Section 27-1405. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • 1. "Applicant" shall mean a person whose request to participate in the
      brownfield  cleanup  program  under  this title has been accepted by the
        (a) "Participant" shall mean an applicant  who  either:  (i)  was  the
      owner  of  the  site  at  the  time  of  the  disposal  or  discharge of
      contaminants or (ii) is otherwise  a  person  responsible  according  to
      applicable  principles of statutory or common law liability, unless such
      person's liability arises solely as a result of such person's  ownership
      or  operation of or involvement with the site subsequent to the disposal
      or discharge of contaminants.
        (b) "Volunteer" shall mean an  applicant  other  than  a  participant,
      including without limitation a person whose liability arises solely as a
      result  of  such  person's ownership or operation of or involvement with
      the site subsequent  to  the  disposal  or  discharge  of  contaminants,
      provided however, such person exercises appropriate care with respect to
      contamination found at the facility by taking reasonable steps to:
        (i) stop any continuing release;
        (ii) prevent any threatened future release; and
        (iii)  prevent  or  limit  human,  environmental,  or natural resource
      exposure to any previously released contamination.
        2. "Brownfield site" or "site"  shall  mean  any  real  property,  the
      redevelopment  or  reuse  of which may be complicated by the presence or
      potential presence of a contaminant. Such term shall  not  include  real
        (a)  listed in the registry of inactive hazardous waste disposal sites
      under section 27-1305 of this article at the time of application to this
      program and given a classification as described in subparagraph  one  or
      two  of  paragraph  b  of  subdivision  two  of  section 27-1305 of this
      article; provided, however except until July first, two  thousand  five,
      real  property  listed  in  the  registry  of  inactive  hazardous waste
      disposal sites under subparagraph two of paragraph b of subdivision  two
      of  section  27-1305 of this article prior to the effective date of this
      article, where such real property is owned by a volunteer shall  not  be
      deemed ineligible to participate and further provided that the status of
      any  such  site  as listed in the registry shall not be altered prior to
      the issuance of a certificate of completion pursuant to section  27-1419
      of this title;
        (b) listed on the national priorities list established under authority
      of 42 U.S.C. section 9605;
        (c) subject to an enforcement action under title seven or nine of this
      article,  except  a treatment, storage or disposal facility subject to a
      permit;  provided,  that  nothing  herein  contained  shall  be   deemed
      otherwise  to  exclude  from  the  scope of the term "brownfield site" a
      hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facility  having  interim
      status according to regulations promulgated by the commissioner;
        (d)  subject to an order for cleanup pursuant to article twelve of the
      navigation law or pursuant to title ten of  article  seventeen  of  this
      chapter  except  such  property  shall not be deemed ineligible if it is
      subject to a stipulation agreement; or
        (e) subject to any  other  on-going  state  or  federal  environmental
      enforcement action related to the contamination which is at or emanating
      from the site subject to the present application.
        3.  "Brownfield  site  contact  list"  shall  mean  a list of persons,
      government  agencies,  groups,  or  organizations,  including,  but  not
      limited  to the chief executive officer and zoning board of each county,
      city, town and village in which such site is located, the  public  water
      supplier  which  serves the area in which such site is located, any site
      residents, any person who has requested to be placed on the site contact
      list, and the administrator of any school or day care  facility  located
      on  the  site  for  the  purposes of posting and/or dissemination at the
      facility.  For  the  purposes of this section "water supplier" means any
      public water system as such term is defined  for  the  purposes  of  the
      sanitary  code  of  the  state  of New York as authorized by section two
      hundred twenty-five of the public health law.  Provided,  however,  that
      where  the  site  or  adjacent  real property contains multiple dwelling
      units, the applicant shall  work  with  the  department  to  develop  an
      alternative  method for providing such notice in lieu of mailing to each
        4.  "Brownfield  site  cleanup  agreement"  shall  mean  an  agreement
      executed  in  accordance  with  section  27-1409  of  this  title  by an
      applicant and the department for the purpose of completing a  brownfield
      site remedial program.
        5. "Brownfield site remedial program" or "remedial program" shall mean
      all  remedial  activities  or  actions  undertaken to eliminate, remove,
      treat, abate, control, manage, or monitor contamination at or  emanating
      from a brownfield site, including, but not limited to, the following:
        (a)  remedial  investigation and remedy selection activities needed to
      develop such a program;
        (b) design activities;
        (c) construction  activities  including  without  limitation  grading,
      contouring,  trenching,  grouting,  capping,  excavating,  transporting,
      incinerating,  thermally  treating,  chemically  treating,  biologically
      treating,  constructing  leachate  collection  and  treatment systems or
      application of innovative technologies approved by the department;
        (d) interim remedial measures;
        (e) post-construction operation, maintenance, and monitoring;
        (f) restoration of the environment;
        (g) involvement by  local  governments  of  jurisdiction  and  by  the
      general public; or
        (h) oversight by the department.
        6.  "Citizen participation plan" shall mean the description of citizen
      participation activities prepared and carried out  pursuant  to  section
      27-1417 of this title.
        7.  "Concentrated  solid  or  semi-solid  hazardous wastes" shall mean
      solid or semi-solid hazardous wastes present in  surface  or  subsurface
      soil,  surface  water  or  groundwater  in  a concentrated form, such as
      precipitated metallic salts, metal oxides, or chemical sludges.
