Section 413. Retail instalment credit agreements  

Latest version.
  • 1. (a) A retail instalment
      credit  agreement  shall be dated and in writing and the printed portion
      thereof shall be in at least eight point type.    No  retail  instalment
      credit  agreement  shall  be  signed by the buyer when it contains blank
      spaces to be filled in after it  has  been  signed  by  the  buyer.  The
      seller, before he shall be able to avail himself of the rates authorized
      by  subdivision three of this section, shall deliver to the buyer a copy
      of the credit agreement executed by the seller.
        (b) Provided that the retail installment credit agreement complies  in
      all  other respects with the provisions of this section, a single credit
      agreement may provide for a retail seller to acquire indebtedness  of  a
      retail  buyer  under  a  sales slip or memorandum evidencing a purchase.
      Where a retail seller enters into a credit agreement with a retail buyer
      the credit agreement may consist of an agreement complying in all  other
      respects  with  the provisions of this section, but executed only by the
      retail seller, together with a credit card issued by it  to  the  retail
      buyer.  The  credit  agreement, however, must then provide that it shall
      not become effective unless and until  the  retail  buyer  or  a  person
      authorized by him signs a sales slip or memorandum evidencing a purchase
      or  lease  of  property  or  services by use of the credit card and that
      prior thereto the retail buyer shall not be responsible for any purchase
      or lease of property or services by use of the  credit  card  after  its
      loss or theft.
        2. Every retail instalment credit agreement shall contain:
        (a)  The  entire  agreement  of  the buyer with respect to the subject
      matter of the credit agreement;
        (b) The names of the seller and of the buyer, the place of business of
      the seller and the residence or  place  of  business  of  the  buyer  as
      specified by the buyer;
        (c)  Both at the top thereof and directly above the space reserved for
      the signature of the buyer, the words RETAIL INSTALMENT CREDIT AGREEMENT
      in at least ten point bold type;
        (d) A provision in at least eight point bold type to the  effect  that
      the buyer may at any time pay his total indebtedness; and
        (e)  A  notice  in  at least eight point bold type reading as follows:
      NOTICE TO THE BUYER: 1. Do not sign this  credit  agreement  before  you
      read  it  or  if  it  contains any blank space. 2. You are entitled to a
      completely filled in copy of this credit agreement.
        3. (a) A seller may, in a retail instalment credit agreement, contract
      for and, if so contracted for, the seller or holder thereof may  charge,
      receive and collect the service charge authorized by this article, which
      service  charge  shall  not  exceed the rate or rates agreed upon by the
      seller and the buyer, including, in accordance with  the  provisions  of
      the  credit  agreement, rates that may vary, from time to time computed,
      for the purposes of this section, on the outstanding  indebtedness  from
      month  to  month,  or  if  the  service  charge so computed is less than
      seventy cents for any month, seventy  cents.  If  the  credit  agreement
      provides  for  a  variable  rate  of  service charge, such rate shall be
      determined at regular intervals as set forth in the credit agreement and
      in accordance with such regulations as the banking board shall prescribe
      but said rate shall not vary more often than once  in  any  three  month
      period  and  shall  be  based  on  a published index that is (a) readily
      available, (b) independently verifiable, (c) beyond the control  of  the
      seller  and  (d)  approved  by  the  superintendent, (e) such charges in
      credit agreements shall be based on  the  index  values,  or  the  index
      numbers  plus  or  minus additional percentage points provided, however,
      that variations in the charge must correspond directly to the  movements
      of  the  index  values  plus or minus additional percentage points only.
      Once such charge is established  no  lending  institution  may  add  any
      factors  to increase the charge other than variations in the established
      index without the prior approval of the banking board.
