Section 6305. Non-resident and out-of-state students  

Latest version.
  • 1.  In addition to
      admitting residents of its own local sponsor or sponsors, each community
      college shall, within the quota and under the conditions  prescribed  by
      the   state   university   trustees,  admit  non-resident  students  and
      out-of-state students.
        2.  Any  community  college  may,  with  the  approval  of  the  state
      university trustees, charge non-resident students sufficient tuition and
      fees  to  cover an allocable portion of the local sponsor's share of the
      operating costs of such community college in addition to regular tuition
      and fees.  Such community college may elect to  charge  to  and  collect
      from  each  county  within  the  state which has issued a certificate or
      certificates of residence pursuant to subdivision three of this  section
      on  the  basis  of  which  such non-resident students are attending such
      community college, an allocable portion of the local sponsor's share  of
      the  operating  costs  of  such  community  college attributable to such
      non-resident students, computed on a per student basis, together with  a
      further  sum  of  not  to  exceed  three hundred dollars each year to be
      determined and approved by the state university trustees for  each  such
      non-resident  student  on  account  of  the local sponsor's share of the
      capital costs incurred to provide facilities in which such  non-resident
      students  can be accommodated; or, where such non-resident students come
      from communities which  have  elected  to  participate  in  and  pay  an
      appropriate  share  of  the  expenses  involved  in  the local sponsor's
      community college program, such allocable portion of operating  expenses
      and such further sum not to exceed three hundred dollars per student for
      capital  costs  on  account  of their residents attending such community
      college shall  be  determined  and  approved  by  the  state  university
      trustees, and be charged to and collected from such communities.
        3. The chief fiscal officer of each county, as defined in section 2.00
      of  the local finance law, shall, upon application and submission to him
      of satisfactory evidence, issue to any person desiring to  enroll  in  a
      community  college as a non-resident student, a certificate of residence
      showing that said person is a resident of  said  county.  If  the  chief
      fiscal  officer  of  a county refuses to issue such a certificate on the
      ground that the person applying therefor  is  not  a  resident  of  such
      county,  the  person  applying may appeal to the chancellor of the state
      university.  The  chancellor  of  the  state  university  shall  make  a
      determination  after  a  hearing,  upon  ten  days' notice to such chief
      fiscal officer of the county, and such determination shall be final  and
      binding on the county. Such person shall, upon his registration for each
      college  year,  file  with  the  college such a certificate of residence
      issued not earlier than two months prior thereto, and  such  certificate
      of  residence  shall  be valid for a period of one year from the date of
        4. If, pursuant to  subdivision  two  of  this  section,  a  community
      college  elects  to  charge  to  and collect an allocable portion of the
      operating costs and a further sum on account of capital  costs  of  such
      college  from each county which has issued a certificate or certificates
      of residence pursuant to subdivision three of this section, on the basis
      of which non-resident students are attending such community college, the
      president of such community college shall, within forty-five days  after
      the  commencement  of  each college term or program, submit to the chief
      fiscal officer of each county a list of non-resident students  attending
      such  college  on  the  basis  of  such  certificates of residence and a
      voucher for the amount payable by each county for these  students.  Such
      list  and  voucher  shall  be  determined  on  the basis of non-resident
      students enrolled in the program as of the end  (or  last  day)  of  the
      third week of the commencement for a program scheduled for one semester,
      the  end  of  the second for a program scheduled for an academic quarter
      and the end of the first week for any program scheduled to be  completed
      in  thirty days or less. The chancellor of the state university, or such
      officers  or  employees thereof as shall be designated by the chancellor
      in the manner authorized by the state university trustees, shall  notify
      the  chief  fiscal  officers  of  each  county  of  the  approved annual
      operating and capital charge-back rate for each community  college.  The
      amount  billed  to  the  chief  fiscal  officer  of  each  county by the
      president of such community  college  as  a  charge  for  the  allocable
      portion  of  the operating costs and a further sum on account of capital
      costs of such college for non-resident students shall  be  paid  to  the
      chief  fiscal officer of such college by the billed county no later than
      sixty days after the county receives said billing.
        5. Amounts payable to such colleges  by  a  county  pursuant  to  this
      section  shall  be a general county charge; provided, however, that with
      respect to the amounts allocable to each community college a county  may
      charge  back such amounts in whole or in part to the cities and towns in
      the county in proportion to the number of students who, on the basis  of
      certificates  of  residence  issued  by such county, were attending each
      such college as non-residents of the local sponsors thereof  during  the
      terms  for  which the county has been charged, and who were residents of
      each such city or town at the beginning of such terms.
        7. In the case of counties comprising the city of New York, references
      in this section to a  county  shall  mean  the  city  of  New  York  and
      references in this section to the chief fiscal officer of a county shall
      mean the comptroller of the city of New York.
        8.  Part-time  and out-of-state students shall be charged such tuition
      and fees as may be  approved  by  the  state  university  trustees.  Any
      student  attending  a community college who is a member or the spouse or
      the dependent of a member of the armed forces of the  United  States  on
      full-time  active  duty  and  stationed  in this state, whether or not a
      resident of this state, shall be charged the tuition rate for  residents
      as approved by the state university trustees.
        9.  A community college may expend moneys collected as capital charges
      received from counties of nonresident students for up  to  one-half  the
      purchase  price  of  equipment.  A  community  college may include up to
      one-half the purchase price of equipment in calculating capital  charges
      collected from counties of nonresident students. Such expenditures shall
      be  made  pursuant to guidelines promulgated in rules and regulations of
      the board of trustees of the state university. In no  event  shall  such
      expenditures qualify for state aid as capital costs.
        10.  On or before March thirty-first, nineteen hundred ninety-five and
      every year thereafter, the state shall reimburse each county  which  has
      issued  a  certificate  of  residence  for  any  non-resident student in
      attendance at the fashion institute of technology  during  the  nineteen
      hundred   ninety-three--ninety-four   academic   year   and  every  year
      thereafter in an amount equal to fifty percent of the actual amount paid
      by such county on behalf of such students and on or before  June  first,
      nineteen  hundred ninety-five and every year thereafter, the state shall
      reimburse each county for the remaining  fifty  percent  of  the  actual
      amount paid by each such county on behalf of such students.