation is conducting a race meeting
                                          Regular   Multiple   Exotic   exotic
                                          bets      bets       bets     bets
      State Tax                           1.50      1.50       1.50     1.50
      Thoroughbred racing                 0.25      0.25       0.25     0.50
      Thoroughbred racing                 0.75      1.00       0.75     1.00
      corporation payments to purses
      Franchised corporation              0.25      0.25       0.25     0.25
      Franchised corporation
      payments to purses                  1.00      1.00       2.25     2.00
        (B)  Of  the sums so retained on days when a franchised corporation is
      conducting a race meeting within the state
                                          Regular   Multiple   Exotic   exotic
                                          bets      bets       bets     bets
      State Tax                           1.00      1.00       1.00     1.00
      Thoroughbred racing
      corporation                         0.25      0.25       0.25     0.25
      Thoroughbred racing
      corporation payments to purses      0.25      0.25       0.25     0.25
      Franchised corporation              1.00      0.75       0.75     1.00
      Franchised corporation
      payments to purses                  1.00      1.50       1.50     2.50
        (C) Payments to purses as required under clauses (A) and (B)  of  this
      subparagraph  shall  be  paid to a thoroughbred racing corporation to be
      used exclusively for the purpose of increasing purses, including stakes,
      premiums and prizes.
        (D) For wagers placed at a thoroughbred racing corporation  the  state
      tax  shall  be  the  amounts  specified  in  clauses (A) and (B) of this
      subparagraph  and  retention  thereafter  shall  be  identical  to  sums
      retained for each type of on-track wager.
        (E)  On  days  when  a franchised corporation is not conducting a race
      meeting and when a licensed harness track is  neither  accepting  wagers
      nor  displaying  the signal from an in-state thoroughbred corporation or
      association or an out-of-state thoroughbred track:
        (i) Such licensed regional harness track shall receive in lieu of  any
      other  payments on wagers placed at off-track betting facilities outside
      the  special  betting  district  on  races  conducted  by  an   in-state
      thoroughbred racing corporation, two and eight-tenths percent on regular
      and  multiple  bets  during  a  regional meeting and one and nine-tenths
      percent of such bets if there  is  no  regional  meeting  and  four  and
      eight-tenths percent on exotic bets on days on which there is a regional
      meeting  and  three  and four-tenths percent of such bets if there is no
      regional meeting.
        (ii) Such licensed  regional  harness  track  shall  receive  one  and
      one-half  per  centum  on  total  regional  handle on races conducted at
      out-of-state or out-of-country thoroughbred tracks.
        (iii) In those regions in  which  there  is  more  than  one  licensed
      regional  harness  track,  if no track is accepting wagers or displaying
      the live simulcast signal from the out-of-state  track,  the  total  sum
      shall  be divided among the tracks in proportion to the ratio the wagers
      placed on races conducted by each track bears to the corporation's total
      in-region  harness handle. If one or more tracks are accepting wagers or
      displaying the live simulcast signal, the total amount shall be  divided
      among  those  tracks  not  accepting  wagers or displaying the simulcast
      signal for an out-of-state track or in-state thoroughbred corporation or
        (F) Of the sums retained by a licensed harness facility, fifty percent
      shall be used exclusively for purses awarded in races conducted by  such
      licensed  facility  and the remaining fifty percent shall be retained by
      such licensed facility for its general purposes, provided, however, that
      in a harness special betting district the portion of the  sums  retained
      by  a licensed harness facility to be used for purses or the methodology
      for calculating the amount to be used for purses may be specified  in  a
      written contract between a harness racing association or corporation and
      its representative horsemen's association.
        (6)   Distribution   of  wagers  placed  on  other  than  the  initial
      out-of-state thoroughbred track at  facilities  licensed  in  accordance
      with section one thousand seven of this article.
