Section 10. Acknowledge and acknowledgment
Section 11. Acknowledgment or proof of instrument
Section 11-A. Acquisition
Section 11-B. Appropriation
Section 12. Affidavit
Section 13. Adjournment of meeting
Section 13-A. Armed forces of the United States
Section 13-B. Board of supervisors
Section 14. Bond and undertaking
Section 15. Chattels
Section 16. Choose
Section 16-A. Civil action
Section 16-B. Condemnation
Section 17. Criminal code
Section 18. Consolidated laws
Section 18-A. Criminal action
Section 19. Day, calendar
Section 20. Day, computation
Section 20-A. Distinct parcel
Section 22. Gender
Section 23. Heretofore and hereafter
Section 24. Public holidays; half-holidays
Section 24-A. Closing of banking organizations on Saturday; Sunday, public holiday or Saturday afternoon banking transactions; emergency bank holidays
Section 25. Public holiday, Saturday or Sunday in contractual obligations; extension of time where performance of act authorized or required by contract is due on Saturday, Sunday or public holiday
Section 25-A. Public holiday, Saturday or Sunday in statutes; extension of time where performance of act is due on Saturday, Sunday or public holiday
Section 25-B. Injury to property
Section 25-C. Investment in bond and mortgage or note and mortgage
Section 26. Judge
Section 26-A. Judgment creditor
Section 26-B. Just compensation as including loss of mortgage financing
Section 27. Last, preceding, next and following
Section 28. Lunatic, mentally ill person, lunacy and mental illness
Section 28-A. Mandate
Section 28-B. Magistrate
Section 28-C. Down's syndrome
Section 29. Men
Section 30. Month, computation
Section 31. Month in statute, contract and public or private instrument
Section 32. Municipal officers
Section 33. Notice
Section 33-A. Notify
Section 34. Now
Section 35. Number, singular and plural
Section 36. Oath, affidavit and swear
Section 37. Person
Section 37-A. Personal injury
Section 37-B. Population
Section 38. Property
Section 39. Property, personal
Section 40. Property, real
Section 41. Quorum and majority
Section 41-A. Recital in record of meeting as evidence
Section 42. Register of county
Section 43. Seal of court, public officer or corporation
Section 44. Seal, private
Section 44-A. Seal on written instrument
Section 45. Seal, private as corporate seal
Section 46. Signature
Section 47. State
Section 47-A. Superintendent of schools
Section 48. Tense, present
Section 49. Territory
Section 50. Time, computation
Section 51. Time, night
Section 52. Time, standard
Section 53. Time, use of standard
Section 53-A. Trial juror; trial jury
Section 54. Village
Section 55. Women
Section 56. Writing and written
Section 57. Year, common and leap
Section 58. Year in statute, contract and public or private instrument
Section 59. Bastard; illegitimate child
Section 60. Newspapers
Section 61. Date for determining last completed assessment rolls
Section 62. Size of type