Section 2723. Annual reports  

Latest version.
  • The authority shall submit to the governor,
      the chairman of the  senate  finance  committee,  the  chairman  of  the
      assembly  ways  and means committee, the state comptroller and the state
      director of the division of the budget within ninety days after the  end
      of  its  fiscal  year, a complete and detailed report setting forth: (i)
      its operations and accomplishments; (ii) its receipts  and  expenditures
      during   such   fiscal   year  in  accordance  with  the  categories  or
      classifications established by  the  authority  for  its  operating  and
      capital  outlay purposes, including a listing of all private consultants
      engaged by the authority on a contract basis  and  a  statement  of  the
      total  amount paid to each such private consultant; (iii) its assets and
      liabilities at the end of its fiscal year, including a schedule  of  its
      loans  and  commitments; and (iv) a schedule of its bonds outstanding at
      the end of its fiscal year, together with a  statement  of  the  amounts
      redeemed and incurred during such fiscal year.