        (A)  Of  the sums so retained on days when a franchised corporation is
      not conducting a race meeting within the state and a thoroughbred racing
      corporation is conducting a race meeting
                                          Regular   Multiple   Exotic   exotic
                                          bets      bets       bets     bets
      State Tax                           1.00      1.00       1.00     1.00
      Thoroughbred Racing
      corporation payments to purses      1.00      1.00       1.00     1.25
      Franchised corporation              0.50      0.50       0.50     0.50
      Franchised corporation
      payments to purses                  1.00      1.00       1.25     2.00
        (B) Of the sums so retained on days when a franchised  corporation  is
      conducting a race meeting within the state
                                          Regular   Multiple   Exotic   exotic
                                          bets      bets       bets     bets
      State Tax                           0.50      0.50       0.50     0.50
      Thoroughbred Racing
      corporation                         0.25      0.25       0.25     0.25
      Thoroughbred Racing
      corporation payments to purses      0.25      0.25       0.25     0.25
      Franchised corporation              1.25      1.25       1.00     1.25
      Franchised corporation
      payments to purses                  1.25      2.00       1.50     2.25
        (C)  Payments  to purses as required under clauses (A) and (B) of this
      subparagraph shall be paid to a thoroughbred racing  corporation  or  to
      the  franchised  corporation  to  be used exclusively for the purpose of
      increasing purses, including stakes, premiums and prizes.
        (D) For wagers placed at a franchised corporation  or  a  thoroughbred
      racing  corporation  the  state  tax  shall  be the amounts specified in
      clauses (A) and (B) of this subparagraph and retention thereafter  shall
      be identical to sums retained for each type of on-track wager.
        (E)  On  days when no thoroughbred track is conducting a race meeting,
      facilities licensed in accordance with section  one  thousand  seven  of
      this  article  are  authorized  to  accept  the  simulcast  signal  from
      out-of-state thoroughbred tracks. The distribution  of  wagers  on  such
      out-of-state  thoroughbred  track  or tracks shall be in accordance with
      clause (B) of this subparagraph.
        (F) On days when a franchised corporation is  not  conducting  a  race
      meeting  and  when  a licensed harness track is neither accepting wagers
      nor displaying the signal from an in-state thoroughbred  corporation  or
      association or an out-of-state thoroughbred track:
        (i)  Such licensed regional harness track shall receive in lieu of any
      other payments on wagers placed at off-track betting facilities  outside
      the   special  betting  district  on  races  conducted  by  an  in-state
      thoroughbred racing corporation, two and eight-tenths percent on regular
      and multiple bets during a regional  meeting  and  one  and  nine-tenths
      percent  of  such  bets  if  there  is  no regional meeting and four and
      eight-tenths percent on exotic bets on days on which there is a regional
      meeting and three and four-tenths percent of such bets if  there  is  no
      regional meeting.
        (ii)  Such  licensed  regional  harness  track  shall  receive one and
      one-half per centum on total  regional  handle  on  races  conducted  at
      out-of-state or out-of-country thoroughbred tracks.
        (iii)  In  those  regions  in  which  there  is more than one licensed
      regional harness track, if no track is accepting  wagers  or  displaying
      the  live  simulcast  signal  from the out-of-state track, the total sum
      shall be divided among the tracks in proportion to the ratio the  wagers
      placed on races conducted by each track bears to the corporation's total
      in-region  harness handle. If one or more tracks are accepting wagers or
      displaying the live simulcast signal, the total amount shall be  divided
      among  those  tracks  not  accepting  wagers or displaying the simulcast
      signal for an out-of-state track or in-state thoroughbred corporation.
        (G) Of the sums retained by a licensed harness facility, fifty percent
      shall be used exclusively for purses awarded in races conducted by  such
      licensed  facility  and the remaining fifty percent shall be retained by
      such licensed facility for its general purposes, provided, however, that
      in a harness special betting district the portion of the  sums  retained
      by  a licensed harness facility to be used for purses or the methodology
      for calculating the amount to be used for purses may be specified  in  a
      written contract between a harness racing association or corporation and
      its representative horsemen's association.
        c.  (1)  All wagers authorized by this section shall be combined so as
      to produce common pari-mutuel betting pools,  which  shall  be  combined
      with   the   sending   track,  for  the  calculation  of  odds  and  the
      determination of payouts from such pools, which payouts  shall  be  made
      pursuant  to the rules of the board. Every location authorized to accept
      wagers or display simulcasting pursuant to this section shall be subject
      to all appropriate provisions of this chapter.