        The  banking  board  shall  adopt  regulations  with respect to credit
      agreements that provide for a variable rate of service charge, including
      but not limited to: (a) providing for disclosure to  the  buyer  by  the
      seller  of  the  circumstances  under  which  the rate may increase, any
      limitations on the increase, the effect of an increase and an example of
      the payment terms that would result from an increase; (b) providing  for
      disclosure  to  the buyer by the seller of a history of the fluctuations
      of the index over a reasonable period of time;  and  (c)  providing  for
      notice  to  the buyer by the seller prior to any rate increase or change
      in the terms of payment. The regulations shall allow a seller, holder or
      financing agency after choosing an approved index to choose a spread and
      a minimum and maximum rate of service charge at its discretion. A retail
      instalment credit agreement, whether it provides for a fixed or variable
      service charge, may provide for an introductory rate of  service  charge
      at  either  a  fixed  or  variable rate, provided that the terms of such
      introductory rate, including, if  applicable,  the  date  on  which  the
      introductory  rate  shall  terminate,  are  disclosed to the buyer. Such
      disclosure shall be contained on an  application  form  or  pre-approved
      written solicitation as specified pursuant to subdivisions one and one-a
      of  section five hundred twenty of the general business law. A change in
      the service charge rate upon expiration of an  introductory  rate  shall
      not  be  considered  a  variable  rate or a change in terms. The service
      charge rate in effect after expiration of an introductory rate may apply
      to all amounts  due  under  the  credit  agreement  regardless  of  when
      incurred,  and  disclosure of the same shall be provided to the buyer in
      the written agreement.
        (b) If the credit agreement so provides, the  service  charge  may  be
      computed  on a schedule of fixed amounts if as so computed it is applied
      to all amounts of outstanding balances equal to the fixed amount minus a
      differential of not more than five dollars, provided  that  it  is  also
      applied to all amounts of outstanding balances equal to the fixed amount
      plus at least the same differential.
        (c)  (i)  For  the  purposes of this subdivision the term "outstanding
      indebtedness from month to month" shall mean, at  the  election  of  the
      seller, holder or financing agency either:
        (a)  the amount unpaid at the beginning of the monthly billing period,
      including unpaid service charges, less all payments received and credits
      issued during the billing period, except  for  credits  attributable  to
      amounts not included in the previous balance; or
        (b)  an  amount  not  to  exceed  the  amount calculated by adding the
      amounts unpaid for each day of the  monthly  billing  period,  including
      unpaid  service  charges,  after  reflecting  that day's purchases made,
      payments received, credits issued and other  adjustments,  and  dividing
      such sum by the number of days in the billing period.
        (ii)  A  credit  agreement  may  not  provide  for the imposition of a
      service charge for any monthly billing  period  in  which  there  is  no
      previous  balance  or  during which the sum of the payments received and
      other credits issued which are attributable to amounts included  in  the
      previous  balance  is  equal  to  or exceeds the amount of such previous
      balance unless the same seller also  offers  a  credit  agreement  which
      provides  that no service charge will be imposed for any monthly billing
      period in which there is no previous balance or during which the sum  of
      the payments received and other credits issued which are attributable to
      amounts  included  in  the  previous  balance is equal to or exceeds the
      amount of such previous balance.
        (iii) The term "billing period" as used in this subdivision shall mean
      the  time  interval  between  periodic  statement  dates,  pursuant   to
      subdivision  four  of this section. A billing period shall be considered
      to be a "month" or "monthly" if the last day of each billing  period  is
      on  the  same  day of each month or does not vary by more than four days
        (d) Where a retail instalment credit agreement provides that the buyer
      has the option of avoiding  the  imposition  of  an  additional  service
      charge  by  paying  the  outstanding indebtedness or any portion thereof
      within a specified period of time, the additional service charge may not
      be  imposed  unless  the  monthly  statement  showing  such  outstanding
      indebtedness or portion thereof is mailed at least fifteen days prior to
      the date by which payment must be received to avoid that service charge.
      A  seller  or  holder  shall  not  be prohibited from imposing a service
      charge, or required to refund a service charge,  if  failure  to  comply
      with the provisions of this paragraph resulted from circumstances beyond
      the   control  of  the  seller  or  holder,  notwithstanding  reasonable
      procedures to insure compliance with this paragraph.
