Section 209-A. Fraudulent representation in labor organizations  

Latest version.
  • Any person
      who represents himself or herself to be a member of, or  who  claims  to
      represent a labor organization which does not exist within the state, at
      the  time  of such representation, or who has in his or her possession a
      credential, certificate or letter of introduction bearing  a  fraudulent
      seal,  or  bearing  the seal of a labor organization which has ceased to
      exist, and does not exist  at  the  time  of  such  representation,  and
      attempts  to  gain admission by the use of said credential, certificate,
      letter of introduction, as a member of any  convention,  or  meeting  of
      representatives  of labor organizations of the state, shall be guilty of
      a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a  fine
      of  not  less  than  twenty  dollars  nor  more  than fifty dollars, and
      imprisonment for not less than ten days nor more than thirty days in the
      jail of the county wherein such conviction is had, or by both such  fine
      and imprisonment.