Section 3-412. Election inspectors and poll clerks; training  

Latest version.
  • 1. Each board
      of elections shall, at least once every year, conduct a mandatory school
      for the instruction of election inspectors,  poll  clerks  and  election
      coordinators.  They  shall  be given written notice stating the time and
      place at which such school or schools shall be held.
        1-a. The state board of elections shall  establish  a  mandatory  core
      curriculum  for  poll worker training which includes the requirements in
      subdivision two of this section, as amended by a chapter of the laws  of
      2005,  and  the rights of voters at the polls and obligation of election
      workers to protect those rights while maintaining the integrity  of  the
      franchise,  including assisting voters with disabilities or with limited
      or no proficiency in the  English  language,  handling,  processing  and
      entitlement  to  ballots,  including  affidavit  and  emergency ballots,
      proper identification  requirements,  procedures  to  be  followed  with
      respect  to  voters whose names are not on the list of registered voters
      or whose identities have not been  verified,  electioneering  and  other
      violations  of  the  elective  franchise  as  defined  in  this chapter,
      solicitation  by  individuals  and  groups  at  the  polling  place  and
      procedures to be followed after the polls close. Each board of elections
      shall augment the core curriculum with local procedures not inconsistent
      with  the  core  curriculum  adopted by the state board of elections and
      which includes procedures relating to proper operation of, and remedying
      problems with, the voting machine or system in use in that jurisdiction.
        2. Election inspectors, poll clerks and election coordinators shall be
      instructed concerning the election law, the taking of registrations, the
      use of  voting  machines,  disability  etiquette  and  their  duties  in
      connection therewith as soon as possible after their designation.
        3.  Election  inspectors,  poll  clerks  and  election coordinators as
      required by this section shall, upon  their  original  designation,  and
      every  year  thereafter,  complete  a course of instruction, and, before
      certification, pass an examination thereon. The state board of elections
      shall supply each board of elections with instructional material  to  be
      used  in  the preparation for such examinations and shall give each such
      board  of  elections  uniform  directions  for  the  conduct   of   such
      examinations,  which, it shall be the duty of the board to follow. Every
      such board may utilize additional materials selected by it in the course
      of instruction. No person taking such examination shall be permitted  to
      know  the  questions  or  answers  in  advance or be given access to the
      answers during the examination. If such inspectors or clerks  pass  such
      examination,  the  board  of  elections  shall  certify  the  designated
      election inspector or poll clerk.
        4. The county board of elections shall within two weeks  notify  those
      who have passed the examination, that they are certified to serve.
        5.  Each  board of elections shall reproduce a booklet of instructions
      for inspectors prepared by the state board of elections. A copy of  such
      booklet  shall  be  given  to  each inspector at the time such inspector
      attends the course of instruction. At least one  copy  of  such  booklet
      shall  be  included with the supplies sent to each election district for
      each election and day of local registration.