Section 9110. Motor vehicle law enforcement fee  

Latest version.
  • (a) Every insurance
      company authorized to do business in this state shall annually  collect,
      in  addition  to  the  applicable  premium  charge,  a motor vehicle law
      enforcement fee charged to each holder of a policy issued in  the  state
      or  for  delivery  in  the  state  for motor vehicle liability insurance
        (b) The annual fee is hereby imposed at the rate of  ten  dollars  per
      insured motor vehicle registered pursuant to the provisions of paragraph
      b  of  subdivision  one  of  section four hundred one of the vehicle and
      traffic law. Provided, however, that such fee shall be reduced by  fifty
      percent  per insured motor vehicle registered pursuant to the provisions
      of paragraph b of subdivision one of section four  hundred  one  of  the
      vehicle  and  traffic  law  where  a  policy  issued in the state or for
      delivery in the state for motor vehicle liability insurance coverage  is
      for  a  term  of  six  months  or less. Such fee will be paid monthly by
      insurance companies to the superintendent on or before the fifteenth  of
      the  month  next  succeeding  the  month  in  which such collections are
        (c) On or before the fifteenth day of February  of  each  year,  every
      insurance  company  required  to  collect  a fee imposed by this section
      shall file with the superintendent an annual statement in a  manner  the
      superintendent  shall prescribe reporting the number and type of insured
      motor vehicles and the aggregate fees collected during  the  immediately
      preceding year.
        (d)  In case any such company shall neglect or refuse to make and file
      such statement or pay over moneys collected from the fee imposed by this
      section the provisions of section nine thousand one hundred nine of this
      article shall apply.
        (e) All moneys received by the superintendent which are collected from
      policyholders of insurance on motor vehicles shall be paid by the  tenth
      day  of the month following receipt of such collections in the following
        (1) Each fiscal year, the first four million  seven  hundred  thousand
      dollars  shall  be  paid  to the motor vehicle theft and insurance fraud
      prevention fund established pursuant to  section  eighty-nine-d  of  the
      state finance law.
        (2)  All  remaining  moneys  shall  be  paid to the state police motor
      vehicle  law  enforcement  account  established  pursuant   to   section
      ninety-seven-mm of the state finance law.
        (g)  The  fees  imposed  by  this section shall be applicable to motor
      vehicles insured under policies issued  or  renewed  on  or  after  July
      first, nineteen hundred ninety-two.
        * NB There are 2 § 9110's