        (2) Every regional off-track betting  corporation  may  simulcast  all
      out-of-state  races authorized by this section at any licensed simulcast
      facility except for those facilities located in a  thoroughbred  special
      betting  district.  Facilities  located in such special betting district
      may display the simulcast signal with the permission of the thoroughbred
      track located in such district or if such track displays the signal from
      an out-of-state or out-of-country track.
        d.  The  provisions of section five hundred thirty-two of this chapter
      shall apply as follows:
        (1) for all wagers placed  at  facilities  licensed  to  receive  such
      out-of-state or out-of-country simulcasts in accordance with section one
      thousand  eight  of  this  article,  distribution shall first be made in
      accordance with subdivision three-a of section five  hundred  thirty-two
      of  this  chapter,  and  then  fifty  percent of the remaining amount in
      accordance with paragraph a of subdivision three of section five hundred
      thirty-two of this chapter and the other fifty percent shall be retained
      by such operator for its general purpose.
        (2) upon application of  any  facility  licensed  in  accordance  with
      sections  one  thousand seven and one thousand nine of this article, the
      board shall authorize the imposition  of  a  sum  equal  to  the  amount
      authorized  by  section  five  hundred  thirty-two of this chapter which
      shall apply to wagers placed at such facility.  Such  sums  received  by
      facilities licensed in accordance with section one thousand nine of this
      article  shall  be  retained for the general purpose of the corporation.
      Such sums received  by  such  facilities  licensed  in  accordance  with
      section  one  thousand  seven  of  this  article shall be distributed as
        (A) fifty percent shall be used  exclusively  for  purses  awarded  in
      races conducted by such licensed facility; and
        (B)  fifty percent shall be retained by such licensed facility for its
      general purposes.
        e. Nothing  in  this  section  shall  be  construed  to  prohibit  the
      acceptance  of  wagers on races conducted at out-of-state tracks without
      the display of the live simulcast signal if authorized under  any  other
      provision of this chapter.
        2.  The  provisions  of this section shall not be effective, nor shall
      any out-of-state simulcast signal or wagers thereon be permitted  to  be
      accepted  pursuant  to this section by any off-track betting corporation
      in this state during the dates set forth  in  subdivision  one  of  this
      section until the following conditions are met and are in full force and
        a.   New  York  city  off-track  betting  corporation  has  a  written
      contractual agreement with an in-state thoroughbred racing  corporation,
      guaranteeing  said  in-state  thoroughbred  racing  corporation the same
      display of its signal as any out-of-state  track  displayed  under  this
      section  during  the dates and time periods delineated herein, including
      the display of said signal at least five days per week under section one
      thousand  three  of  this  article,  commonly  known  as   the   in-home
      simulcasting  experiment;  provided  said  corporation's  signal is made
      available five days per week;
        b.  Said  written  contractual  agreement  shall   not   provide   for
      remuneration and shall be separate and apart from any existing statutory
      provision,   current   agreement,   or   future   agreement,   regarding
      remuneration of the in-state thoroughbred racing corporation by New York
      city off-track betting corporation for its simulcast signal,  and  shall
      contain  a clause providing for enforcement of the contractual agreement
      in a court of general jurisdiction with the  power  to  grant  equitable
      and/or injunctive relief;
        c.  Said  written  agreement  shall  contain  a  clause  providing for
      injunctive relief and/or liquidated damages if said contract is breached
      by either party;
        d. Upon a decision, ruling or order by a court of general jurisdiction
      that said contract has been breached, no out-of-state simulcasting shall
      be  permitted under the provisions of this section until renewal of said
      contract or  a  new  contract  containing  the  requirements  herein  is
      executed; and
        e.   Provided  further,  that  if  New  York  city  off-track  betting
      corporation shall cease to display the signal of an  out-of-state  track
      through  in-home  simulcasting pursuant to section one thousand three of
      this article, nothing herein shall prohibit  any  off-track  corporation
      from  displaying the out-of-state signal in its parlors and teletheaters
      so long as the signal of an in-state thoroughbred racing corporation  is
      displayed on an equal number of screens.