Section 980-A. Contents of the district plan  

Latest version.
  • The district plan shall
      contain the following:
        (a) a map of the district;
        (b) the written report or reports of the legislative body  containing:
      (1)  a  description  of  the  boundaries  of  the  district proposed for
      establishment or extension in a manner sufficient to identify the  lands
        (2) a description of the present and proposed uses of these lands;
        (3) the improvements proposed and the maximum cost thereof;
        (4)  the total annual amount proposed to be expended for improvements,
      maintenance and operation;
        (5) the proposed source or sources of financing;
        (6) the  proposed  time  for  implementation  and  completion  of  the
      district plan;
        (7)  any  proposed  rules  and  regulations  to  be  applicable to the
        (8) a list of the properties to be benefited, and a statement  of  the
      method  or  methods  by which the expenses of a district will be imposed
      upon benefited real property, in proportion to the benefit  received  by
      such  property,  to  defray  the  cost  thereof, including operation and
      maintenance. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of section  nine
      hundred  eighty-f  of this article, the plan may provide that all or any
      class or category of real property which is  exempt  by  law  from  real
      property  taxation and which would not benefit from the establishment or
      extension of the  district  may  nevertheless  be  included  within  the
      boundaries of the district but such property shall not be subject to any
      district charge;
        (9)  a  statement  identifying the district management association for
      the district; and
        (10) any other item or matter required to be incorporated  therein  by
      the legislative body.