Section 56-0503. Environmental restoration projects; state assistance  

Latest version.
  • 1.  The  commissioner may enter into a contract with a municipality to
      provide  state  assistance  to  such  municipality   to   undertake   an
      environmental  restoration  project.  The  amount  of  state  assistance
      payment for such project shall be up to an amount of:
        (a) ninety percent of the eligible costs of such project,  subject  to
      the provisions set forth in paragraph (b) of this subdivision;
        (b)  one  hundred  percent  of  the  eligible costs of any remediation
      directed by the department to be undertaken outside  the  boundaries  of
      the  real  property  that  is  subject  to  an environmental restoration
      project approved by the department.
        2.  In  addition  to  such  other  terms  and  conditions   that   the
      commissioner  may  deem  to  be  appropriate,  a  contract authorized by
      subdivision one of this section shall provide as follows:
        (a) An estimate of the cost of  such  project  as  determined  by  the
      commissioner at the time of such contract's execution;
        (b)  An  agreement  by  the commissioner to periodically reimburse the
      municipality for eligible costs incurred during  the  progress  of  such
      project.  Such  payments  shall  be  subject  to  final  computation and
      determination of the total state assistance share of the eligible  costs
      of the entire environmental restoration project;
        (c)  A provision that if, in accordance with the required departmental
      approval of any settlement with a  responsible  party,  any  responsible
      party  payments  become available to the municipality, before, during or
      after the completion of an environmental restoration project, which were
      not included when the  state  share  was  calculated  pursuant  to  this
      section,  the  state  assistance  share  shall  be recalculated, and the
      municipality shall pay to the state, for deposit into the  environmental
      restoration  project  account  of  the  hazardous  waste  remedial  fund
      established under section ninety-seven-b of the state finance  law,  the
      difference  between  the  original  state  assistance  payment  and  the
      recalculated state share. Recalculation of the state share shall be done
      each time a  payment  from  a  responsible  party  is  received  by  the
        (d)  A  provision  that if any monies received from the disposition of
      the real property subject to an environmental restoration project exceed
      the municipality's cost of such property, including taxes  owed  to  the
      municipality  upon  acquisition,  and  the  municipality's  cost  of the
      environmental restoration project, the amount of such  excess  necessary
      to  reimburse the state of New York for the state assistance provided to
      the municipality under this title shall be paid to the state of New York
      for deposit into the environmental restoration project  account  of  the
      hazardous  waste  remedial fund established under section ninety-seven-b
      of the state finance law;
        (e) An agreement by the municipality to proceed expeditiously with and
      complete such project in accordance with plans approved for  payment  of
      the municipality's share of such project's cost;
        (f)  An  agreement  by  the  municipality  that  it  shall prepare and
      implement a public  participation  plan  for  environmental  restoration
      projects undertaken pursuant to this title. The requirements of the plan
      shall  be  governed  by  decision  of  the  municipality to proceed with
      remediation of the property under this title.  However,  in  all  cases,
      implementation of the plan shall be completed as part of the project. In
      those  cases  where  the  municipality  does  not intend to proceed with
      remediation  of  the  property,  the  plan  shall  provide  timely   and
      accessible  disclosure  of  the  results  of  the  investigation  to the
      interested public. The plan shall provide for adequate public notice  of
      the  availability  of  the  investigation  results;  an  opportunity for
      submission of written comments; and a filing of a notice of the  results
      of the investigation as authorized by subdivision three of section three
      hundred  sixteen-b  of  the  real  property  law. Where the municipality
      intends  to  proceed  with remediation of the property under this title,
      the plan shall provide opportunities for early, inclusive  participation
      prior  to  the  selection  of  a  preferred course of action, facilitate
      communication,  including   dialogue   among   the   municipality,   the
      department, and the interested public, and provide timely and accessible
      disclosure  of  information.  At a minimum, the design of the plan shall
      take into account the scope and  scale  of  the  proposed  environmental
      restoration  remediation  project,  local  interest,  and other relevant
      factors. The plan shall also provide for: adequate public notice of  the
      availability  of  a  draft  remedial  plan;  a forty-five day period for
      submission of written  comments;  a  public  meeting  on  such  plan  if
      substantive  issues are raised by members of the affected community; and
      technical  assistance  if  so  requested  by  members  of  the  affected
      community.  Provided, however, that the requirements of this subdivision
      shall not apply to interim remedial measures undertaken as  part  of  an
      environmental  restoration project to address emergency site conditions.
      In such instance,  the  department  or  such  persons  implementing  the
      interim  remedial  measure  or  making  the request shall conduct public
      participation  activities  as  the  department   deems   necessary   and
      appropriate under such circumstances.
        (g)  An agreement by the municipality that it shall put into place any
      engineering  and/or  institutional  controls  (including   environmental
      easements  pursuant  to  title thirty-six of article seventy-one of this
      chapter)  that  the  department  may  deem  necessary   to   allow   the
      contemplated  use to proceed, that such engineering and/or institutional
      controls shall be binding on such municipality, any successor in  title,
      and  any lessees and that any successors in title and any lessees cannot
      challenge state enforcement of such controls;
        (h) In the event that such engineering controls  and/or  institutional
      controls are necessary, the municipality shall develop a plan consistent
      with the requirements set forth in section 27-1415 of this chapter. Such
      plan  shall be approved by the department. Failure to implement the plan
      or maintain such controls shall constitute a violation of such  contract
      and  shall  terminate  for  the  duration of such failure the protection
      afforded under subdivision one of section 56-0509 of this title;
        (i) In the event that an easement is required, such municipality shall
      cause such easement to be recorded and indexed in  accordance  with  the
      requirements  set  forth  in  title thirty-six of article seventy-one of
      this chapter; and
        (j) A provision that exempts a municipality and any successor in title
      from the requirement to obtain  any  state  or  local  permit  or  other
      authorization  for  any  activity  needed  to  implement  a  project  to
      investigate or remediate contamination pursuant to this title;  provided
      that  the  activity  is  conducted  in  a  manner  which  satisfies  all
      substantive technical requirements applicable to like activity conducted
      pursuant to a permit.