Section 239-B. Study on multidose vials and disposable medical equipment

Latest version.
  • The  department  shall  conduct  a  study  on  medications  packaged  in
      multidose  vials  and  disposable  medical  equipment, including but not
      limited to syringes, needles, stopcocks and  tubing.  Such  study  shall
        1.  existing  utilization  patterns  of multidose vials and disposable
      medical equipment;
        2. the potential to improve infection control practices by restricting
      the use of multidose vials and mandating the use of  disposable  medical
      equipment engineered for single use; and
        3.  the  viability  of  restricting  the  use  of  multidose vials and
      mandating the use of disposable medical equipment engineered for  single
      use.  On  or  before  January first, two thousand nine, the commissioner
      shall provide the governor, the speaker of the assembly,  the  temporary
      president of the senate, and the chairpersons of the assembly and senate
      health  committees  with  a  report setting forth the conclusions of the
      study and the commissioner's recommendations regarding  multidose  vials
      and disposable medical equipment.