        (e) No change in the terms of a  retail  instalment  credit  agreement
      shall take effect unless at least 30 days prior to the effective date of
      such  change, a written notice has been mailed or delivered to the buyer
      that  clearly  and  conspicuously  describes   such   change   and   the
      indebtedness  to  which  it applies, and if the change has the effect of
      increasing the rate of service charge, either (a) the notice states that
      the incurrence by the buyer or another person authorized by him  of  any
      further indebtedness under the plan to which the agreement relates on or
      after  the  effective  date of such change specified in the notice shall
      constitute acceptance of such change, and either  the  buyer  agrees  in
      writing  to such change or the buyer or another person authorized by him
      incurs such further indebtedness on or after the effective date  of  the
      change stated in the notice, or (b) the notice advises the buyer that he
      has  thirty  days  from  the  earlier  of the mailing or delivery of the
      notice to advise the seller under or  holder  of  a  retail  installment
      credit  agreement  in  writing  that  he  does  not  accept such change,
      provided that such notice contains an address to  which  the  buyer  may
      send  notice  of his election not to accept the change and also provided
      that the notice specifies  that  the  change  will  take  effect  absent
      receipt  of  the  buyer's written objection to the change. Any buyer who
      has received a notice pursuant to clause  (a)  who  does  not  agree  in
      writing  to the change and no further indebtedness is incurred under the
      plan to which the agreement relates, and any buyer who  gives  a  timely
      notice,  pursuant to clause (b), electing not to accept the change shall
      be permitted to pay his outstanding indebtedness in accordance with  the
      terms  of  the  retail  installment  credit  agreement but the seller or
      holder may terminate the amount of credit available to the buyer and may
      require the buyer to return all credit cards issued in connection with a
      retail installment credit agreement. If such a buyer subsequently uses a
      credit  card  to  obtain  credit  under  a  retail  installment   credit
      agreement,  such  use shall constitute acceptance of the change of terms
      and shall be deemed to have been accepted and shall become effective  as
      to  the buyer as of the date such change would have become effective but
      for the giving of notice by the buyer. If notice is  given  pursuant  to
      clause  (b)  and  the  buyer  does  not  timely object in writing to the
      change, such change shall become effective without action on the part of
      the buyer; provided that in no event shall any such change  take  effect
      with  respect  to  (i) that portion of the outstanding indebtedness from
      month to  month  which  represents  indebtedness  outstanding  prior  to
      January  1,  1981, and (ii) that portion of the outstanding indebtedness
      from month to month which represents  indebtedness  incurred,  under  or
      pursuant  to an agreement in effect on December 1, 1980, between January
      1, 1981, and the effective date of such change specified  in  the  first
      notice   mailed  or  delivered  pursuant  to  clause  (a).  Indebtedness
      outstanding prior to January 1, 1981 for purpose of clause (i) above and
      indebtedness outstanding prior to the effective date  of  a  change  for
      purposes  of  clause  (ii)  above  shall  be  determined on the basis of
      crediting payments and other credits first to that portion of  any  such
      indebtedness  representing  any service charges and then to that portion
      of such indebtedness representing purchases  and  other  debits  in  the
      order  in  which  made.  An  amendment  to a credit agreement deleting a
      provision that the rate of service charge may vary from time to time may
      not become effective within one year from the  later  of  the  effective
      date  of  the  credit agreement or the effective date of an amendment to
      the credit agreement adding a variable rate provision. For  purposes  of
      this  paragraph,  an  adjustment  in the rate of the service charge as a
      consequence of the movement in the selected index shall not constitute a
      change in the terms of that agreement. A reduction in the  grace  period
      for  the assessment of a fee on any installment not paid when due, shall
      be considered an  amendment  to  an  agreement  as  set  forth  in  this
      paragraph.  The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply in the case
      of an agreement which expressly prohibits changing  of  terms  or  which
      provides  limitations  on  changing  of terms which are more restrictive
      than the requirements of this paragraph.
        Any service charge, whether assessed by a fixed or variable rate,  may
      be  reduced on such terms as the seller may determine, provided that the
      terms of such reduction, including, if applicable, the date on which the
      reduction will terminate, are disclosed to  the  buyer  on  the  written
      notice  announcing  the  reduction,  prior  to the effective date of the
      reduction. A new method of determining a service charge is  a  reduction
      in  the  service  charge  if  the charge determined under the new method
      never exceeds the charge under the original method. The original service
      charge or original method of  determining  the  service  charge  may  be
      applied after the reduction ends to the entire outstanding indebtedness,
      including  any  indebtedness  incurred  when  the reduced service charge
      applied, and disclosure of the same shall be provided to  the  buyer  in
      the  written  notice announcing the reduction.  A reduction to a service
      charge, including the resumption of the original service charge  or  the
      original  method  of  determining  the  service  charge,  shall  not  be
      considered a change in terms for purposes of this paragraph.
