Section 3037-A. Funding capital projects  

Latest version.
  • The amounts paid to the city for
      purposes  set  forth  in  subparagraph  (b)  of  section  three thousand
      thirty-seven of this title, in addition to all other authorized amounts,
      shall include amounts required by the city (i)  to  fund  eight  hundred
      sixty-five  million  dollars of capital commitments to the New York city
      transit authority in accordance with  the  following  schedule  for  the
      fiscal  years ending on June thirtieth in the following years:  nineteen
      hundred ninety, seventy million dollars;  nineteen  hundred  ninety-one,
      seventy  million  dollars;  nineteen  hundred  ninety-two,  seventy-five
      million dollars; nineteen  hundred  ninety-three,  one  hundred  million
      dollars;  nineteen hundred ninety-four, one hundred ten million dollars;
      and nineteen hundred ninety-five, four hundred  forty  million  dollars;
      and  (ii)  to fund six hundred million dollars of capital commitments to
      the New York city school construction authority in  eight  equal  annual
      installments  of  seventy-five  million  dollars beginning in the fiscal
      year ending on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred ninety. All such amounts
      shall be paid by the corporation to the  city  in  accordance  with  the
      provisions  of  paragraph  (d)  of  subdivision  three  of section three
      thousand thirty-three of this title.
        * NB The corporation shall continue for a term  ending  the  later  of
      July  1, 2008 or one year after its liabilities have been fully paid and
      discharged per § 3033 sub 1.