Section 7-122. Ballots; absentee voters  

Latest version.
  • 1. (a) Ballots for absentee voters
      shall be, as nearly as practicable, in the same  form  as  those  to  be
      voted  in  the district on election day, if any, except that ballots for
      primary elections shall omit the party position of ward, town,  city  or
      county  committee  and  except further that such ballots need not have a
      stub, and shall have the words "Absentee Ballot", endorsed thereon.
        (b) The names of candidates  upon  the  ballot  shall  be  printed  in
      appropriate  sections, with titles of offices, section numbers, emblems,
      voting squares, names of parties and political organizations  and  blank
      spaces for writing in names of persons not printed on the ballot. Except
      as  to  the  spacing,  such  ballot shall be printed wherever applicable
      substantially as follows:
        (Form in chap. 381/79)
        (c) The indorsement shall be printed on the front of  the  ballot  and
      may  also  be  printed  on  the  back of the ballot just to the right of
      center, and outside when the ballot is folded:
        Absentee Ballot for General (or Primary or  Special)  Election  County
      of.....................  (Date of Election.) (Facsimile of the signature
      of officer or officers providing the ballot.)
        (d) On the front of the ballot, shall be printed in heavy  black  type
      the following instructions:
        1. Mark in pen or pencil.
        2.  To vote for a candidate whose name is printed on this ballot, make
      a single cross X mark or a single V mark in the voting square above  the
      name of the candidate.
        3. To vote for a person whose name is not printed on this ballot write
      or  stamp the name in the blank space which appears at the bottom of the
      column under the title of the office.
        4. To vote on a proposal make a cross X mark or a check V mark in  one
      of the squares contained in the box setting forth such proposal.
        5.  Any  other  mark  or  writing,  or any erasure made on this ballot
      outside the voting squares or blank spaces provided for voting will void
      this entire ballot.
        6. Do not overvote. If you select a greater number of candidates  than
      there  are  vacancies  to  be  filled, your ballot will be void for that
      public office or party position.
        7. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark this ballot, call the board
      of elections at (Insert phone number here) for instructions  on  how  to
      obtain a new ballot. Do not attempt to correct mistakes on the ballot by
      making erasures or cross outs. Erasures or cross outs may invalidate all
      or  part  of your ballot. Prior to submitting your ballot, if you make a
      mistake in completing the ballot or wish to change your ballot  choices,
      you  may  obtain  and  complete  a  new  ballot.  You  have a right to a
      replacement ballot upon return of the original ballot.
        2. The following  provisions  shall  apply  to  all  absentee  ballots
      prepared  for  counting  by  ballot  counting  machines  and  all  other
      provisions of this chapter not inconsistent with this subdivision  shall
      be applicable to such ballots.
        (a)  The  party  emblem  need  not be printed next to the name of each
        (b) The blank spaces provided for the voter to write in a name may  be
      on the back of the ballot.
        (c)  The  ballot  proposals  may be on the back of the ballot, or on a
      separate ballot.
        (d) The election district, the ward or legislative  district  if  any,
      the  town or city and the assembly district (in New York city and Nassau
      county) shall be written, stamped or printed on the back  of  each  such
        (e)  If  such  ballot  is  a  ballot  which  is  marked with a writing
      instrument, the printed instructions to the voter shall read as follows:
        1. Mark only with the pencil supplied with this ballot.
        2. To vote for a candidate whose name is printed on this ballot,  fill
      in the voting square above (or next to) the name of the candidate.
        3.  To  vote  for  a  person whose name is not printed on this ballot,
      write the name in the blank space (indicate where on ballot the write-in
      line appears) containing the title of the office.
        4. To vote on a proposal, fill in one of the squares contained in  the
      box setting forth such proposal.
        5.  Any  other  mark  or  writing,  or any erasure made on this ballot
      outside the voting squares or blank spaces provided for voting will void
      this entire ballot.
        6. Do not overvote. If you select a greater number of candidates  than
      there  are  vacancies  to  be  filled, your ballot will be void for that
      public office or party position.
        7. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark this ballot, call the board
      of elections at (Insert phone number here) for instructions  on  how  to
      obtain a new ballot. Do not attempt to correct mistakes on the ballot by
      making erasures or cross outs. Erasures or cross outs may invalidate all
      or  part  of your ballot. Prior to submitting your ballot, if you make a
      mistake in completing the ballot or wish to change your ballot  choices,
      you  may  obtain  and  complete  a  new  ballot.  You  have a right to a
      replacement ballot upon return of the original ballot.
        (f) If such ballot is a ballot in which holes are to be  punched,  the
      printed instructions to the voter shall read as follows:
        1. To vote for a candidate whose name is printed on this ballot, punch
      out  the  voting  square  (or circle) above (or next to) the name of the
        2. To vote for a person whose name is  not  printed  on  this  ballot,
      write  the  name  in  the blank space (indicate where on ballot write-in
      line appears) containing the title of the office.
        3. To vote on a proposal, punch out one of the  squares  (or  circles)
      contained in the box setting forth such proposal.
