Section 73. State subsidies  

Latest version.
  • The commissioner may in the name of the state
      enter into contracts to make periodic subsidies (1) to an authority or a
      municipality for one  or  more  projects  to  assist  in  achieving  and
      maintaining  the  low  rent  character  of  a  project,  or,  (2)  to  a
      municipality to assist in the clearance, replanning, reconstruction  and
      rehabilitation  of  substandard  and insanitary areas pursuant to and in
      accordance with the provisions of this chapter,  the  general  municipal
      law and any other laws authorizing municipalities to establish and carry
      out  a  federal  program  of  urban renewal with federal aid, payable in
      either case only with moneys appropriated therefor from the general fund
      of the state, provided, however, (a)  that  no  contracts  for  periodic
      subsidies  shall  be entered into in any one year requiring payments for
      both such purposes aggregating more than two million eight hundred sixty
      thousand dollars in any one year, of which  amount  not  more  than  two
      million five hundred thousand dollars shall be with respect to contracts
      for  payments  to  assist  in  achieving  and  maintaining  the low rent
      character of projects; (b) that there shall not be  outstanding  at  any
      one  time  contracts for periodic subsidies requiring payments exceeding
      an aggregate of forty-four million dollars in any  one  year,  of  which
      amount  not  more than forty-two million fifty thousand dollars shall be
      with respect to contracts  for  payments  to  assist  in  achieving  and
      maintaining  the low rent character of the projects.  All such contracts
      shall be subject to approval  by  the  state  comptroller,  and  by  the
      attorney general as to form.
        The  periodic  subsidy  for  any project shall be payable on an annual
      basis, in amounts which need not be uniform,  over  a  fixed  period  of
      years not exceeding the life of the project assisted by such subsidy and
      in  any  event  for  not more than fifty years. Portions of the periodic
      subsidy payable for any one year may  be  paid  from  time  to  time  as
      required. The period of years during which the periodic subsidy shall be
      payable  shall  commence  on  the  date of substantial completion of the
      project, as determined by the commissioner. The maximum subsidy  payable
      in  any  one year on any one project shall not exceed a sum equal to the
      largest annual interest charge on  funds  borrowed  from  the  state  to
      finance  such  project  plus  one  per  centum  of  the project cost not
      including, however, funds borrowed from the state for working capital.
        Where all or any part of the funds necessary to  finance  the  project
      are borrowed from sources other than the state or federal government the
      periodic  subsidy  may  equal  but  shall  not exceed the largest annual
      interest charge on all borrowed funds plus one per centum of the project
      cost. The periodic subsidies shall be further  limited  to  amounts  and
      periods necessary in the determination of the commissioner to assure the
      low-rent character of the project involved.
        The contract of the commissioner providing for such periodic subsidies
      shall  guarantee  their  payment  over  such fixed period of years.  The
      faith of the state is pledged to the payment of all  periodic  subsidies
      contracted  for  by  the  commissioner. Such periodic subsidies shall be
      paid upon the audit and warrant of the state comptroller  upon  vouchers
      approved by the commissioner.
        No  state  subsidy  shall be made available for any project unless and
      until: (a) the municipality in which  such  project  is  situated  shall
      contract  or  have  contracted  to  make subsidies to such project in an
      amount at least equal to the subsidy contracted to be made by the state,
      all or any part of which  municipal  subsidy  may  be  in  the  form  of
      exemption  of  the  project from county, city, village, town, school and
      special district taxes to the extent specified in  subdivision  four  of
      section  fifty-two of this chapter; (b) the findings required by section
      seventy-one of this chapter have been made by the  commissioner.    Such
      findings  shall  be  conclusive  evidence of the facts therein contained
      except upon proof of fraud or willful misfeasance by  the  commissioner.
      For  the  purpose  of  determining the amount of subsidy to be paid by a
      municipality  in  any  year  pursuant to clause (a) of this paragraph, a
      project shall be deemed to have been granted tax exemption for that year
      for so much of the actual incurred development cost of  the  project  at
      the close of the period for which state subsidy is payable as represents
      an  increase over the assessed valuation of the real property, both land
      and improvements, included in the project on the date  of  the  contract
      for  a state subsidy, notwithstanding the fact that at the close of such
      period tax assessments or assessment-rolls reflecting the  actual  value
      of the project have not as yet been prepared, entered, or completed, nor
      that  the due date for the payment of the taxes has not as yet occurred,
      and provided further that whenever  there  has  been  a  change  in  the
      overall  level  of  assessment  and  the  state  board  of real property
      services has certified a percentage change in the  level  of  assessment
      pursuant  to  the provisions of subdivision four of section fifty-two of
      this chapter, the value of  the  tax  exemption  shall  be  computed  by
      multiplying  the  tax  rate which is to be applied to the assessed value
      deemed to be tax exempt under this paragraph by the percentage change in
      the level of assessment plus one hundred percent.