        3-a. No retail instalment credit agreement or guarantee  of  a  retail
      instalment credit agreement shall provide for a security interest in any
      investment  property,  as  defined in paragraph forty-nine of subsection
      (a) of section 9--102 of the uniform commercial code, that is pledged as
      collateral, unless (a) the contract either specifically  identifies  the
      investment  property  as  collateral  or  (b)  the  secured  party  is a
      securities intermediary, as defined in paragraph fourteen of  subsection
      (a)  of  section  8-102  of  the  uniform  commercial code, or commodity
      intermediary, as defined in paragraph seventeen  of  subsection  (a)  of
      section  9--102  of  the  uniform  commercial  code, with respect to the
      investment property. The identification of an account shall include  the
      name  of  the holder, account number, and name of the entity holding the
      investment property. In  the  event  that  a  retail  instalment  credit
      agreement  or  guarantee does not comply with this section, the security
      interest in the investment property is void.
        4. The seller or holder under a  retail  instalment  credit  agreement
      shall promptly provide the buyer under the agreement with a statement as
      of  the  end of each monthly period (which need not be a calendar month)
        (a) The items required to be set forth pursuant to the act of congress
      entitled  "Truth in Lending Act" and the regulations thereunder, as such
      act and regulations may from time to time be amended; and
        (b) A legend to the effect that the buyer may  at  any  time  pay  his
      total indebtedness.
        5.  (a)  The  fees  and  charges  authorized  by  this subdivision and
      subdivision three of this section shall  be  inclusive  of  all  charges
      incident  to  investigating  and  making  the  retail  instalment credit
      agreement and for the extension of credit thereunder. No  fee,  expense,
      delinquency,  collection  or  other  charge  whatsoever  shall be taken,
      received, reserved or contracted for by the seller under or holder of  a
      retail instalment credit agreement except as provided in this section. A
      retail  instalment  credit  agreement  may  provide  for  the payment of
      attorney's fees not exceeding twenty per centum of the  amount  due  and
      payable  under the credit agreement if it is referred to an attorney not
      a salaried employee of the seller or holder for collection.
        (b) In addition to the  service  charge  on  outstanding  indebtedness
      permitted  under subdivision three of this section, the seller or holder
      may charge, receive and collect any one or more of the fees and  charges
      described  in  this  paragraph,  provided that any such fee or charge is
      provided for in the retail  instalment  credit  agreement.  When  credit
      cards   are  issued  in  connection  with  a  retail  instalment  credit
      agreement, the retail instalment credit agreement  may  provide  for  an
      annual  fee  for  membership  in  the  credit  card plan. If a buyer has
      requested the issuance of a credit card, the fee for the first year  may
      be  charged  by  the  seller or holder at any time. The seller or holder
      shall in each subsequent year in which an annual fee  is  payable,  send
      the buyer in or with the statement for the monthly billing period before
      that in which the fee is to be billed, a notice that the annual fee will
      be  billed  in the next monthly statement. A buyer who is not delinquent
      or otherwise in breach of any term of the agreement with the  seller  or
      holder shall have the right during the first six months after the annual
      fee  is billed to notify the seller or holder in writing, at its address
      on the credit agreement, to terminate the buyer's account and request  a
      refund  of  the  unused  portion of the annual fee previously paid. Upon
      receipt of the termination notice and refund request  from  such  buyer,
      the seller or holder shall refund to the buyer the unused pro-rata share
      of any annual fee previously paid as of the first billing statement date
      after  receipt  of the termination notice. The retail installment credit
      agreement may provide for the assessment of a fee  for  any  installment
      which  is not paid on or before the date on which it is due. A seller or
      holder that imposes a fee for late payments  without  allowing  a  grace
      period of at least ten days must credit any cash payment made by a buyer
      to  an  authorized representative of the seller or holder at all stores,
      or to a teller at a branch where deposits are accepted, as of  the  date
      of  the  receipt of the payment. The retail installment credit agreement
      may, in addition, provide for an overlimit charge. The overlimit  charge
      may  be  imposed whenever the specified credit limit is exceeded but not
      more than once in a monthly billing cycle. If the  overlimit  charge  is
      imposed,  the  credit  limit  must  be  disclosed on the monthly billing
      statement. The retail installment credit agreement also may provide for:
      (i) a returned payment charge, in the amount set forth in section  5-328
      of the general obligations law, for any check or other method of payment
      that  is  returned  unpaid,  excluding  payment made by automated teller
      machine or other electronic media; (ii) a charge for replacement of lost
      or stolen credit cards, which charge shall be applied only where a buyer
      has suffered a  lost  or  stolen  credit  card  after  two  replacements
      thereof;  (iii)  a  charge  for  additional credit cards for the buyer's
      account; and (iv) a charge for copies of sales slips, monthly statements
      and  other  documents  when  such  copies are not required by federal or
      state law governing billing error disputes.
