Section 1020-CC. Authority subject to certain provisions contained in the state finance law, the public service law, the social services law and the general municipal law  

Latest version.
  • All  contracts  of the authority shall be  subject to the provisions of the state finance law relating to contracts
      made by  the  state.  The  authority  shall  also  establish  rules  and
      regulations  with  respect to providing to its residential gas, electric
      and steam utility customers those rights  and  protections  provided  in
      article  two and sections one hundred seventeen and one hundred eighteen
      of the public service law and section one hundred  thirty-one-s  of  the
      social  services law. The authority shall let contracts for construction
      or purchase of supplies, materials, or equipment pursuant to section one
      hundred three and paragraph (e)  of  subdivision  four  of  section  one
      hundred twenty-w of the general municipal law.