Section 54-A. Reestablishment of approaches to private lands  

Latest version.
  • In the
      construction and reconstruction of any highway  on  the  state's  system
      where a substantial change in the existing grade of the highway is made,
      such change making necessary the reestablishment of an existing entrance
      or  approach  to  private lands, the commissioner of transportation may,
      upon the request of the abutting  property  owner  affected,  cause  the
      reestablishment  of the entrance, approach or driveway to be adjusted to
      the new highway grade and the cost  thereof  shall  be  a  state  charge
      payable  from any money available for the construction or reconstruction
      of state highways. In such adjustment the details of the work  shall  be
      as  determined  by  the commissioner of transportation.  The state shall
      not be liable for the maintenance of  such  adjusted  and  reestablished
      approaches or driveways beyond the outside edge of the road shoulder nor
      shall  it  be  liable  for  damages  in  connection  therewith after the
      completion of such adjustment work.