Section 1852. New York state energy research and development authority  

Latest version.
  • 1.
      The authority heretofore known and designated as  the  "New  York  state
      atomic  and  space  development authority" is hereby continued and shall
      hereafter be known and designated as the New York state energy  research
      and  development  authority. Reference in any provision of law, general,
      special or local, or in any rule, regulation or public document  to  the
      New  York  state atomic research and development authority or to the New
      York state atomic and space development authority shall be deemed to  be
      and construed as a reference to the authority continued by this section.
      The  authority  shall  be  a  body corporate and politic, constituting a
      public benefit corporation.
        2. The membership of the authority shall consist of thirteen  members,
      to  be as follows: the commissioner of the department of transportation,
      the commissioner of the department of  environmental  conservation,  the
      chair of the public service commission, the chair of the power authority
      of  the  State of New York, all of whom shall serve ex-officio; and nine
      members appointed by the governor by and with the advice and consent  of
      the  senate;  one  of  whom shall be an engineer or a research scientist
      with a degree in the physical sciences or engineering who has  not  been
      employed  in  the  nuclear  fission  field for three years preceding the
      appointment and who shall not be so employed during his or her term; one
      of whom shall be an economist who shall  not  have  received  more  than
      one-tenth  of  his or her income from an electric utility or gas utility
      for three years preceding the appointment and who shall  not  so  derive
      more  than  one-tenth of his or her income during such term; one of whom
      who shall be a member of a not-for-profit environmental  group;  one  of
      whom  shall  be a member of a not-for-profit consumer group; one of whom
      who  shall  be  an  officer  of  a  utility  primarily  engaged  in  the
      distribution  of  gas;  and  one whom shall be an officer of an electric
      utility. The governor shall designate the chair.  Of  the  nine  members
      appointed  by  the  governor,  two shall be appointed for terms expiring
      April first, nineteen hundred  seventy-eight,  two  for  terms  expiring
      April  first,  nineteen  hundred  eighty,  two  for terms expiring April
      first, nineteen hundred eighty-one, and three for terms  expiring  April
      first,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-two. Persons appointed by the governor
      for full terms as successors to such members shall serve  for  terms  of
      six  years  each commencing as of April first. In the event of a vacancy
      occurring in the office of a member by death, resignation or  otherwise,
      the  governor  shall  appoint  a  successor,  by and with the advice and
      consent of the senate, to serve the balance of the unexpired term.
        3. The chairman shall preside over meetings of the authority and shall
      serve as the primary liaison between the members and authority staff.  A
      vice-chairman  may  be  elected  by  the  authority from among its other
      members to  serve  as  such  at  the  pleasure  of  the  authority.  The
      vice-chairman  shall  preside  over all meetings of the authority in the
      absence of the  chairman  and  shall  have  such  other  duties  as  the
      authority  may  prescribe.  The  president  shall be the chief executive
      officer of the authority and shall  be  primarily  responsible  for  the
      discharge   of   the  executive  and  administrative  functions  of  the
        4. The members shall serve without compensation for their services  as
      members,  but  they  shall be entitled to reimbursement for their actual
      and necessary expenses incurred in the  performance  of  their  official
        5.   Any  member  (except  the  chairman),  the  commissioner  of  the
      department of environmental conservation and the chairman of the  public
      service  commission may engage in private employment, or in a profession
      or  business,  subject  to  the  limitations   contained   in   sections
      seventy-three  and  seventy-four  of  the  public officers law; provided
      however, that notwithstanding any other provision of law, the members of
      the authority who are officers of  an  electric  utility  or  a  utility
      primarily  engaged  in  the  distribution of gas shall not be prohibited
      from participating and  voting  on  any  bond  issue  of  the  authority
      relating  to  air  and  water pollution facilities for any utility other
      than for the utilities of which such members are officers  respectively.
      The  authority  shall,  for  the  purposes of such sections, be a "state
      agency" and all members, including the chairman, shall be "officers"  of
      the agency for the purposes of said sections.
        6.  Notwithstanding  any  inconsistent  provisions  of  law,  general,
      special or local, no officer or employee of the state, or of  any  civil
      division thereof, shall be deemed to have forfeited or shall forfeit his
      office  or  employment  by reason of his acceptance of membership on the
      authority; provided, however, a  member  who  holds  such  other  public
      office  or  employment  shall  receive  no  additional  compensation  or
      allowance for services rendered pursuant to this article, but  shall  be
      entitled to reimbursement for his actual and necessary expenses incurred
      in the performance of such services.
        7.  The  governor  may  remove any member for inefficiency, neglect of
      duty or misconduct in office after giving him  a  copy  of  the  charges
      against him, and an opportunity to be heard, in person or by counsel, in
      his defense, upon not less than ten days' notice. If any member shall be
      so  removed,  the governor shall file in the office of the department of
      state a complete statement of charges made against such member, and  his
      findings thereon, together with a complete record of the proceedings.
        8. A majority, but no fewer than five, of the members of the authority
      then  in  office  shall  constitute  a quorum for the transaction of any
      business or the exercise of any power of the authority.
        9. The authority may appoint such persons to serve as officers, agents
      or employees of the authority as it may deem advisable and may prescribe
      their duties and fix their compensation, subject to  the  civil  service
      law and the rules and regulations of the civil service commission of the
        10.  The  authority  may  appoint  one  or  more  advisory  committees
      consisting of not more than seven members each to  consider  and  advise
      the authority upon all matters submitted to them by the authority and to
      recommend  to  the  authority such changes in the administration of this
      title and the operations of the authority as the advisory committee  may
      deem  desirable.  Members  of  advisory  committees  shall serve without
      salary for such terms, not to exceed four years, as  the  authority  may
      determine,  and  shall be entitled to reimbursement for their actual and
      necessary travel expenses incurred in the performance of their  official