Section 11-0907. Deer and bear; open hunting seasons; bag limits  

Latest version.
  • 1.  a. Wild deer without antlers or having antlers measuring less than
      three inches in length shall not be taken unless it is taken (1) by long
      bow in a special long bow season established in subdivision  3  of  this
      section,  or  (2)  by muzzle-loading firearm in a special muzzle-loading
      firearm season established in subdivision 8 of this section, or  (3)  by
      long  bow  in  Westchester  and  Suffolk  Counties  in a year in which a
      regular season for deer of either sex is established for such  counties,
      or  (4)  in  a  special  open  season  for  deer  of either sex fixed by
      regulation pursuant to subdivision 5 or 7 of  section  11-0903  of  this
      title, or (5) pursuant to a special antlerless deer license in a special
      open  season  for antlerless deer in a tract within a Wilderness Hunting
      Area fixed by regulation pursuant to subdivision 6 of section 11-0903 of
      this title, or (6) pursuant to a deer  management  permit  by  a  person
      eligible  to  take  such  deer  pursuant  thereto as provided in section
      11-0913 of this title, or (7) pursuant to a permit issued to an eligible
      non-ambulatory person, pursuant to subdivision 2 of section  11-0931  of
      this  title,  while  in  possession  of  a  valid  license issued by the
      department which authorizes the holder to hunt big game. Nothing in this
      subparagraph shall be construed to limit the power of the department  to
      designate  by  regulation  an area or areas of the state consisting of a
      county or part of a county where such season shall apply and whether the
      number of such special permits shall be limited.
        b. Except in the Northern Zone as defined in subdivision 15 of section
      11-0103, bear which the taker knows or should know to be less  than  one
      year old shall not be taken.
        * c.  The limit for wild deer is one deer per person in a license year
      except that (1) a person  entitled  to  exercise  the  privileges  of  a
      special  antlerless  deer  license  may  take  an  antlerless deer while
      hunting pursuant to such license in addition to the limit of one deer in
      a license year otherwise applicable, (2) a person who is a member  of  a
      hunting  group  holding  a  deer  management  permit  or  permits issued
      pursuant to section 11-0913 of this article  may  take  additional  deer
      while  hunting  in  accordance  with  the  conditions  of  the permit or
      permits,  (3)  the  holder  of  a  bowhunting  license  or  stamp  or  a
      muzzle-loading  license  or  stamp  may  take up to two additional deer,
      pursuant to regulations  promulgated  by  the  department,  and  (4)  an
      eligible  non-ambulatory  person,  pursuant  to subdivision 2 of section
      11-0931 of this article may take a deer of either sex  in  any  wildlife
      management  unit  area where deer management permits have been issued by
      the department, while in possession of a valid license which  authorizes
      the  holder to hunt big game. Nothing contained in this section shall be
      construed  to  limit  the  power  of  the  department  to  designate  by
      regulation  an area or areas of the state consisting of a county or part
      of a county where such season shall apply and whether the number of such
      special permits shall be limited.
        * NB Effective until October 1, 2011
        * c. The limit for wild deer and bear is one deer  and  one  bear  per
      person  in  a license year except that (1) a person entitled to exercise
      the privileges  of  a  special  antlerless  deer  license  may  take  an
      antlerless  deer  while  hunting pursuant to such license in addition to
      the limit of one deer in a license  year  otherwise  applicable,  (2)  a
      person  who  is  a  member  of a hunting group holding a deer management
      permit or permits issued pursuant to section 11-0913 of this article may
      take additional deer while hunting in accordance with the conditions  of
      the  permit  or permits, (3) the holder of a bowhunting license or stamp
      or a muzzle-loading license or stamp may take up to two additional deer,
      pursuant to regulations  promulgated  by  the  department,  and  (4)  an
      eligible  non-ambulatory  person,  pursuant  to subdivision 2 of section
      11-0931 of this article may take a deer of either sex  in  any  wildlife
      management  unit  area where deer management permits have been issued by
      the  department, while in possession of a valid license which authorizes
      the holder to hunt big game. Nothing contained in this section shall  be
      construed  to  limit  the  power  of  the  department  to  designate  by
      regulation an area or areas of the state consisting of a county or  part
      of a county where such season shall apply and whether the number of such
      special permits shall be limited.