        Sections 190.40 and 190.42 of the penal law shall not  apply  to  fees
      and  charges set forth in this subdivision. For purposes of 12 U.S.C. §§
      85, 1831 d, 1463(g) and 1785 (g), the fees and charges  permitted  under
      this  subdivision  are  interest  under  New  York  law,  and all terms,
      conditions,  and  other  provisions  of  a  retail   instalment   credit
      agreement,  including  without  limitation, fees and charges, provisions
      relating to the method of determining the  outstanding  indebtedness  on
      which  a  service charge is imposed and circumstances in which a service
      charge may be avoided, are material to the determination of the interest
      rate under New York law.
        6. If the cost of any insurance is to be  separately  charged  to  the
      buyer,  the  retail  instalment credit agreement shall state whether the
      insurance is to be procured by the buyer or the seller or  holder.    If
      the  insurance  is to be procured by the seller or holder, the seller or
      holder shall comply with the provisions of subdivision five  of  section
      four hundred two.
        7.  No  retail instalment credit agreement shall require or entail the
      execution of any note or  series  of  notes  by  the  buyer  which  when
      separately  negotiated  will  cut  off  as to third parties any right of
      action or defense which the buyer may have against the seller.
        8. The provisions of  subdivisions  four  and  five  of  section  four
      hundred  two  A and of sections four hundred six and four hundred twelve
      hereof shall be applicable to retail instalment credit  agreements.  The
      words  "credit  service charge" in subdivisions four and five of section
      four hundred two A shall read "service charge" for the purposes of  this
        9.  The  service  charge  allowed in subdivision three of this section
      shall be allowed to a seller or holder under this section only:
        (a) If the seller enters into an agreement subject to  the  provisions
      of  this  article  with  any  buyer  on or after October first, nineteen
      hundred fifty-seven; or
        (b) In the case of any buyer who had entered into an agreement with  a
      seller  prior  to  October  first,  nineteen hundred fifty-seven, if the
      seller or holder delivers or mails to the  buyer  a  copy  of  a  retail
      instalment  credit  agreement  in  conformity  with  this  section  duly
      executed on behalf of the seller and the  seller  or  holder  thereafter
      complies with all the other provisions of this section.
        Nothing in this subdivision contained shall be construed to affect the
      validity  or invalidity of any agreement or alleged agreement made prior
      to October first, nineteen hundred fifty-seven.
        10. No retail instalment credit agreement shall contain any  provision
      by which:
        (a) In the absence of the buyer's default, the holder may, arbitrarily
      and without reasonable cause, accelerate the maturity of any part or all
      of the amount owing thereunder;
        (b) A power-of-attorney is given to confess judgment in this state, or
      an assignment of wages is given;
        (c)  The buyer waives any right of action against the seller or holder
      of the agreement, or other person acting on his behalf, for any  illegal
      act committed in the collection of payments under the agreement;
        (d)  The  buyer  executes a power-of-attorney appointing the seller or
      holder of the agreement, or other person acting on his  behalf,  as  the
      buyer's agent in collecting payments under the agreement;
        (e)  The buyer relieves the seller from liability for any legal remedy
      which the buyer may have against  the  seller  under  the  agreement  or
        (f)  The  buyer  waives  any right to a trial by jury in any action or
      proceeding arising out of the agreement.
        (g) The buyer consents to receive any goods or services on  a  regular
      or  irregular  basis. Any such consent to receive goods or services must
      be separately agreed to by the buyer in a writing other than the  retail
      instalment credit agreement.
        Any  such  prohibited  provision shall be void but shall not otherwise
      affect the validity of the contract.