        4.  Any  other  mark  or  writing,  or any erasure made on this ballot
      outside the voting squares (or circles) or  blank  spaces  provided  for
      voting will void this entire ballot.
        5.  Do not overvote. If you select a greater number of candidates than
      there are vacancies to be filled, your ballot  will  be  void  for  that
      public office or party position.
        6. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark this ballot, call the board
      of  elections  at  (Insert phone number here) for instructions on how to
      obtain a new ballot. Prior to submitting your  ballot,  if  you  make  a
      mistake  in completing the ballot or wish to change your ballot choices,
      you may obtain and complete  a  new  ballot.  You  have  a  right  to  a
      replacement ballot upon return of the original ballot.
        (g)  Such  instructions  may  be  printed  on the front or back of the
      ballot or on a separate sheet or card.  If  such  instructions  are  not
      printed  on  the  front  of  the  ballot,  there shall be printed on the
      ballot, in the largest size type for which there is room, the  following
      legend: "See instructions on other side" or "See enclosed instructions",
      whichever is appropriate.
        (h)  Such  ballots which are to be counted by ballot counting machines
      may consist of two or more cards,  which  are  divided  into  perforated
      sections which can be separated at the time of canvassing.
        3.  The  board of elections shall deliver to each voter, together with
      each ballot which is marked with a  writing  instrument,  an  instrument
      whose  markings  can  be  read  by  such machines and together with each
      ballot in which holes are punched, an instrument suitable  for  punching
      the necessary holes in such ballot.
        4.  The  determination of the appropriate county board of elections as
      to the candidates duly designated or  nominated  for  public  office  or
      party  position whose name shall appear on the absentee ballot and as to
      ballot proposals to be voted on shall be made  no  later  than  the  day
      after  the  state  board  of elections issues its certification of those
      candidates to be voted for at the general, special or primary  election.
      The  determinations  of  the state board of elections and the respective
      county boards of elections shall be final and conclusive with respect to
      such offices for which petitions or  certificates  are  required  to  be
      filed  with such boards, as the case may be but nothing herein contained
      shall prevent a board of elections, or a court of competent jurisdiction
      from  determining  at  a  later  date  that  any   such   certification,
      designation  or  nomination  is  invalid and, in the event of such later
      determination, no vote cast for any such nominee by any voter  shall  be
      counted at the election.
        5.  The  board of elections shall furnish with each absentee ballot an
      envelope. On one side of the envelope shall be printed:
                              OFFICIAL ABSENTEE BALLOT
       ........., 20.....
      Name of voter.........................................
      Residence (street and number if any)..................
      City/or town of.......(village, if any)...............
      County of.............................................
      Assembly district (only in New York City and county of
      Election District.....................................
      Party Enrollment (in case of primary election)........
        6. The date of the election, name of the county, and name of  a  city,
      if there be a separate ballot for city voters, shall be printed, and the
      name  of  the voter, residence, number of the assembly district, if any,
      name of town, number of  ward,  if  any,  election  district  and  party
      enrollment,  if  required, shall be either printed or written or stamped
      in by the board.
        7. There shall  also  be  a  place  for  two  inspectors  of  opposite
      political  parties  to indicate, by placing their initials thereon, that
      they have checked and marked the voter's poll record.
        8. On the reverse side of such envelope shall be printed the following
                              STATEMENT OF ABSENTEE VOTER
        I do declare that I am a citizen of the United States, that I am  duly
      registered  in  the  election district shown on the reverse side of this
      envelope and I am qualified to vote in such district;  that  I  will  be
      unable  to  appear  personally on the day of the election for which this
      ballot is voted at the polling place of the election district in which I
      am a qualified voter because of  the  reason  given  on  my  application
      heretofore  submitted; that I have not qualified nor do I intend to vote
      elsewhere,  that  I  have  not  committed  any  act  nor  am I under any
      impediment which denies me the right to vote.
        I hereby declare that the foregoing is a true statement to the best of
      my knowledge and belief, and I understand that if I  make  any  material
      false statement in the foregoing statement of absentee voter, I shall be
      guilty of a misdemeanor.
      Date.................20.....       .....................................
                                         Signature or mark of voter
                                         Signature of Witness (required only
                                         if voter does not sign his own name)
                                         Address of Witness
        9.  The  envelope  shall  be gummed, ready for sealing, and shall have
      printed thereon, on the side opposite the statement, instructions as  to
      the  duties  of  the  voter  after  the  marking  of  the  ballot, which
      instructions shall  include  a  specific  direction  stating  when  such
      envelope must be postmarked and when such envelope must reach the office
      of the board of elections in order to be canvassed.
        10.  Each  ballot  envelope  shall  be  enclosed  in a second envelope
      addressed to the board of elections and  bearing  a  specific  direction
      that  if an application for absentee ballot is received with the ballot,
      such application must be completed by the voter  and  returned  in  such
      envelope together with the envelope containing the absentee ballot. Such
      second  envelope  shall be enclosed in a third envelope addressed to the
      absentee voter. The second and third envelopes shall have printed on the
      face thereof the words "Election Material--Please Expedite".