Section 7-106. Paper ballots; form of  

Latest version.
  • 1. Paper ballots shall be printed on
      paper of a quality, size, color, and weight approved by the state  board
      of elections.
        2. All paper ballots of the same kind for the same polling place shall
      be  identical.  A  different, but in each case uniform style and size of
      type, shall be used for printing the names of candidates, the titles  of
      offices,  political  designations, and the reading form of all questions
      submitted. The names of candidates shall be printed in  capital  letters
      in black-faced type.
        3.  Each  ballot  shall be printed on the same sheet with a stub which
      shall be separated  therefrom  by  a  horizontal  line  of  perforations
      extending across the entire width of the ballot. On the face of the stub
      shall  be printed the instructions to the voter. On the back of the stub
      immediately above the center of the  indorsement  on  the  back  of  the
      ballot,  shall  be  printed  "No........"    the blank to be filled with
      consecutive number of ballots beginning with "No.  1", and increasing in
      regular numerical order.
        4. On the back of the ballot, below the line of perforations, just  to
      the  right  of center, and outside when the ballot is folded, and on the
      front of the ballot,  directly  below  the  perforated  line,  shall  be
      printed the following indorsement, the blanks properly filled in:
      Official Ballot for General Officers (or whatever the case
      may be) County of ........................Assembly District
      (or ward and city or town).........................Election
      (Date of Election.)
      (Facsimile of the signature of officer or officers providing
      the ballot.)
        5.  On the stub at the top of the ballot or on the edge of such ballot
      shall be printed in heavy black type the following instructions:
        (1) Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink  or  with  a  pencil
      having black lead.
        (2)  To vote for a candidate whose name is printed on this ballot make
      a single cross X mark or a check V mark in one of  the  squares  to  the
      right of an emblem opposite his or her name.
        (3)  To  vote  for  a  person whose name is not printed on this ballot
      write or stamp his or her name on a blank line under the  names  of  the
      candidates for that office.
        (4)  To  vote yes or no on a proposal make a single X or V mark in the
      square opposite your vote.
        (5) Any other mark or writing, or any  erasure  made  on  this  ballot
      outside the voting squares or blank spaces provided for voting will void
      this entire ballot.
        (6) Do not overvote. If you select a greater number of candidates than
      there  are  vacancies  to  be  filled, your ballot will be void for that
      public office or party position.
        (7) If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and
      obtain another. Do not attempt to correct  mistakes  on  the  ballot  by
      making erasures or cross outs. Erasures or cross outs may invalidate all
      or  part  of your ballot. Prior to submitting your ballot, if you make a
      mistake in completing the ballot or wish to change your ballot  choices,
      you  may  obtain  and  complete  a  new  ballot.  You  have a right to a
      replacement ballot upon return of the original ballot.
        6. Each such  ballot  shall  be  printed  in  sections  in  which  the
      candidates'  names,  emblems  and  political  designations,  the  ballot
      proposals and other requisite matter shall each be  boxed  in  by  heavy
      black  lines.  On the ballot shall be voting squares in which voters may
      make  their  voting marks.  All voting squares shall be bounded by heavy
      black lines, the perpendicular lines to be not less  than  one-sixteenth
      of  an  inch  wide.  The  voting  squares and the spaces occupied by the
      emblem shall have a depth and width of five-sixteenths of  an  inch.  No
      voting  squares  shall be provided in front of the blank spaces provided
      for a voter to write in a name.
        7. The space for the title of an office shall be three-eighths  of  an
      inch,  and  the name of a candidate or for writing in a name, one-fourth
      of an inch, in depth. At  the  left  of  the  name  of  each  designated
      candidate shall be an enclosed voting space, three-eighths of an inch in
      width  and  approximately one-fourth of an inch in depth, bounded above,
      below and to the right by black lines, heavier than those which separate
      the spaces containing the names of candidates. To  the  left  of  voting
      spaces  which  do  not  adjoin a vertical line dividing two parts, there
      shall be a heavy black vertical line approximately one-eighth of an inch
      in width. No voting space shall be provided in the space for writing  in
      names.  In such case, the space corresponding to a voting space shall be
      all black.
        8. Below the names of the candidates for each office or position there
      shall  be  printed as many blank spaces, for writing in names of persons
      for whom the voter desires to vote, as there are persons to be nominated
      or elected.
        9. In case the sections shall be so numerous as  to  make  the  ballot
      unwieldy  if  they  are printed in one column, they may be printed in as
      many columns as shall be necessary,  and  in  that  case,  in  order  to
      produce a rectangular ballot, blank sections may be used.
        10. The names of parties or independent bodies which contain more than
      fifteen  letters  may,  whenever  limitations  of  space  so require, be
      printed on the ballot in an abbreviated form. In printing the  names  of
      candidates  whose full names contain more than fifteen letters, only the
      surname must be printed in full.  The officer or board charged with  the
      duty  of  preparing  the  ballots  shall  request each such candidate to
      indicate, in writing, the shortened  form  in  which,  subject  to  this
      restriction,  his  name  shall  be  printed.  If  no  such indication is
      received from such candidate within the time specified in  the  request,
      such  officer or board shall make the necessary determination. No emblem
      shall occupy a space longer in any direction than the voting  square  to
      which it relates.