        * NB Effective October 1, 2011
        d. (1) A person who holds licenses or stamps authorizing the holder to
      hunt  deer  during  a special archery season and the regular open season
      and who has taken a deer by longbow in a special archery season and  who
      has  not  taken  a deer in a regular open season may, in addition to the
      limit of one deer in a license year otherwise  applicable,  take  during
      the  same  license  year  additional  deer  as  specified  by department
      regulation in a special  archery  season  following  the  close  of  the
      regular open deer season.
        (2)  A  person  who holds licenses or stamps authorizing the holder to
      hunt deer during a special archery season and the  regular  open  season
      and  who has taken a deer by longbow in the regular open season for deer
      in Westchester or Suffolk counties may, in addition to the limit of  one
      deer  in  a  license  year  otherwise  applicable,  take during the same
      license year additional  deer  as  specified  by  department  regulation
      during such Westchester or Suffolk county regular open deer season.
        e.  A  person  who  holds licenses or stamps authorizing the holder to
      hunt deer during a special muzzle-loading season and  the  regular  open
      season  and  who  has  taken  a  deer  by  muzzle-loading  firearm  in a
      muzzle-loading season and who has not taken a deer  in  a  regular  open
      season  may,  in  addition  to  the  limit of one deer in a license year
      otherwise applicable, take during  the  same  year  additional  deer  as
      specified  by  department  regulation in a special muzzle-loading season
      following the close of the regular deer season.
        2. Regular seasons.
        * a. Regular open hunting seasons for deer are established  separately
      for  the  named regions or parts of regions, or named counties listed in
      column one of the table set forth in this subdivision, and are specified
      as seasons for taking by pistol, rifle, shotgun  or  long  bow,  or  for
      taking  by  shotgun or long bow only, or for taking by long bow only, as
      indicated in column three entitled "Manner of Taking". Where  taking  of
      big  game  by  shotgun  is  permitted  by  this chapter such shotgun may
      contain rifling in all or a portion of the barrel, provided, however, if
      the barrel or a portion thereof does contain rifling only shells  having
      non-metallic  cases,  except  for  the  base,  may be used. In the areas
      identified in column one except  in  the  "closed  areas"  specified  in
      subdivision  5 the game specified in column two may be taken in the open
      season stated in column two immediately following the  specification  of
      the game, in the manner specified in column three.
           Column One                Column Two               Column Three
              Area              Game and Open Season        Manner of Taking
      (a) Northern Zone         Deer, next to last      Pistol, rifle, shotgun
                                Saturday in October     or long bow
                                through first Sunday
                                in December
      (b) Catskill region       Deer, first Monday      Pistol, rifle, shotgun
        except Delaware,        after November 15       or long bow
        Greene, Sullivan,       through first Tuesday
        Ulster counties         after December 7
        and those counties
        or portions thereof
        listed in item (i)
        of this paragraph
      (c) Counties of           Deer, first Monday      Pistol, rifle, shotgun
        Delaware, Greene,       after November 15       or long bow
        Sullivan and Ulster     through first Tuesday
                                after December 7
      (d) Eastern region,       Deer, first Monday      Pistol, shotgun,
        except Columbia,        after November 15       muzzle loading firearm
        Fulton, Orange,         through first Tuesday   or long bow only
        Rensselaer, Saratoga,   after December 7
        Washington Counties
        and those counties
        or portions thereof
        listed in item (i)
        of this paragraph
