Section 27-0917. Financial requirements for hazardous waste facilities  

Latest version.
  • 1.  Within  eighteen  months after the effective date of this section,
      the  commissioner  shall  promulgate  regulations  for  hazardous  waste
      facilities   identifying   financial  requirements  to  be  included  as
      conditions in hazardous waste facility permits for  the  remediation  of
      failures  during  operation  and  after  facility  closure, for facility
      closure, and for pre-closure and post-closure  facility  monitoring  and
      maintenance.  In  promulgating regulations pursuant to this subdivision,
      the  department  shall  identify  those  regulations  which  vary   from
      applicable federal rules and regulations. Such regulations shall:
        (a)  Reflect  due  consideration  of relevant federal requirements and
      except  where  necessary  to  serve  the  public   interest   or   where
      inconsistent  with  the purposes of this section, conform to regulations
      promulgated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 and
      the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability  Act
      of  1980  but  shall  in  no  case  be  less stringent than such federal
      requirements and regulations.
        (b) Reflect due consideration of the sizes and locations  of  affected
      facilities,  the  natures  and  volumes of hazardous waste involved, the
      types of facilities (treatment, storage or disposal) and the degrees and
      durations of risk to human health or the environment.
        (c)  Provide  for  the  establishment,   administration,   terms   and
      conditions  of  the  following  methods  or  instruments  to  be used as
      alternatives or in combinations, in  order  to  achieve  non-duplicative
      coverage  of  the  financial  assurance  requirements  mandated  by this
        (i) Trust funds.
        (ii) Surety or performance bonds.
        (iii) Letters of credit.
        (iv) Liability insurance or annuities.
        (v) Guarantees provided by  corporate  or  other  legal  or  financial
      affiliates of the facility owner or operator.
        (d) Establish:
        (i)  Exemptions  for  identified  classes  of  facilities  engaged  in
      treatment or storage of hazardous waste for  which  financial  assurance
      requirements for closure and post-closure monitoring and maintenance are
      unnecessary or inappropriate.
        (ii)  Financial  criteria for the purpose of determining the financial
      condition of  permit  applicants  and  permit  holders.  Such  financial
      criteria  shall  be  established  for  the  purpose  of  determining the
      relative financial viability  of  permit  holders  and  applicants.  The
      department  shall  establish  standards  of  minimum financial viability
      based on the criteria.  Any  permit  holder  or  applicant  meeting  the
      minimum  financial  viability  standard may select at its own discretion
      which of the methods or instruments described in paragraph (c)  of  this
      subdivision will be used to meet the requirements of subdivision five of
      this  section. With respect to permit holders or applicants which do not
      meet the minimum financial viability standards, the commissioner may  in
      his  discretion  determine  which  method  or  instrument or combination
      thereof shall be used to meet the requirements of  subdivision  five  of
      this   section.  Any  decision  by  the  commissioner  with  respect  to
      determining which methods  or  instruments  are  to  be  used  shall  be
      accompanied  by  a  finding  regarding the public interest and shall set
      forth the reasons therefor.
        (iii) Requirements for the initial and periodic submission  by  permit
      holders  and  applicants  to the department of up to date financial data
      based on the test criteria established pursuant to subparagraph (ii)  of
      this paragraph.
        (iv) The duration of such financial requirements.
        (v)  The  method  for  phasing-in  financial requirements for existing
        2. The commissioner shall undertake  an  analysis  of  the  use  of  a
      financial  test  as  an  alternative  to the requirements for use of the
      financial assurances methods or instruments provided  for  in  paragraph
      (c) of subdivision one of this section. In his analysis the commissioner
      shall   consider  relevant  federal  rules  and  regulations  and  their
      rationale, the use of such a test by other states,  and  the  impact  on
      affected  business  and industry as well as the public health and safety
      and any other factors he may consider relevant.
        In undertaking such analysis, the commissioner shall conduct at  least
      one  public  hearing  and  shall make a finding as to whether or not the
      public interest warrants the use of a financial test  for  the  purposes
      stated  herein  and  shall report such finding to the legislature within
      twelve months of the effective date of this section.
        In the event the commissioner finds that the public interest  warrants
      use  of  a financial test, the commissioner shall within eighteen months
      after the effective date of this section, promulgate regulations  making
      provisions  for use of a financial test. Any such regulations shall give
      due consideration to relevant federal  requirements  and,  except  where
      necessary  to  serve  the public interest or where inconsistent with the
      purposes of this section, shall conform to relevant federal  regulations
      but shall in no case be less stringent.
        3.  Any  owner  or operator of an existing or proposed hazardous waste
      facility may request a modification from the department of  any  of  the
      financial  requirements  established pursuant to subdivision one of this
      section. A  modification  may  be  granted  in  the  discretion  of  the
      department if such financial requirements are found to be unnecessary or
      inappropriate,  consistent with public interest and the purposes of this
      section and supported by written findings setting forth the reasons  for
      the  modification.  Such  modification  request  shall  be  considered a
      request for modification of the permit  for  the  facility  pursuant  to
      article seventy of this chapter. In no case shall a modification granted
      pursuant   to   this   subdivision   eliminate  or  reduce  the  minimum
      requirements established in subdivision five of this section.