        11. (a) Provided that the retail instalment credit agreement  complies
      in  all  other respects with the provisions of this section, a financing
      agency may enter into a credit agreement with a retail buyer for its own
      account or on  behalf  of  one  or  more  retail  sellers  or  municipal
      corporations,  or the New York city water board, which need not be named
      in the agreement, pursuant to which the financing agency may,  with  the
      buyer's  consent, purchase or acquire from one or more retail sellers or
      municipal corporations, or the New York city water board, which need not
      be named in the credit agreement, indebtedness  of  the  buyer  under  a
      sales  slip  or memorandum evidencing a purchase or fine, civil penalty,
      rent, rate, tax, fee, charge, revenue, financial  obligation,  or  other
      amount,  including a penalty, special assessment or interest, to be paid
      in accordance with the agreement. Such a credit agreement shall  contain
      the  name and place of business of the financing agency in lieu of those
      of a retail seller, municipal corporation or the  New  York  city  water
      board, and may not contain any provision for a security interest in real
      or  personal  property  or  fixtures  of  the buyer to secure payment or
      performance of the buyer's obligation under the credit  agreement  other
      than  a  security interest in a specifically identified interest-bearing
      deposit account of the buyer with such  financing  agency.  A  financing
      agency  may  in  such  a credit agreement contract for, and if it has so
      contracted and delivered to the buyer a copy  of  the  credit  agreement
      executed  by  it,  may  charge,  receive  and collect the service charge
      authorized by this section. Each sales slip or memorandum  evidencing  a
      purchase  or fine, civil penalty, rent, rate, tax, fee, charge, revenue,
      financial obligation, or other  amount,  including  a  penalty,  special
      assessment  or  interest  due to a municipal corporation or the New York
      city water board from the buyer to be paid in  accordance  with  such  a
      credit  agreement  shall refer to the credit agreement between the buyer
      and the financing agency by account number or otherwise and contain  the
      names  of  the retail buyer and the retail seller, municipal corporation
      or the New York city water board.
        A financing agency which  purchases  from  more  than  one  seller  or
      municipal  corporation  or  which purchases from the New York city water
      board indebtedness of a retail buyer to be paid in accordance with  such
      a  retail  instalment  credit  agreement  entered  into by the financing
      agency with the buyer  as  provided  in  this  subdivision  may  charge,
      receive  and  collect the service charge authorized by subdivision three
      of this section only if the service charge so authorized is computed  on
      the  buyer's total outstanding indebtedness to the financing agency from
      month to month to be paid in accordance with such  a  retail  instalment
      credit agreement.
        (b) A financing agency may enter into a credit agreement with a retail
      buyer  for  its  own  account  or  on  behalf  of one or more authorized
      insurers or insurance agents or insurance brokers, who need not be named
      in the agreement, pursuant to which the financing agency may,  with  the
      buyer's  consent,  purchase  or  acquire  from  one  or  more authorized
      insurers or insurance agents or brokers, who need not be  named  in  the
      agreement,  the  buyer's  indebtedness  under a sales slip or memorandum
      evidencing a purchase  of  insurance  under  an  insurance  contract  or
      contracts,  provided  that  (i)  such credit agreement complies with the
      requirements of paragraph (a) of this subdivision, and (ii) such  credit
      agreement  does  not  permit  cancellation  of the insurance contract or
      contracts as a result of default  under  the  credit  agreement  by  the
      buyer.  For  purposes of this paragraph, the terms "authorized insurer",
      "insurance contract", "insurance agent", and "insurance broker" shall be
      as defined in or have the meanings  assigned  to  them  by  section  one
      hundred seven of the insurance law.