      (e) Fulton, Saratoga,     Deer, first Monday      Pistol, rifle, shotgun
        Washington (parts       after November 15       or long bow
        in the Southern         through first Tuesday
        zone), Columbia         after December 7
        Orange, and
      (f) Southern tier,        Deer, first Monday      Pistol, shotgun,
        central and Western     after November 15       muzzle loading firearm
        region, except those    through first Tuesday   or long bow only
        counties or portions    after December 7
        thereof listed in
        item (i) of this
      (g) Westchester           Deer of either sex,     long bow only
        County                  November 1 through
                                December 31
      (h) Suffolk County        Deer of either sex      long bow only
                                Second Monday in
                                November through
                                December thirty-first
      (i) The counties of       Deer, the first Monday  Pistol, shotgun,
        Allegany,               after November 15       muzzle loading
        Cattaraugus, Chemung,   through first Tuesday   firearm,
        Chenango, Herkimer,     after December 7        rifle or
        Madison,                                        long bow only
        Montgomery, Oneida,
        Oswego, Otsego,
        Schoharie, Steuben,
        Tioga and Yates
        and that portion of
        the county of
        Broome east of the
        Susquehanna river
        * NB Effective until October 1, 2011
        * a.  Regular  open  hunting  seasons  for  big  game  are established
      separately for the named regions or parts of regions, or named  counties
      listed in column one of the table set forth in this subdivision, and are
      specified  as  seasons for taking by pistol, rifle, shotgun or long bow,
      or for taking by shotgun or long bow only, or for  taking  by  long  bow
      only,  as  indicated  in column three entitled "Manner of Taking". Where
      taking of big game by shotgun is permitted by this chapter such  shotgun
      may  contain  rifling  in  all  or  a  portion  of the barrel, provided,
      however, if the barrel or a portion thereof does  contain  rifling  only
      shells  having  non-metallic cases, except for the base, may be used. In
      the areas  identified  in  column  one  except  in  the  "closed  areas"
      specified in subdivision 5 the game specified in column two may be taken
      in  the  open  season  stated  in  column  two immediately following the
      specification of the game, in the manner specified in column three.
           Column One                Column Two               Column Three
              Area              Game and Open Season        Manner of Taking
      (a) Northern Zone         Deer and bear, next     Pistol, rifle, shotgun
                                to last Saturday in     or long bow
                                October through first
                                Sunday in December
      (b) Catskill region       Deer and bear, first    Pistol, rifle, shotgun
        except Delaware,        Monday after            or long bow
        Greene, Sullivan,       November 15 through
        Ulster counties         first Tuesday after
        and those counties      December 7
        or portions thereof
        listed in item (i)
        of this paragraph
      (c) Counties of           Deer, first Monday      Pistol, rifle, shotgun
        Delaware, Greene,       after November 15       or long bow
        Sullivan and Ulster     through first Tuesday
                                after December 7;
                                Bear, first Monday
                                after November 15
                                through second
                                Tuesday after
                                December 7
      (d) Eastern region,       Deer and bear,          Pistol, shotgun,
        except Columbia,        first Monday after      muzzle loading firearm
        Fulton, Orange,         November 15 through     or long bow only
        Rensselaer, Saratoga,   first Tuesday after
        Washington Counties     December 7
        and those counties
        or portions thereof
        listed in item (i)
