Section 3655. Medical equipment service agency advisory board  

Latest version.
  • 1. There is
      hereby created in the department a medical  equipment  service  advisory
      board  to  consist  of  the  commissioner  or  his or her designee as an
      ex-officio  member,  and  eight   other   members   appointed   by   the
      commissioner. The members shall include four representatives of the home
      medical equipment service industry and/or home medical equipment service
      providers,   a   rehabilitation  technology  specialist,  a  respiratory
      therapist,  a  physician,  and  a  representative  of  the  public.  The
      commissioner shall designate one member to serve as chair.
        2.  The  term  of  office  of  each  member  shall be for three years,
      provided however, that of the members first appointed,  three  shall  be
      appointed  for  terms  which  expire December thirty-first, two thousand
      three,  two  shall  be  appointed  for  terms  which   expire   December
      thirty-first,  two thousand four, and three shall be appointed for terms
      which expire December thirty-first, two thousand five.  Vacancies  shall
      be  filled  by  appointment  for  the  unexpired term. The members shall
      continue in office until the expiration of their terms and  until  their
      successors  are appointed. A member may be dismissed by the commissioner
      for cause, or for repeated absence.
        3. The board shall meet as frequently as its business  shall  require,
      in  no  case  less than on a semi-annual basis. The members of the board
      shall receive no compensation for  their  services  as  members  of  the
      board,  but  shall  be  reimbursed  for  necessary  and  actual expenses
      incurred in the performance of his or her duties.
        4. The commissioner, upon request  of  the  board,  may  designate  an
      employee  of  the  department  to  assist  the board in carrying out its
        5. The board, upon an affirmative vote of a majority of  its  members,
      may  make  recommendations  to  the commissioner regarding the adoption,
      amendment  and/or  repeal  of  any  rules,  regulations,  standards  and
      policies regarding the provision of home medical equipment services.