Section 1054. Voter assistance commission  

Latest version.
  • a.  There  shall  be a voter
      assistance commission, the head of which shall be elected by the members
      of the commission from among their membership  which  shall  consist  of
      sixteen  members  and  which  shall  advise all appropriate officials on
      matters relating to voter registration and voter  participation  in  New
      York  city.  The  commission shall include the first deputy mayor, or if
      there is no first deputy mayor, such other deputy  mayor  as  the  mayor
      shall  designate to serve on this commission, the director of the office
      of management and budget, the president of the board of  education,  the
      public  advocate,  the executive director of the board of elections, the
      corporation counsel and the chair of  the  campaign  finance  board.  In
      addition  there  shall  be  nine  members  broadly representative of (1)
      groups that are underrepresented among those who vote and or among those
      who are registered to vote, (2)  community,  voter  registration,  civil
      rights,  and  disabled  groups,  and (3) the business community. Each of
      these members shall serve for a  three  year  term,  with  three  to  be
      appointed  by  the  mayor  and  the remaining six to be appointed by the
      council. Of the three members initially  appointed  by  the  mayor,  one
      shall serve for a term which expires on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred
      ninety,  one  shall  serve  for  a term which expires on June thirtieth,
      nineteen hundred ninety-one, and  one  shall  serve  for  a  term  which
      expires  on  June  thirtieth,  nineteen  hundred  ninety-two. Of the six
      members initially appointed by the council, two shall  serve  for  terms
      expiring on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred ninety, two shall serve for
      terms  expiring  June  thirtieth,  nineteen  hundred ninety-one, and two
      shall serve for terms  expiring  on  June  thirtieth,  nineteen  hundred
      ninety-two.   The   members   of  the  commission  shall  serve  without
        b. The commission, with the advice and assistance of the  coordinator,
        1. monitor the performance of the voter assistance program established
      by this chapter;
        2. make such recommendations as it deems appropriate to the mayor, the
      council,  the  borough  presidents, and the board of elections for steps
      that could and should be taken by such officials or bodies  or  by  city
      agencies  to  encourage  and facilitate voter registration and voting by
      all residents of New York City who are eligible to vote;
        3. undertake, by itself or in cooperation with other public or private
      entities,  activities  intended  to  encourage  and   facilitate   voter
      registration  and  voting  by  all  residents  of  New York City who are
      eligible to vote;
        4. receive and review the annual report of the  coordinator  of  voter
      assistance,  and,  together  with  such comments as the commission deems
      necessary and appropriate, forward copies of such report to  the  mayor,
      the council, the borough presidents, and all other public officials with
      responsibilities  for  policies,  programs and appropriations related to
      voter registration and voting in New York City and to  private  entities
      that  are  currently  or  potentially involved in activities intended to
      increase voter registration and voting; and
        5. hold public hearings, at  least  once  annually,  between  the  day
      following  the  general  election  and  December twenty-first, regarding
      voter registration and participation in New York City;