        of this paragraph
      (e) Fulton, Saratoga,     Deer and bear, first    Pistol, rifle, shotgun
        Washington (parts       Monday after November   or long bow
        in the Southern         15 through first
        zone), Columbia,        Tuesday after
        Orange, and             December 7
      (f) Southern tier,        Deer and bear, first    Pistol, shotgun,
        central and Western     Monday after November   muzzle loading firearm
        region, except those    15 through first        or long bow only
        counties or portions    Tuesday after
        thereof listed in       December 7
        item (i) of this
      (g) Westchester           Deer of either sex,     long bow only
        County                  November 1 through
                                December 31
      (h) Suffolk County        Deer of either sex      long bow only
                                Second Monday in
                                November through
                                December thirty-first
      (i) The counties of       Deer and bear, the      Pistol, shotgun,
        Allegany,               first Monday after      muzzle loading
        Cattaraugus,            November 15 through     firearm, rifle or
        Chenango, Herkimer,     first Tuesday after     long bow only
        Montgomery, Oneida,     December 7
        Oswego, Otsego,
        Schoharie and Tioga
        and that portion of
        the county of
        Broome east of the
        Susquehanna river
        * NB Effective October 1, 2011
        * b.  Regular  open  hunting  seasons for bear are fixed by regulation
      pursuant to subdivision 8 of section 11-0903. The implements allowed for
      bear hunting will be the same as  those  allowed  for  deer  hunting  as
      listed  in  column  three  of the table set forth in paragraph a of this
        * NB Expires October 1, 2011
        3. Special archery seasons.
        * a. In every area identified in column one of the table set forth  in
      subdivision  2  of this section, except Westchester and Suffolk Counties
      in  which  a  regular  open  season  for  taking  deer  by  firearms  is
      established  and  effective,  a  special  open season is established for
      taking deer of either sex, by the use of a long bow only by holders of a
      small and big game, sportsman, or free  sportsman  license  to  which  a
      valid  bowhunting  stamp  is  affixed or to holders of a junior archery,
      resident or non-resident  super-sportsman,  or  non-resident  bowhunting
        * NB Effective until October 1, 2011
        * a.  In every area identified in column one of the table set forth in
      subdivision 2 of this section, except Westchester and  Suffolk  Counties
      in  which  a  regular  open  season  for  taking  deer  by  firearms  is
      established and effective, a special  open  season  is  established  for
      taking  deer  of  either sex, and bear, by the use of a long bow only by
      holders of a small and big game, sportsman, or free sportsman license to
      which  a  valid  bowhunting  stamp  is affixed or to holders of a junior
      archery,  resident  or  non-resident  super-sportsman,  or  non-resident
      bowhunting license.
        * NB Effective October 1, 2011
        * b. Such special open deer hunting season for each area shall be from
      October 15 through the day immediately preceding the regular open season
      for  deer  stated in column two of the table set forth in subdivision 2,
      except that in the Northern Zone  each  special  season  shall  be  from
      September  27  through the Friday immediately preceding the next to last
      Saturday in October, and in the Southern Zone such special season  shall
      also  include  the  five  days following the closing of the regular open
        * NB Effective until October 1, 2011
        * b. Such special open season for each area shall be from  October  15
      through  the  day immediately preceding the regular open season for deer
      stated in column two of the table set forth  in  subdivision  2,  except
      that in the Northern Zone each special season shall be from September 27
      through  the  Friday  immediately preceding the next to last Saturday in
      October, and in the Southern Zone such special season shall also include
      the five days following the closing of the regular open season.
        * NB Effective October 1, 2011
        * c. A similar special open  bear  hunting  season  may  be  fixed  by
      regulation pursuant to subdivision 8 of section 11-0903.
        * NB Expires October 1, 2011
        4.  a.  "Northern  Zone"  and  "Southern  Zone" are defined in section
        b. "Catskill region" means that part of the Southern  Zone  consisting
      of  the  counties of Greene, Sullivan, Ulster; those parts of Broome and
      Chenango counties easterly of the Susquehanna River  from  its  junction
      with the Unadilla River at the Chenango-Otsego County boundary line to a
      point  where  it intersects the New York-Pennsylvania line; that part of
      Otsego County south of the main line tracks of the Delaware  and  Hudson
      Railroad  Company;  and  those  parts of Delaware and Schoharie counties
      lying south and west of a line beginning at the intersection of the main
      line tracks of  the  Delaware  and  Hudson  Railroad  Company  with  the
      Otsego-Schoharie  County  line  to  the village of Richmondville, thence
      south on Route 10 to its intersection with Route 23 in  the  village  of
      Stamford,  thence  easterly  along  Route  23  to  its intersection with
      Schoharie County Route 342 thence easterly along Schoharie County  Route
      342  to  its intersection with Schoharie County Route 3; thence easterly
      along Schoharie County Route 3 to the Albany-Schoharie County line.
        c. "Eastern region" means that part of the Southern Zone easterly of a
      continuous line formed  by  the  Susquehanna  river  commencing  at  its
      intersection  with  the  New  York-Pennsylvania  boundary in the town of
      Windsor in Broome county to its confluence with the Unadilla  river,  by
      the Unadilla river from its confluence with the Susquehanna river to its
      intersection   with   the   Herkimer-Otsego   county  boundary,  by  the
      Otsego-Herkimer  county  boundary  and  by  the  Oneida-Herkimer  county
      boundary  to the Northern Zone, except (1) the "Catskill region" defined
      in paragraph b and (2) Westchester county.
        d. "Southern tier, central and western region" means that part of  the
      Southern  Zone  lying  westerly  of  the  continuous  line  described in
      paragraph c.
