Section 7-123. Ballots; military voters  

Latest version.
  • 1. The state board of elections,
      after conferring with federal authorities, if any,  authorized  to  act,
      shall  prescribe  the  form  and  cause to be printed by the appropriate
      boards of elections or otherwise sufficient ballots for military  voters
      to be used at the election, subject to the following limitations:
        2. The  ballots for military voters shall be the same form as those to
      be voted by absentee voters in the election  district  of  the  military
      voter  on  election  day.  Any  instructions  that  the  state  board of
      elections deems pertinent shall accompany such ballots but shall not  be
      affixed  thereto  in any manner so as to leave any marks on such ballots
      not found on absentee ballots.
        3. Each ballot shall be furnished with a ballot  envelope  upon  which
      shall be printed:
                              BALLOT FOR MILITARY VOTER
      I do state (or affirm) that I am (MUST CHECK ONE)
      (a) in the actual military service of the State of New
          York, or of the United States ................................... []
      (b) the spouse ...................................................... []
      (c) parent .......................................................... []
      (d) child ........................................................... []
      of a voter in the actual military service of the State of New York or of
      the  United States, accompanying or being with such voter and a resident
      of the same election district; that I am a citizen of the United States;
      that on the date of the election for which this ballot is voted  I  will
      be  at  least  eighteen years of age and immediately preceding said date
      will have been a resident of the county, city  or  village  in  which  I
      offer  my  vote  for thirty days, that I have not voted any other ballot
      for any candidate from any address other than hereinafter set forth; and
      that I have not committed any act, nor am I under any  impediment  which
      denies me the right to vote.
      My voting residence in the State of New York is:
      Street and Number, or R.F.D. ...........................................
      City, Village or Town ..................................................
      County .................................................................
        I  hereby  declare, that the foregoing is a true statement to the best
      of my knowledge and belief, and I understand that if I make any material
      false statement in the foregoing statement of military voter, I shall be
      guilty of a misdemeanor.
      Date .......... 20....
                                               Signature or mark of voter
                                               Signature of Witness (required
                                               only if voter does not sign his
                                               own name)
                                               Address of Witness
        4.   On the  reverse  side  of  the  ballot  envelope  containing  the
      statement of military voter shall be printed:
        County of................................................................
        Name of voter............................................................
        Voting residence (street and number, if any).............................
        City (or town) of..............Ward......................................
        Assembly District..............Election District.........................
        Party Enrollment (in case of primary election)...........................
        IMPORTANT  TO MILITARY VOTER: Be sure to indicate in (a), (b), (c), or
      (d), whether you are a serviceman or the spouse, parent or  child  of  a
      serviceman  in the statement before you sign your name at the end of the
        4-a. The  envelope  shall be gummed, ready for sealing, and shall have
      printed thereon, on the side opposite the statement, instructions as  to
      the  duties of the military voter after the marking of the ballot, which
      instructions  shall  include  a  specific  direction  stating  that  the
      envelope  must  be  mailed  to  the appropriate board of elections and a
      specific direction stating when such envelope  must  be  postmarked  and
      when  such  envelope  must  reach such board of elections in order to be
      canvassed.  Such  envelope  shall  also  include  a  direction  that  an
      application for military ballot should not be enclosed in such envelope.
        4-b.  Notwithstanding  any inconsistent provision of law, the standard
      affirmation prescribed by the presidential designee under the  uniformed
      and  overseas  citizens  absentee  voting  act affirming that a material
      misstatement of fact may constitute a violation of law shall be used  on
      any  forms  and  envelopes  requiring  such an affirmation by a voter to
      which such act applies.
        5. Such ballot envelope and military ballot shall  be  enclosed  in  a
      second  envelope  addressed  to  the appropriate board of elections, and
      bearing on it the words "Official Election Ballot--Via Air Mail", and  a
      specific  direction  that  if  an  application  for a military ballot is
      received with such military ballot, such application must  be  completed
      by  the  military  voter and returned in such envelope together with the
      envelope containing the military ballot.  Such  envelope  shall  provide
      lines  in the upper left corner for the military voter to write his name
      and complete military address.
        6. The second envelope addressed to the appropriate board of elections
      and the envelope which contains  the  ballot  shall  be  mailed  to  the
      military  voter  in  a  third  envelope  on  which  is printed the words
      "Official Election Ballot--Via Air Mail".
        7. At the side opposite the address on the second envelope, below  the
      gummed seal shall be printed:
      This ballot was mailed on _________ which is not later than the
      day before the election.
      _______________               _____________
      Signed (Witness)                  Date