Section 41.11. Composition of boards  

Latest version.
  • * (a) In all local governments with a population less than one hundred
      thousand,  community  services  boards,  at  the  option  of  the  local
      government, shall have either nine or fifteen members appointed  by  the
      local  government.  In all other local governments, a community services
      board shall have fifteen members appointed by the local government.
        Whenever practicable at least one member shall be a licensed physician
      and one member shall be a certified psychologist and otherwise at  least
      two   members  shall  be  licensed  physicians,  such  members  to  have
      demonstrated an interest in the  field  of  services  for  the  mentally
      disabled.  The  other  members shall represent the community interest in
      all  the  problems  of  the  mentally   disabled   and   shall   include
      representatives  from  community  agencies  for  the  mentally  ill, the
      mentally retarded and developmentally disabled, and those suffering from
      alcoholism and substance abuse. The community services board shall  have
      separate   subcommittees  for  mental  health,  mental  retardation  and
      developmental disabilities, and alcoholism or, at the discretion of  the
      local   government,   alcoholism  and  substance  abuse.  Each  separate
      subcommittee shall have no more than nine members appointed by the local
      government, except that each subcommittee for mental health  shall  have
      no  more than eleven members appointed by the local government. Three of
      each such subcommittee shall be members  of  the  board.  Each  separate
      subcommittee  shall  be  composed  of  persons  who have demonstrated an
      interest in the field of services for the particular class  of  mentally
      disabled and shall include former patients, parents or relatives of such
      mentally  disabled persons and community agencies serving the particular
      class of mentally disabled, except that  each  subcommittee  for  mental
      health  shall  include at least two members who are or were consumers of
      mental health services, and at least two  members  who  are  parents  or
      relatives  of  persons  with  mental illness. Each separate subcommittee
      shall advise the community services board and the director of  community
      services regarding the exercise of all policy-making functions vested in
      such  board  or  director,  as  such  functions  pertain to the field of
      services for the  particular  class  of  mentally  disabled  individuals
      represented  by  such  subcommittee.  In addition, each subcommittee for
      mental health  shall  be  authorized  to  annually  evaluate  the  local
      services plan or the unified services plan, as appropriate, and shall be
      authorized  to report on the consistency of such plans with the needs of
      persons with serious mental illness, including children and  adolescents
      with  serious emotional disturbances. Any such report shall be forwarded
      annually to the community services board and the director  of  community
      services  and a copy shall also be sent to the commissioner prior to the
      submission of the local services plan or unified services plan. Provided
      however that the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to  cities
      of over a million in population.
        * NB Effective until March 31, 2010
        * (a) In all local governments with a population less than one hundred
      thousand,   community  services  board,  at  the  option  of  the  local
      government, shall have either nine or fifteen members appointed  by  the
      local  government.  In all other local governments, a community services
      board shall have fifteen members appointed by the local government.
        Whenever practicable at least one member shall be a licensed physician
      and one member shall be a certified psychologist and otherwise at  least
      two   members  shall  be  licensed  physicians,  such  members  to  have
      demonstrated an interest in the  field  of  services  for  the  mentally
      disabled.  The  other  members shall represent the community interest in
      all  the  problems  of  the  mentally   disabled   and   shall   include
      representatives  from  community  agencies  for  the  mentally  ill, the
      mentally retarded and developmentally disabled, and those suffering from
      alcoholism and substance abuse. The community services board shall  have
      separate   subcommittees  for  mental  health,  mental  retardation  and
      developmental  disabilities, and alcoholism or, at the discretion of the
      local  government,  alcoholism  and  substance  abuse.   Each   separate
      subcommittee shall have no more than nine members appointed by the local
      government.    Three  of  each such subcommittee shall be members of the
      board. Each separate subcommittee shall be composed of persons who  have
      demonstrated  an  interest  in  the field of services for the particular
      class of mentally disabled and shall include former patients, parents or
      relatives of such  mentally  disabled  persons  and  community  agencies
      serving  the  particular  class  of  mentally  disabled.  Each  separate
      subcommittee shall advise the community services board and the  director
      of  community  services  regarding  the  exercise  of  all policy-making
      functions vested in such board or director, as such functions pertain to
      the field of services for the  particular  class  of  mentally  disabled
      individuals  represented by such subcommittee. Provided however that the
      provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to cities of over a million
      in population.
        * NB Effective March 31, 2010
        * (b) In cities of over a million a  community  services  board  shall
      consist  of fifteen members to be appointed by the mayor. There shall be
      at least two residents of each county within such cities on  the  board.