        5. Closed areas. The following areas are closed to the taking of  deer
      and bear:
        a. In Monroe County, the area bounded and described as follows: On the
      west  by  Route  261  (Manitou  Road) beginning at Manitou Beach on Lake
      Ontario in the town of Greece and continuing southerly along  such  road
      to  its  intersection  with  the Barge Canal, thence easterly along such
      canal  to  East Avenue in the village of Pittsford, thence northeasterly
      along East Avenue to  Allen  Creek  in  the  town  of  Brighton,  thence
      northerly along Allen Creek to Irondequoit Creek, thence northerly along
      Irondequoit  Creek  to  Irondequoit  Bay,  thence  northerly  along  the
      easterly shore of Irondequoit Bay to Lake Ontario; except that  deer  of
      either  sex  may  be  taken  during the regular and special deer hunting
      seasons provided for in this title by the use of a longbow by holders of
      licenses which authorize the  holder  to  hunt  deer  during  a  special
      archery  season  and provided further that this exception permitting the
      taking of deer by a longbow shall not apply within an area in  the  town
      of  Greece  bounded  and  described as follows: On the west by Long Pond
      Road beginning at Latta Road and continuing southerly along such road to
      its intersection with Maiden Lane, thence easterly along Maiden Lane  to
      its  intersection  with  Mt. Read Blvd., thence northerly along Mt. Read
      Blvd. to its intersection with Latta Road, thence westerly  along  Latta
      Road to its intersection with Long Pond Road at the point of beginning.
        b.  In Erie County, the area bounded by a continuous line beginning at
      the point of confluence of the east branch of the Niagara River and  the
      Tonawanda  Creek,  and  from  said point of beginning easterly along the
      south bank of Tonawanda Creek  to  its  intersection  with  highway  78,
      thence southerly along highway 78 to its intersection with Greiner Road,
      thence  easterly  along  Greiner  Road to its junction with highway 268,
      thence southerly along highway 268 to its intersection with  highway  5,
      thence westerly along highway 5 to its junction with Ransom Road, thence
      southerly  along Ransom Road to its intersection with highway 33, thence
      westerly along highway 33 to its intersection with  highway  78,  thence
      southerly  along  highway 78 to its intersection with highway 20, thence
      southwesterly along highway 20 to its intersection  with  highway  20-a,
      thence westerly along the extension of highway 20-a to Lake Erie, thence
      northerly  along  the  shores  of Lake Erie and the Niagara River to the
      place of beginning.
        c. Nassau County.
        d. In Herkimer county, town of Webb, the area bounded by a  continuous
      line   beginning  at  the  intersection  of  the  Judson  Road  and  the
      Herkimer-Hamilton county boundary line, thence  westerly  to  the  Higby
      road,  continuing  southwesterly  to its intersection with the Big Moose
      road (Herkimer county highway 1), thence north and  westerly  along  the
      Big  Moose  road  to  its intersection with the Martin road and easterly
      along the Martin road to its end, thence back to the lake shore and back
      along and around the shore of Big Moose lake (starting westerly) to  the
      Herkimer-Hamilton  county boundary on the shore and then south along the
      boundary line ending at the Judson road, the point of beginning.
        e. In Herkimer and Hamilton counties, the area bounded by a continuous
      line beginning at the junction of the South Shore Road and Route  28  in
      the  village  of Old Forge and extending northeasterly along Route 28 to
      the hamlet of Inlet and thence southwesterly along the South Shore  Road
      to the point of beginning.
        6.  Restricted  areas.  a.  The  area described in this subdivision is
      closed to the taking of deer and bear, except by an owner or  lessee  of
      lands  in  the area, actually occupying and cultivating such lands, or a
      member of his immediate family.
        b. This subdivision applies to that area of Albany county bounded by a
      continuous line beginning at the point of junction of  highway  143  and
      Albany  County  highway  111 (Alcove Road) and from that point southerly
      along Albany County highway 111 (Alcove Road) to the Village of  Alcove,
      thence  southerly  and  westerly along Albany County highway 111 (Alcove
      Road) to the Albany-Greene County boundary line, thence  westerly  along
      the  Albany-Greene  County  boundary  line  to Albany County highway 411
      (Dormansville-East  Greenville  Road),  thence  northerly  along  Albany
      County   highway   411   (Dormansville-East   Greenville  Road)  to  its
      intersection with highway  143,  thence  easterly  and  southerly  along
      highway 143 to the point of beginning.