        (c)  A  single  credit  agreement  entered  into  pursuant  to  either
      paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of this subdivision may provide  for  the
      financing agency to acquire indebtedness of a retail buyer under a sales
      slip  or  memorandum  evidencing  a  purchase or, if applicable, a fine,
      civil  penalty,  rate,  rent,  tax,  fee,  charge,  revenue,   financial
      obligation  or other amount, including a penalty, special assessment, or
      interest, pursuant to the other of said paragraphs.  Where  a  financing
      agency  enters  into  a credit agreement with a retail buyer for its own
      account, the credit agreement may consist of an agreement  complying  in
      all  other  respects  with  the provisions of this section, but executed
      only by the financing agency, together with a credit card issued  by  it
      to  the  retail  buyer. The credit agreement, however, must then provide
      that it shall not become effective unless and until the retail buyer  or
      a  person  authorized by him signs a sales slip or memorandum evidencing
      purchase or lease of property or services or  the  payment  of  a  fine,
      civil   penalty,  rent,  rate,  tax,  fee,  charge,  revenue,  financial
      obligation or other amount, including a penalty, special  assessment  or
      interest, to a municipal corporation or the New York city water board by
      use of the credit card and that prior thereto the retail buyer shall not
      be  responsible for any purchase or lease of property or services or the
      payment of  a  fine,  civil  penalty,  rate,  rent,  tax,  fee,  charge,
      financial  obligation,  or  other  amount,  including a penalty, special
      assessment or interest, by use of the credit  card  after  its  loss  or
        (d)  A  credit agreement entered into pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b)
      of this subdivision shall contain  or  be  accompanied  by  a  statement
      making  the  disclosures required by the act of congress entitled "Truth
      in Lending  Act"  and  the  regulations  thereunder,  as  such  act  and
      regulations may from time to time be amended.
        (e)  A financing agency enters into a credit agreement provided for in
      this subdivision in this state, for purposes of  this  article,  if  the
      financing  agency delivers or mails in this state to the buyer a copy of
      the agreement executed by the financing agency, provided, however,  that
      in  order to reduce the potential for theft or fraud, a financing agency
      may mail the credit agreement from  outside  the  state  if  the  credit
      agreement  is  prepared and sealed in the state before mailing and prior
      to being transported to a location  outside  of  the  state  for  actual
        (f)   For  the  purpose  of  this  subdivision,  the  term  "municipal
      corporation", as defined  in  subdivision  twenty-two  of  section  four
      hundred  one  of  this  chapter,  shall include the White Plains parking
      authority, and the term "purchase" shall include any fee, rate, rent  or
      other charge of such authority.
        12.    (a)  Except  as  provided  in  paragraphs  (b)  and (c) of this
      subdivision, no retail instalment credit  agreement,  or  any  agreement
      executed  in  connection  therewith,  may  provide for the creation of a
      security interest in any personal or real property (including any  goods
      sold  under such agreement) to secure payment of the buyer's outstanding
      indebtedness under such retail instalment  credit  agreement.  Any  such
      prohibited  provision  shall  be void but shall not otherwise affect the
      validity of such retail instalment credit agreement.
        (b)  A  financing agency may require a pledge to such financing agency
      of a specifically identified interest-bearing  deposit  account  of  the
      buyer  maintained  at such financing agency as collateral security for a
      loan  made  by  such  financing  agency  under  the  authority  of  this
      subdivision  and  provided  further that any such financing agency which
      requires such a pledge shall be subject to  the  provisions  of  section
      five hundred twenty-b of the general business law.
        (c)  Except  for  motor  vehicles  as  defined in article nine of this
      chapter, or goods which the seller knows or reasonably should  know  are
      or  are  likely  to  be so affixed to a motor vehicle or to realty as to
      become a part thereof, a retail seller, or financing agency which enters
      into a retail installment credit agreement with a retail buyer on behalf
      of a retail seller named in the agreement, may take or retain a purchase
      money security interest, as that term is defined in  section  9--103  of
      the  uniform  commercial code, in any item of merchandise purchased at a
      price of not  less  than  two  hundred  dollars  pursuant  to  a  retail
      installment   credit   agreement   until  the  purchase  price  of  such
      merchandise is fully paid, but in no  event  shall  any  purchase  money
      security interest created hereunder be valid or enforceable for a period
      greater  than  five  years  from  the  date  a purchase is posted to any
      account which may be used to purchase an item of merchandise at a  price
      less  than  two  hundred  dollars.  In  the  event such a purchase money
      security interest is taken or retained by a retail seller  or  financing
      agency,  payments  shall  be  applied  to the purchase in the order such
      purchases are posted to  the  account  after  such  payments  are  first
      applied  to  any  finance,  late, or other charges imposed by the retail
      seller or financing agency. Notwithstanding the  provisions  of  section
      9--609  of  the  uniform  commercial  code,  repossession of merchandise
      subject to a purchase  money  security  interest  permitted  under  this
      subdivision  shall be prohibited unless and until payment on the account
      shall be in default for a period of at least thirty days and  thereafter
      a  notice  of  default  be  mailed  to the buyer providing an additional
      thirty days time in which to cure the default on  the  account.  In  the
      event   of   repossession  without  judicial  process,  a  substantially
      contemporaneous writing signed  by  the  buyer  indicating  the  buyer's
      agreement to such repossession shall be required.
