Section 2. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • 1. When used in this chapter, unless the context or
      subject matter  otherwise  requires,  the  terms  "state  department  of
      transportation,"   "state  transportation  department,"  "department  of
      transportation,"  "transportation  department,"   "department,"   "state
      commissioner   of  transportation,"  "commissioner  of  transportation,"
      "commissioner," and "state engineer," shall each be deemed to  refer  to
      and  to  mean  the  state  department  of  transportation  and the state
      commissioner of transportation, respectively.
        2. The term "county engineer"  or  "county  superintendent,"  when  so
      used,   shall   mean   the   county   engineer  of  highways  or  county
      superintendent of highways respectively.
        3. The term "town superintendent," when so used, shall mean  the  town
      superintendent of highways.
        4.  A  highway  within  the meaning of this chapter shall be deemed to
      include necessary  sluices,  drains,  ditches,  waterways,  embankments,
      retaining walls and culverts having a width of opening of twenty feet or
      less  except as provided in section two hundred and thirty, and also the
      approaches of any bridge  or  culvert  beginning  at  the  back  of  the
      abutments.  The  pavement  over  any  such bridge or culvert may also be
      included as a part of the highway provided such  pavement  is  separated
      from such structure by an earth fill.
        5. An "infant", as used in this chapter, shall mean any person who has
      not attained the age of eighteen years.