Section 15-2105. Organization of the boards of river regulating districts  

Latest version.
  • 1.  Within  thirty  days after the incorporation of a river regulating
      district as hereinbefore provided,  the  Governor  shall  appoint  three
      persons,  two  at least of whom shall be resident freeholders within the
      district, as a board to be known  as  the  Board  of  ..................
      River Regulating District; one for a term of three years, one for a term
      of  four  years,  and one for a term of five years. At the expiration of
      their respective terms of office, appointments shall be made  for  terms
      of  five  years. The Governor shall fill any vacancy on the board within
      thirty days after it occurs.
        2. The members of  the  board  including  the  chairperson  shall  not
      receive  a  salary or other compensation but shall receive all necessary
      expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Expenses  for  any
      member shall be approved by the board before being paid.
        3.  Each  member of such board, before entering upon his duties, shall
      take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office, which  oath  shall
      be  filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Upon taking the oath,
      the board shall choose one of its number  president,  and  shall  select
      some  suitable  person or persons to act as secretary and treasurer, who
      may or may not be a member of the board. It shall adopt a seal and shall
      keep in well bound books a record of all its meetings  and  proceedings,
      certificates,  contracts,  surety bonds, and corporate acts, which shall
      be open to the inspection of the department, the members thereof and all
      owners of real estate in the district and all other interested parties.
        4. A  majority  of  such  board  shall  constitute  a  quorum,  and  a
      concurrence  of  a  majority  in any matter shall be sufficient, for its
      determination, except as otherwise provided by the Local Finance Law.
        5. The secretary shall keep and be the custodian of the records of the
      board, and of its corporate seal, and shall assist  the  board  in  such
      particulars  as it may direct in the performance of its duties. He shall
      attest under the corporate seal of the district all certified copies  of
      the office records and files of the district that may be required of him
      by  the provisions of title 21 of this article or by any person ordering
      the same and paying the reasonable cost of transcription. Any portion of
      the records so certified and attested shall prima facie  import  verity.
      The  secretary  shall  also  serve as treasurer of the district unless a
      separate treasurer is selected by the board.
        6. The board may employ such attorneys, engineers, agents,  assistants
      and  employees  as may be needful, and fix their compensation, including
      the compensation of its secretary and treasurer.
        7. The Governor may remove a member of such  board  for  inefficiency,
      neglect  of  duty  or  misconduct in office, giving to him a copy of the
      charges against him and an opportunity of being publicly heard in person
      or by counsel in his own defense upon not less than ten day's notice. If
      such member shall be removed the Governor shall file in  the  office  of
      the  Secretary of State a complete statement of all charges made against
      such member and his findings thereon, together with a complete record of
      the proceedings.