Laws of New York (Last Updated: November 21, 2014) |
ENV Environmental Conservation |
Section 72-0402. Hazardous waste program fees
Latest version.
1. All generators shall submit annually to the department a fee in the amount to be determined as follows: a. $1,000 for generators of equal to or greater than fifteen tons per year and less than or equal to one hundred tons per year of hazardous waste. b. $6,000 for generators of greater than one hundred tons per year and less than or equal to five hundred tons per year of hazardous waste. c. $20,000 for generators of greater than five hundred tons per year and less than or equal to one thousand tons per year of hazardous waste. d. $40,000 for generators of greater than one thousand tons per year of hazardous waste. e. $3,000 for generators of equal to or greater than fifteen tons per year of hazardous wastewater, payable in addition to fees for hazardous wastes, other than wastewater, as required by paragraphs a, b, c and d of this subdivision. f. No fee shall be payable for waste resulting from services which are provided (i) under a contract with the department, or with the department's approval and in compliance with department regulations, or pursuant to an order of the department, the United States environmental protection agency or a court, related to the cleanup or remediation of a hazardous materials or hazardous waste spill, discharge, or surficial cleanup, pursuant to this chapter, other than section 27-1313 or a removal action pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.); or (ii) under a contract for, or with the department's approval and in compliance with department regulations for, the cleanup and removal of a petroleum spill or discharge, pursuant to subdivision seven of section one hundred seventy-six of the navigation law; or (iii) under the order of a court, the department or the department of health, or the United States environmental protection agency related to an inactive hazardous waste disposal site pursuant to section 27-1313 of this chapter, section thirteen hundred eighty-nine-b of the public health law, or the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.); or (iv) voluntarily and without expectation of monetary compensation in accordance with subdivision one of section 27-1321 of this chapter; or (v) under permit or order requiring corrective action pursuant to title nine of article twenty-seven of this chapter or the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.); or (vi) under a brownfield site cleanup agreement with the department pursuant to section 27-1409 of this chapter; or (vii) under an environmental restoration project state assistance contract with the department pursuant to section 56-0503 of this chapter. g. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no fee shall be payable for the generation of universal wastes. For purposes of this paragraph, "universal wastes" shall mean those defined and listed in regulations promulgated pursuant to this title, provided that such wastes are regulated consistent with rules adopted by the administrator pursuant to RCRA for the management of universal wastes. 2. All facility operators required to obtain a permit or certificate for the treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous waste pursuant to title nine of article twenty-seven of this chapter shall submit annually to the department a fee in an amount to be determined for all methods of hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal as follows: a. $12,000 for each facility that receives less than or equal to one thousand tons per year of hazardous waste; and b. $30,000 for each facility that receives greater than one thousand tons per year of hazardous waste. In addition, the fee determined pursuant to this section shall include: (i) $100,000 for each facility when the gross receipts tax is below 3.3 million dollars per year; $200,000 for each facility when the gross receipts tax is between 3.3 million dollars per year and 4.4 million dollars per year; and $300,000 for each facility when the gross receipts tax exceeds 4.4 million dollars per year for which a permit pursuant to title nine of article twenty-seven of this chapter is required to operate one or more landfills to receive hazardous waste at such facility, except that such fee shall be $100,000 if such facility is used by the facility operator or owner for the disposal of hazardous waste generated solely by such facility operator or owner; and (ii) $10,000 for each incinerator as defined in section 72-0401 of this title which is and each unit which burns listed hazardous waste for energy recovery located at the facility operator's hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facility; and (iii) $10,000 for each unit which burns listed hazardous waste for energy recovery at the facility operator's hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facility; and (iv) $24,000 for each facility which provides for the treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous waste in one or more surface impoundments. 3. All facility operators required to obtain a permit, certificate or approval for the post-closure care period pursuant to title nine of article twenty-seven of this chapter shall submit annually to the department a fee in the amount of $3,000 for each such closed hazardous waste management facility. 4. Bills issued for annual hazardous waste program fees shall be estimated bills based either: a. upon the actual activity of the preceding calendar year, as reported to the department, or as adjusted by the department to reflect non-recurring events or reporting errors, or b. in those instances where actual activity cannot be determined or where the status of a person subject to the provisions of this title has changed since the issuance of the bill for the preceding year so that a different fee category is applicable, upon estimated activity for the current calendar year, as determined by the department.