Section 1867. Annual reports  

Latest version.
  • 1. For the purpose of furnishing the state
      with systematic information regarding the status and the  activities  of
      the  authority, the authority shall submit to the governor, the chairman
      of the senate finance committee, the chairman of the assembly  ways  and
      means  committee and the state comptroller, within ninety days after the
      end of its fiscal year, a complete and detailed  report  setting  forth:
      (1)   its   operations   and   accomplishments;  (2)  its  receipts  and
      disbursements, or revenues and expenses,  during  such  fiscal  year  in
      accordance  with  the  categories  or classifications established by the
      comptroller and including but not limited to a  breakdown  of  operating
      expenditures  and revenues by facility, by maintenance and by personnel;
      a breakdown of  capital  expenditures,  including  an  analysis  of  all
      projects  begun,  completed  or  in progress in that fiscal year; (3) an
      explanation of depreciation, policies, reserve  funds  and  investments;
      (4)  its assets and liabilities at the end of such fiscal year including
      the  status  of  reserve,  depreciation,  special  or  other  funds  and
      including  the receipts to and payments from these funds, and the status
      of funds received from federal and state governments; and (5) a schedule
      of its bonds and notes outstanding  at  the  end  of  its  fiscal  year,
      together  with  a  statement of the amounts redeemed and incurred during
      such fiscal year.
        2. The authority, so long as it is not subject to  the  civil  service
      law, shall within ninety days after the end of its fiscal year submit to
      the  governor,  the  chairman  of  the  senate finance committee and the
      chairman of the assembly ways  and  means  committee  a  report  on  its
      personnel  policies and practices with regard to recruitment, selection,
      promotion, classification, compensation, transfer, separation,  employee
      relations and services and equal opportunity programs.
        3.  The  comptroller  shall  be  charged  with seeing that the reports
      mandated in subdivision  one  are  filed  on  time  and  that  they  are
      sufficiently   comprehensive.   The   comptroller   shall   report   any
      deficiencies to the governor and to the legislative  chairmen  named  in
      subdivision two of this section.
        4.  The  authority  shall  submit  annually  to  the governor, for his
      approval, and to the budget director, the state comptroller and the head
      of any executive agency having energy related responsibilities, chairman
      of the senate finance committee, and chairman of the assembly  ways  and
      means  committee,  its  proposed  operating  budget for the next ensuing
      fiscal year and the operating budget for the present fiscal year.
        5. The budget shall be submitted in a form and on the  date  specified
      by  the  budget  director, including, but not limited to, information on
      rates, contracts, revenue and sources of revenue.
        6. The comptroller shall each year certify to the budget director, the
      governor and the legislative chairmen named in subdivision two  of  this
      section  specific  amounts  for  which the authority is obligated to the