        7-a. "Contaminant" shall mean hazardous waste and/or petroleum as such
      terms are defined in this section.
        8. "Contamination" or "contaminated" shall  mean  the  presence  of  a
      contaminant  in  any environmental media, including soil, surface water,
      groundwater, air, or indoor air.
        9. "Dense non-aqueous phase liquid" or "DNAPL" shall mean a  hazardous
      waste  that  is a liquid that is denser than water and does not dissolve
      or mix easily in water.
        10. "Document repository" shall mean a repository of  brownfield  site
      remedial  program  documents  approved by the department or released for
      public notice established in a publicly  accessible  building  near  the
      location of such site.
        11.  "Engineering  control"  shall mean any physical barrier or method
      employed  to  actively  or  passively  contain,  stabilize,  or  monitor
      contamination,  restrict  the  movement  of  contamination to ensure the
      long-term effectiveness of a remedial program,  or  eliminate  potential
      exposure  pathways  to  contamination. Engineering controls include, but
      are not limited to, pavement, caps, covers, subsurface  barriers,  vapor
      barriers,  slurry  walls,  building  ventilation systems, fences, access
      controls, provision of alternative water supplies via connection  to  an
      existing  public  water  supply,  adding  treatment technologies to such
      water  supplies,  and  installing  filtration  devices  on private water
        12. "Feasible" shall mean suitable  to  site  conditions,  capable  of
      being  successfully carried out with available technology, implementable
      and cost effective.
        13. "Financial assurance" shall include but not be limited  to  surety
      bonds,  trust  funds,  letters  of  credit,  insurance  or a multiple of
      financial mechanisms as determined to be adequate by the department.
        14. "Free product" shall mean an immiscible non-aqueous phase  liquid,
      other  than  a  dense  non-aqueous  phase  liquid present as a liquid in
      surface  or  sub-surface  soil,  surface  water  or  groundwater  in   a
      potentially mobile state.
        15.  "Grossly  contaminated  soil" shall mean soil which contains free
      product or residual contamination which is identifiable either visually,
      through the perception of odor, by elevated contaminant vapor levels, by
      field instrumentation, or is otherwise readily detectable.
        16. "Groundwater" shall  mean  water  below  the  land  surface  in  a
      saturated  zone  of  soil or rock. This includes perched water separated
      from the main body of groundwater by an unsaturated zone.
        17. "Hazardous waste" shall mean  a  hazardous  waste  as  defined  in
      section 27-1301 of this article.
        18.  "Institutional  control"  shall  mean  any  non-physical means of
      enforcing a restriction on the use of real property that limits human or
      environmental exposure,  restricts  the  use  of  groundwater,  provides
      notice  to  potential  owners,  operators,  or members of the public, or
      prevents actions that  would  interfere  with  the  effectiveness  of  a
      remedial   program   or  with  the  effectiveness  and/or  integrity  of
      operation, maintenance, or monitoring activities at or pertaining  to  a
      brownfield site.
        19.  "Interim remedial measures" shall mean activities to address both
      emergency and non-emergency site conditions,  which  can  be  undertaken
      without extensive investigation and evaluation, to prevent, mitigate, or
      remedy  environmental damage or the consequences of environmental damage
      attributable to a site, including but  not  limited  to,  the  following
      activities:  construction of diversion ditches, collection systems, free
      product recovery systems, or leachate collection  systems;  construction
      of fences or other barriers; installation of water filters; provision of
      alternative  water  systems;  the  removal  of  free  product;  or plume
        20.  "Light  Non  Aqueous  Phase  Liquid"  or  "LNAPL"  shall  mean  a
      contaminant  that  is  a  liquid that is lighter than water and does not
      dissolve or mix easily in water.
        21. "Municipality" shall mean  a  local  public  authority  or  public
      benefit  corporation,  a  county,  city, town, village, school district,
      supervisory district, district corporation, improvement district  within
      a  county, city, town or village or Indian nation or tribe recognized by
      the United States  with  a  reservation  wholly  or  partly  within  the
      boundaries of the state, or any combination thereof.
        22.  "Newspaper  notice"  shall  mean  the  placement of a prominently
      located, paid newspaper advertisement in the community bulletin  section
      or  similar  local  section of a newspaper of general circulation in the
      vicinity of the brownfield site which is the subject of the notice. Such
      notice shall  be  in  English  and  in  any  other  language  spoken  by
      significant numbers of people within the community.
        23.  "Non-aqueous  phase  liquid"  shall  mean  a liquid that does not
      dissolve or mix easily in water.
        24.  "Off-site  contamination"  shall mean any contamination which has
      emanated from a brownfield site beyond the real property  boundaries  of
      such  site, via movement through air, indoor air, soil, surface water or
        25. "On-site  contamination"  shall  mean  any  contamination  located
      within the real property boundaries of a brownfield site.
        26.  "Permanent cleanup" or "permanent remedy" shall mean a cleanup or
      remedy that would allow a site  to  be  used  for  any  purpose  without
      restriction   and  without  reliance  on  the  long-term  employment  of
      institutional or engineering controls.
        27. "Petroleum" shall have  the  meaning  set  forth  in  section  one
      hundred seventy-two of the navigation law.
        28.  "Residual  contamination" shall mean contamination remaining as a
      solid, semi-solid or immiscible liquid in surface  or  subsurface  soil,
      geologic  matrix pore spaces or fractures and held in place by capillary
      forces or other physical or chemical forces that will not drain from the