Section 1303. Waterfront management advisory board  

Latest version.
  • a. There shall be a
      waterfront management advisory board, which shall consist of the  deputy
      mayor  for  economic  development,  as  chairperson; the commissioner of
      small business services, as vice chairperson;  the  chairperson  of  the
      city  planning commission; the commissioner of environmental protection;
      one city council member to be designated by the city council; and twelve
      members to be appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of  the
      city  council, provided that there is at least one appointed member from
      each borough. Appointed members shall include representatives of  labor,
      the  maritime industries, the transportation industries, the real estate
      industry, the hospitality industries, as well as environmental advocates
      and community advocates.
        b. Appointed members of the board shall  not  hold  any  other  public
      office  or  employment  and  shall be appointed for terms of three years
      without compensation, except that of the members first  appointed,  four
      shall  be  appointed  for terms of one year, four shall be appointed for
      terms of two years and four shall be appointed for terms of three years.
      No appointed member may be removed other than for cause to be determined
      after a hearing before the office of administrative trials and hearings.
        c. In the event of a vacancy on the board during the term of office of
      an appointed member, the mayor shall appoint a successor with the advice
      and consent of the city council to serve the balance  of  the  unexpired
        d.  The  ex  officio  and council members of the board may designate a
      representative who shall be counted as  a  member  for  the  purpose  of
      determining the existence of a quorum and who may vote on behalf of such
      member.  The  designation of a representative shall be made by a written
      notice of the ex officio or council member served upon  the  chairperson
      of  the  board prior to the designee participating in any meeting of the
      board, but such designation may be rescinded or revised by the member at
      any time. The commissioner of small business services may  designate  as
      his  or  her  representative  the  president of the economic development
      corporation or the designee of the president.
        e. The board shall (1) hold at least one meeting every six months; (2)
      consult with and advise the deputy mayor for economic  development,  the
      commissioner of small business services and the city planning commission
      on  any  matter  relating  to  the  industrial, commercial, residential,
      recreational or other use or development of wharves, waterfront property
      and waterfront infrastructure in the city, and on other matters  as  may
      be  requested by the chairperson of the board; (3) create any committees
      or subcommittees consisting of  at  least  one  board  member  or  their
      designated  representative  as  the board deems appropriate to carry out
      the board's responsibilities, provided that there shall be  a  committee
      on  recreational uses of the waterfront; and (4) issue a report by March
      first, two thousand ten, and every two years thereafter, to  the  mayor,
      the  city  council,  and borough presidents regarding the development of
      wharves, and waterfront property and infrastructure in the  city  during
      the  immediately  preceding two calendar years, provided that the report
      due March first, two thousand ten shall  relate  to  calendar  year  two
      thousand nine only.