      At  least  one shall be a licensed physician and at least one shall be a
      certified psychologist. The other members shall represent the  community
      interest  in  all  of  the  problems  of the mentally disabled and shall
      include representatives from community agencies for  the  mentally  ill,
      the  mentally retarded and developmentally disabled, and those suffering
      from alcoholism and substance abuse. The community services board  shall
      have  separate  subcommittees  for mental health, mental retardation and
      developmental disabilities, and alcoholism or, at the discretion of  the
      local   government,   alcoholism  and  substance  abuse.  Each  separate
      subcommittee shall have no more than nine members appointed by the local
      government, except that each subcommittee for mental health  shall  have
      no  more  than  eleven  members appointed by the local government. Three
      members of each such subcommittee shall be members of  the  board.  Each
      separate subcommittee shall be composed of persons who have demonstrated
      an  interest  in  the  field  of  services  for  the particular class of
      mentally  disabled  and  shall  include  former  patients,  parents   or
      relatives  of  such  mentally  disabled  persons  and community agencies
      serving the particular class of  mentally  disabled,  except  that  each
      subcommittee  for  mental  health shall include at least two members who
      are or were consumers of mental health services, and two members who are
      parents or relatives of  persons  with  mental  illness.  Each  separate
      subcommittee  shall advise the community services board and the director
      of community  services  regarding  the  exercise  of  all  policy-making
      functions vested in such board or director, as such functions pertain to
      the  field  of  services  for  the particular class of mentally disabled
      individuals  represented  by  such  subcommittee.  In   addition,   each
      subcommittee  for mental health shall be authorized to annually evaluate
      the local services plan or the unified services  plan,  as  appropriate,
      and  shall be authorized to report on the consistency of such plans with
      the needs of persons with serious mental illness, including children and
      adolescents with serious emotional disturbances. Any such  report  shall
      be  forwarded  annually to the community services board and the director
      of community services, and a copy shall also be sent to the commissioner
      prior to the submission of the local services plan or  unified  services
        * NB Effective until March 31, 2010
        * (b)  In  cities  of  over a million a community services board shall
      consist of fifteen members to be appointed by the mayor. There shall  be
      at  least  two residents of each county within such cities on the board.
      At least one shall be a licensed physician and at least one shall  be  a
      certified  psychologist. The other members shall represent the community
      interest in all of the problems  of  the  mentally  disabled  and  shall
      include  representatives  from  community agencies for the mentally ill,
      the mentally retarded and developmentally disabled, and those  suffering
      from  alcoholism and substance abuse. The community services board shall
      have separate subcommittees for mental health,  mental  retardation  and
      developmental  disabilities, and alcoholism or, at the discretion of the
      local  government,  alcoholism  and  substance  abuse.   Each   separate
      subcommittee shall have no more than nine members appointed by the local
      government.  Three members of each such subcommittee shall be members of
      the board. Each separate subcommittee shall be composed of  persons  who
      have  demonstrated  an  interest  in  the  field  of  services  for  the
      particular class of mentally disabled and shall include former patients,
      parents or relatives of such mentally  disabled  persons  and  community
      agencies  serving  the  particular  class  of  mentally  disabled.  Each
      separate subcommittee shall advise the community services board and  the
      director   of   community   services   regarding  the  exercise  of  all
      policy-making functions vested  in  such  board  or  director,  as  such
      functions  pertain  to the field of services for the particular class of
      mentally disabled individuals represented by such subcommittee.
        * NB Effective March 31, 2010
        (c) A person's public office or employment shall not  bar  appointment
      as  a member of a board or subcommittee, nor shall membership serve as a
      bar to other public office or employment;  provided,  however,  that  no
      more  than three employees of the department or of a department facility
      may hereafter be appointed as a member of a board or subcommittee.
        (d) On initially constituted boards, and insofar  as  practicable,  on
      subcommittees,  one-third  of  the  members  shall  be  appointed  for a
      two-year term, one-third for a three-year term and the remainder  for  a
      four-year  term.  Thereafter,  each  member  shall  be  appointed  for a
      four-year term.  All terms shall begin to run from the first day of  the
      year  of the appointment. Vacancies shall be filled for unexpired terms.
      No person may serve as a member of a board of a  subcommittee  for  more
      than two terms consecutively unless otherwise provided by local law.
        (e) Local governments shall reimburse board members for the reasonable
      expenses  incurred in the performance of their duties and may also offer
      them a per diem compensation, but only  their  reasonable  expenses  are
      reimbursable as an operating cost pursuant to this article.
        (f)  Local  governments  may remove a board or subcommittee member for
      cause, after written notice of charges and an opportunity for the member
      to be heard.