        13.  (a)  Subject to the limitation contained in paragraph (b) of this
      subdivision,  the  holder  of  a  retail  instalment  credit   agreement
      (including  for  purposes  of  this subdivision a financing agency which
      enters into a credit agreement  with  a  retail  buyer  as  provided  in
      subdivision  eleven  of  this  section)  shall  be subject to all claims
      (other than tort  claims)  and  defenses  arising  out  of  the  buyer's
      purchase  of goods and services to be paid in accordance with the credit
      agreement if (1) the buyer has made  a  good  faith  attempt  to  obtain
      satisfactory  resolution  of  a  disagreement or problem relative to the
      sale from the seller; (2) the amount of the initial transaction  exceeds
      fifty  dollars; and (3) the place where the initial transaction occurred
      was in the same state as the mailing address previously provided by  the
      buyer or was within one hundred miles from such address, except that the
      limitations  set  forth  in  subparagraphs (2) and (3) of this paragraph
      with respect to a buyer's right to assert claims  and  defenses  against
      the  holder  shall  not  be  applicable  to any transaction in which the
      seller (A) is the same person as the holder; (B) is  controlled  by  the
      holder;  (C) is under direct or indirect common control with the holder;
      (D) is a franchised dealer of the holder's products or services; or  (E)
      has obtained the order for such sale through a mail solicitation made by
      or  participated  in  by  the  holder in which the buyer is solicited to
      enter  into  such  transactions  by  using the credit agreement with the
        (b) The amount of claims or defenses asserted by  the  buyer  may  not
      exceed  the  amount  of indebtedness owing to the holder with respect to
      such transaction at the time the buyer  first  notifies  the  holder  or
      seller  of  such  claim  or  defense. For the purpose of determining the
      amount of indebtedness owing to the holder in  the  preceding  sentence,
      payments  and  credits  to  the  buyer's account are deemed to have been
      applied, in the order indicated, to the payment of (1)  service  charges
      in  order  of  their entry to the account; and (2) debits to the account
      other than those set forth above, in the order in which each debit entry
      to the account was made.
        14. (a) A seller of goods pursuant to the terms of this article  shall
      adopt  and  apply  procedures  to  reasonably avoid debiting the buyer's
      account with respect to any transaction, or to reasonably avoid  selling
      or assigning to a financing agency a sales slip or memorandum evidencing
      a  purchase  of  goods,  prior  to  the  date  the  goods subject to the
      transaction are delivered to the buyer or the buyer's designee. A seller
      of goods may debit the buyer's account, or sell or assign to a financing
      agency a sales slip or memorandum evidencing a purchase of goods, on  or
      after the date of sale where:
        (i)  the  goods subject to the transaction are shipped within ten days
      of the date of sale and the seller has reason to believe  that  delivery
      will be effected not later than fourteen days from the date of sale; or
        (ii)  the goods subject to the transaction are one of a kind or are to
      be specifically manufactured for the buyer and are not suitable for sale
      to others in the ordinary course of the seller's business; or
        (iii) the buyer requested delayed  delivery  of  goods  that  will  be
      available  for  delivery  not  later than fourteen days from the date of
      sale; or
        (iv) the buyer and seller have agreed that delivery of the goods  will
      occur at regular intervals or in instalments.
        (b)  For  the  purposes  of  this  subdivision, a seller may debit the
      buyer's account, or sell or assign to a financing agency a sales slip or
      memorandum evidencing a purchase of goods,  on  or  after  the  date  of
      shipment  where,  in  the ordinary course of business, delivery is to be
      effected no later than ten days after the date of shipment.
        (c) It shall not be a violation of  this  subdivision  if  the  seller
      ships  or  makes the goods available for delivery as agreed and delivery
      is delayed due to failure of the buyer to accept said delivery.
        (d) The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to  mail  order
      merchandise  as  regulated  by section three hundred ninety-six-m of the
      general business law.