Section 29. Procedure for issuing safety and health rules  

Latest version.
  • Before any rule
      is adopted, amended or repealed there shall be a public hearing thereon,
      notice of which shall be published at least once, not less than ten days
      prior thereto, in such newspaper or newspapers as the  commissioner  may
      prescribe.     The  commissioner  may  appoint  committees  composed  of
      employers, employees and experts to suggest rules  or  changes  therein.
      Every  rule  adopted  and  every  amendment  or  repeal thereof shall be
      promptly published in such newspaper or newspapers as  the  commissioner
      may  prescribe.  The rules and all amendments and repeals thereof shall,
      unless otherwise prescribed by the commissioner, take effect twenty days
      after the first publication thereof and certified copies  thereof  shall
      be filed in the office of the department of state.