        7. Areas restricted to long bow only.
        a.  The  area described in this subdivision is closed to the taking of
      deer and bear by firearms, but shall be open for taking deer by the  use
      of  a longbow only by holders of licenses which authorize the holders to
      hunt deer during a special archery season as follows: during the special
      deer season stated in subdivision 3  of  this  section  and  during  the
      regular  season  stated in subdivision 2 of this section, deer of either
      sex may be taken.
        b. This subdivision applies to that area in Albany county east of  the
      Penn Central West Shore railroad starting at the Schenectady county line
      in  the  town  of  Guilderland and continuing to its confluence with the
      Penn Central Hudson River connecting railroad, thence  along  such  Penn
      Central  Hudson  River  connecting  railroad  until it meets Route 32 in
      Feura Bush and northeast on Route 32 to its  juncture  with  Feura  Bush
      road,  then east along Feura Bush road to its juncture with Route 144 in
      Glenmont, then south along Route 144 to the Vlaman Kill, then east along
      the Vlaman Kill to the Hudson river.
        8. Muzzle-loading firearm big game season.
        a. In every area identified in column one of the table  set  forth  in
      subdivision  2 of this section, except those areas restricted to special
      seasons for taking deer by longbow only, special  open  seasons  may  be
      established  by  regulation  for  taking deer and/or bear, by the use of
      muzzle-loading firearms, of not less than .44 caliber shooting a  single
      projectile,  by  the  holders of a small and big game, sportsman or free
      sportsman license to which a valid muzzle-loading stamp is affixed or to
      holders of a resident or non-resident super-sportsman,  or  non-resident
      muzzle-loading license.
        b.  Such  special  open  season for the Southern Zone shall be for the
      seven day period immediately preceding the regular open season for  deer
      stated  in  column  two  of the table set forth in subdivision 2, except
      that the department may, by regulation, fix  such  open  season  in  the
      Southern  Zone  or  any  portion  thereof  to  be  either the seven days
      immediately preceding or immediately following the regular  open  season
      for deer.
        c.  Until  October first, two thousand eleven, such special season for
      the Northern Zone or any portion thereof may by regulation be for up  to
      a  fourteen-day period preceding the regular open season for deer stated
      in column two of the table set forth in subdivision 2 of this section or
      may be for up to a fourteen-day period following such open season or any
      combination thereof, provided that a maximum  of  sixteen  days  is  not
      exceeded  for any open area. Regulations establishing such Northern Zone
      muzzle-loading firearm big game season may specify the taking of deer of
      either sex, antlerless deer only, legal bucks only, or  any  combination
      thereof, and may require that persons participating in the Northern Zone
      muzzle-loading  firearm big game season obtain a special permit from the
      department. When establishing these  regulations,  the  department  must
      consider  the  condition of the herd and communities', property owners',
      hunters' and other relevant interests.
        9. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision  of  this  chapter,  big
      game may be taken on any day of the week during open season or a special
      season  in  those parts of New York state east of a line starting at the
      juncture of the shore of Lake Ontario and West Bay road; then  southerly
      along  West  Bay  road  to Route 104A; then easterly along Route 104A to
      Route  38;  then  southerly along Route 38 to the New York State Thruway
      Interstate 90 at Port Byron; then southwesterly along Interstate  90  to
      Route 90 near Montezuma; then southerly along Route 90 to Route 20; then
      westerly along Route 20 to the east bank of Seneca River; then southerly
      along  the  east  bank of Seneca River to the east shore of Cayuga Lake;
      then southerly along the east shore of Cayuga Lake to Cayuga Creek; then
      southerly along the east bank of Cayuga Creek to  Route  96  in  Ithaca;
      then  southerly  along Route 96 to Sabin Road in Spencer; then southerly
      and westerly along Sabin Road to Dean  Creek  Road;  then  southwesterly
      along  Dean Creek Road to Route 34; then southerly along Route 34 to the
      Pennsylvania boundary.