        4. In addition to the financial requirements established  pursuant  to
      subdivision  one  of  this  section,  permits  for  the construction and
      operation of certain categories of hazardous waste facilities, as  those
      categories   are  defined  in  regulations,  may,  if  the  commissioner
      determines that adequate protection of the public so  requires,  include
      conditions   related   to   any  or  all  of  the  following,  including
      responsibility for the costs thereof:
        (a) On-site environmental monitors whose function shall be to  monitor
      compliance  with  permit  conditions.  The  commissioner  may promulgate
      regulations regarding the use of such monitors.
        (b) Site safety plans whereby the permittee shall establish, with  the
      cooperation  of  local  government  officials,  a  community and project
      safety plan, including but not limited to an accident response based  on
      a  worst-case  condition,  on-site  and  off-site,  a personnel training
      program, provisions for coordination with local emergency  services  and
      regular  training  exercises.  Any  such  plan  shall  be subject to the
      approval of the department.
        (c) Long term management plans, the  purpose  of  which  shall  be  to
      insure  that the permittee devotes adequate resources to the examination
      and implementation of technologies for hazardous waste management  which
      provide the maximum degree of environmental and public health protection
      practicable.  The  department  shall, to the extent reasonably possible,
      make available any information or data appropriate and  consistent  with
      the  purposes  of  this  paragraph. Such a plan shall include but not be
      limited to the following:
        (i)  An  overview  of  existing  technologies  being  employed  at the
        (ii) An analysis of alternate technologies available for the treatment
      or disposal of waste streams currently being managed or those which  the
      applicant/permittee anticipates managing.
        (iii)  An  assessment  of  marketing  considerations  related  to  the
      employment of alternate technologies.
        (iv) An evaluation of the feasibility of  financing  modifications  to
      the existing facility in order to employ the alternate technologies.
        (v)  A  statement from the applicant/permittee regarding its intent to
      implement the alternate technologies, where appropriate, and a  detailed
      discussion   of  the  measures  the  applicant/permittee  will  take  to
      implement the same.
        5. Any permit issued by the  department  to  construct  or  operate  a
      hazardous   waste   facility   shall,  except  pursuant  to  regulations
      promulgated pursuant to subdivision two of  this  section,  require  the
      owner or operator, or an affiliate thereof, to secure, at a minimum, one
      of  the instruments of financial assurance provided for in paragraph (c)
      of subdivision one of this section. Such instruments shall  be  designed
      to  insure  proper  facility  closure,  based  on the estimates approved
      pursuant to section 27-0918 of this chapter, and  coverage  of  personal
      injury  and  property damage to third parties caused by the operation of
      such facility. Such instruments shall from time to time be reviewed  and
      updated,  pursuant  to  regulations  promulgated  by  the department, to
      insure their continued adequacy for the purposes of  this  section.  The
      requirements  of  this subdivision shall not apply to permits granted to
      the state or to any facilities exempted pursuant to subparagraph (i)  of
      paragraph (d) of subdivision one of this section.
        6. If a permit holder or applicant relies upon the financial condition
      of  a  corporate  parent  or  affiliate  to  meet  any financial test or
      criteria established pursuant to this title or  regulations  promulgated
      thereunder,  the  parent or affiliate shall guarantee the performance of
      all financial assurance requirements imposed  pursuant  to  this  title,
      including the costs of any closure and post-closure plan.
        7.   Within  six  months  after  the  effective  date  of  regulations
      promulgated pursuant to subdivision  one  of  this  section,  owners  or
      operators of all affected existing facilities shall make application for
      a  permit  or  permit  modification  to  achieve  compliance  with  such
      regulations, and immediately upon such effective date no application for
      a permit for any proposed affected facility shall be  complete  for  the
      purposes  of article seventy of this chapter without complying with such
      regulations. Receipt of such applications by  the  department  shall  be
      published  in  the  next  issue  of  the  environmental  notice bulletin
      following receipt.
        8. In the case of  permits  for  the  construction  and  operation  of
      commercial  hazardous  waste  facilities which utilize secure landburial
      facilities as a primary disposal technique, such permits  shall  include
      the  conditions  enumerated  in  subdivision  four  of  this section. In
      addition, the department  shall  establish  qualifications  for  on-site
      environmental  monitors  to be stationed at such facilities. In order to
      enhance the ability of the department to monitor all aspects of a secure
      landfill operator the qualifications shall include  a  requirement  that
      such  monitors  be  expert  in  at  least  one  of the areas of geology,
      chemistry or engineering. The department shall ensure that the  monitors
      assigned  to  a particular facility at any one time shall, to the extent
      possible, have different areas of  expertise  as  among  themselves.  In
      addition  the  department  shall  establish a rotation of monitors, when
      more than one such facility exists, to ensure no individual  monitor  is
      assigned to a particular facility for more than six months in any single
        9.   The   commissioner   shall  promulgate  regulations  establishing
      requirements of financial responsibility to  assure  the  completion  of
      corrective  action  required  pursuant  to  subdivision  two  of section
      27-0911 or subdivision one of section 27-0913 of this title.