Section 8-310. Voting; paper ballot, delivery to voter  

Latest version.
  • If paper ballots are
      being  used,  one  of the clerks, or if there be no clerks the inspector
      assigned to the duty of delivering ballots, shall deliver to  the  voter
      one  paper ballot or set of paper ballots, in the numerical order of the
      ballot or set, beginning with number one, and shall  at  the  same  time
      announce,  loudly  and  distinctly,  the  number  on  the  stub or stubs
      thereof. If the ballots are in sets, they shall be delivered in sets. If
      a new ballot or set of ballots be lawfully delivered to the same  voter,
      a  similar  announcement  shall  be made as to the number of the stub or
      stubs of each new ballot or set delivered. Each ballot, when  delivered,
      shall  be  folded  in  the proper manner for voting, which is: first, by
      bringing the bottom of the ballot up to the perforated line, and second,
      by folding both sides to the center or toward the center in such  manner
      that  when  folded  the  face of each ballot shall be concealed, and the
      printed number on the stub and the indorsement on the back of the ballot
      shall be visible, so that the stub can be removed without  removing  any
      other  part  of  the ballot and without exposing any part of the face of
      the ballot below the stub, and so that when folded the ballot shall  not
      be  more  than  four  inches  wide.  The number on each ballot or set of
      ballots so delivered, as printed on the stub or stubs, shall be  entered
      forthwith  opposite  the  name  of  the voter in the proper place in the
      registration poll record or next to his name on the  computer  generated
      registration  list.  No  person  other  than an inspector or clerk shall
      deliver to any voter within the guard rail any ballot,  and  they  shall
      deliver  only  such  ballots  as  the voter is legally entitled to vote,
      other than sample ballots.