Section 1681. Moneys of the authority  

Latest version.
  • 1. The moneys of the authority shall,
      except  as otherwise provided in this section, be deposited in a general
      account and such other accounts as the authority may deem necessary  for
      the  transaction  of its business and shall be paid out on checks signed
      by the chairman of the authority or by such other person or  persons  as
      the authority may authorize.
        2.  All  moneys  of the authority derived from state appropriations or
      the sale of bonds and all moneys constituting  reserve  funds  shall  be
      paid  to  the  comptroller  of  the state as agent of the authority, who
      shall not commingle such moneys with other moneys. Such moneys shall  be
      deposited  in  a  separate  bank account or accounts. The moneys in such
      accounts shall be paid out on check of the comptroller on requisition of
      the chairman of the authority or of such other person or persons as  the
      authority  may authorize to make such requisitions. All deposits of such
      moneys shall, if required  by  the  comptroller  or  the  authority,  be
      secured  by  obligations of the United States of America or of the state
      of New York of a market value equal at all times to the  amount  of  the
      deposit  and  all  banks and trust companies are authorized to give such
      security for such deposits.
        3. The authority shall have power notwithstanding  the  provisions  of
      this title, to contract with or for the benefit of the holders of any of
      its  bonds  as  to  the  custody,  collection,  securing, investment and
      payment of any moneys of the authority, or any moneys held in  trust  or
      otherwise for the payment of bonds or in any way to secure bonds, and to
      carry  out  any  such contract notwithstanding that such contract may be
      inconsistent with other provisions of this title. In any  contract  with
      or for the benefit of the holders of any of its bonds, the authority may
      pledge  or  assign  any  moneys  payable  or  to  become  payable to the
      authority and, upon notification by the authority to any public  officer
      directed  or  authorized  by  law  to pay to the authority any moneys so
      pledged or assigned of the existence and the  terms  and  conditions  of
      such  pledge or assignment, such public officer shall thereafter pay any
      such moneys otherwise payable directly to the  authority  in  accordance
      with  the  terms of such pledge and assignment.  Moneys held in trust or
      otherwise for the payment of bonds or in any way  to  secure  bonds  and
      deposits  of  such moneys may be secured in the same manner as moneys of
      the authority, and all banks and trust companies are authorized to  give
      such security for such deposits.
        4.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision of law to the contrary, the
      authority  shall  have  the  power,  for  more  efficient  and  economic
      management  of its affairs, to establish one or more accounts from which
      to pay moneys and into which it may temporarily transfer moneys  of  the
      authority  held  in  various  accounts  or  funds  for  the providing of
      dormitories or other facilities and, subject to such use, maintained for
      the benefit of various bond and noteholders; provided that (a) any  such
      account  or accounts shall be under the exclusive management and control
      of the authority and shall be kept separate and  apart  from  any  other
      moneys  or  assets  of  the  authority;  (b)  the authority shall keep a
      separate accounting and accurate records of the  various  moneys  to  be
      transferred into such account or accounts and that any moneys to be paid
      from any such account to meet such liabilities of the authority shall be
      derived  from  the  appropriate  account  or  fund  held  to  meet  such
      liability; and (c) any pledge  or  security  interest  created  for  the
      benefit  of others in the moneys to be transferred into any such account
      shall continue to exist while such moneys are in such account until such
      moneys are  paid  by  the  authority  for  the  appropriate  contractual
      liability  and,  prior  to such payment by the authority, such moneys so
      transferred shall not be subject to the claims of others  who  were  not
      previously the beneficiary of any such pledge or security interest.
        5.   The   comptroller   of  the  state  and  his  legally  authorized
      representatives are hereby authorized and empowered from time to time to
      examine the accounts and books of the authority, including its receipts,
      disbursements, contracts,  sinking  funds,  investments  and  any  other
      matters relating to its financial standing.