Section 1851. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • As used or referred to in this title, unless a
      different meaning clearly appears from the context:
        1. "Nuclear fission energy" shall mean all forms of energy released in
      the course of nuclear fission.
        2. "Authority" shall mean the  New  York  state  energy  research  and
      development  authority  continued pursuant to section one thousand eight
      hundred fifty-two of this title.
        3. "Bonds" and "notes" shall mean such bonds and notes as  are  issued
      by the authority pursuant to this title.
        4. "Comptroller" shall mean the comptroller of the state.
        5.  "Person"  shall mean any natural person, firm, association, public
      or  private  corporation,  public  utility,  organization,  partnership,
      trust,  estate,  or joint stock company, or any political subdivision of
      the state, or any officer or agent thereof.
        6. "Real property" shall  mean  lands,  waters,  rights  in  lands  or
      waters,  structures,  franchises,  improvements  and  interests in land,
      including lands under water and riparian rights, and any and  all  other
      things  and  rights  usually included within said term and includes also
      any and all interests in such property less than  full  title,  such  as
      easements  permanent or temporary, rights-of-way, uses, leases, licenses
      and all other incorporeal hereditaments in  every  estate,  interest  or
      right, legal or equitable.
        7. "State" shall mean the state of New York.
        8.   "State   agency"  shall  mean  any  officer,  department,  board,
      commission, bureau, division, corporation, agency or instrumentality  of
      the state.
        9. "Commissioner" shall mean the commissioner of transportation of the
      state of New York.
        10.  "New energy technologies" shall mean all methods used to produce,
      distribute,  conserve  and  store  energy  by  methods  not  in   common
      commercial  use, with emphasis on renewable energy sources including but
      not limited to solar, wind, bioconversion and solid waste.
        11. "Energy conservation  technologies"  shall  mean  all  methods  of
      conserving energy, of improving the efficiency of energy utilization and
      of  preserving  and protecting the environment and the public health and
      safety in connection with the use of energy.
        13. "Special energy project"  shall  mean  any  land,  works,  system,
      building  or  other improvement, and all real and personal properties of
      any nature or any interest in any of them deemed necessary or  desirable
      in  connection  therewith  or  incidental thereto, whether or not now in
      existence or under construction, which shall be suitable for or  related
      to  the  furnishing,  generation, production, exploration, transmission,
      distribution, conservation, conversion or storage of  energy  or  energy
      resources,  or  the  conversion  of  oil-burning facilities to alternate
      fuels, or for the acquisition, extraction,  conversion,  transportation,
      storage,  loading,  unloading  or  reprocessing  of fuel of any kind for
      industrial, manufacturing, warehousing, commercial,  storage,  research,
      recreational,   educational,   dormitory,   health,  mental  hygiene  or
      multi-family housing facilities or purposes and which may, but shall not
      be required to, employ new energy technologies.
        14. "Low-level radioactive waste" shall mean radioactive waste that:
        a. is not  high-level  radioactive  waste,  transuranic  waste,  spent
      nuclear  fuel,  or  the tailings or wastes produced by the extraction or
      concentration of uranium or thorium from any ore processed primarily for
      its source material content; and
        b. the United States nuclear regulatory  commission,  consistent  with
      federal  law,  and  in  accordance with paragraph a of this subdivision,
      classifies as low-level radioactive waste.
        15. "Low-level radioactive waste  management  facilities"  shall  mean
      facilities for permanent disposal of low-level radioactive waste and any
      associated   facilities  for  treatment  and  handling  of  such  waste,
      including but not limited to, facilities for purposes of  stabilization,
      volume  reduction,  or the protection of health and safety of workers or
      members of the public.
        16. "Permanent disposal facilities" shall mean  low-level  radioactive
      waste   management   facilities  for  permanent  disposal  of  low-level
      radioactive waste generated within the state of New York other than such
      waste which is a federal responsibility pursuant to  the  provisions  of
      federal  law  pertaining  to  state  and  federal  responsibilities  for
      disposal of low-level radioactive waste.
        17. "Generate" or "generation", when used with  respect  to  low-level
      radioactive  waste, shall mean the production, or causing the production
      of, or activity which otherwise results in the creation or  increase  in
      volume  of low-level radioactive waste. A person who generates low-level
      radioactive waste includes one who personally, or through the actions of
      any agent, employee,  or  contractor,  generates  low-level  radioactive