Section 2548. Transition plan  

Latest version.
  • To  the  extent  that  a  toddler  with a
      disability is thought to be eligible for services  pursuant  to  section
      forty-four  hundred  ten  of  the  education law, the early intervention
      official shall notify in writing  the  committee  on  preschool  special
      education  of  the  local  school  district  in  which an eligible child
      resides of the potential transition of such  child  and,  with  parental
      consent,  arrange  for  a  conference among the service coordinator, the
      parent and  the  chairperson  of  the  preschool  committee  on  special
      education  or his or her designee at least ninety days before such child
      would be eligible for services under section forty-four hundred  ten  of
      the education law to review the child's program options and to establish
      a  transition  plan,  if  appropriate. If a parent does not consent to a
      conference with the service  coordinator  and  the  chairperson  of  the
      preschool  committee  on  special  education  or  his or her designee to
      determine whether the  child  should  be  referred  for  services  under
      section  forty-four  hundred  ten of the education law, and the child is
      not determined to be eligible by  the  committee  on  preschool  special
      education  for  such  services  prior to the child's third birthday, the
      child's eligibility for early intervention program services shall end at
      the child's third birthday.